首页 理论教育 附则:关于合同有效期和审批流程的具体规定


时间:2023-05-26 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:Chapter Eight Supplementary Provisions第三十四条本合同有效期限为三年,自本合同根据第三十七条生效之日起计算。Article Thirty Six A new round of negotiations shall be carried out within three months before termination of this Contract.第三十七条本合同必须经职代会通过,并由双方集体协商首席代表签字确认,报劳动保障行政部门审查。


Chapter Eight Supplementary Provisions

第三十四条 本合同有效期限为三年,自本合同根据第三十七条生效之日起计算。若本合同履行过程中遇有问题的,双方应及时沟通。

Article Thirty Four The terms of this Contract shall be valid for three years,from the effective date as per the stipulation in Article 37.In case any problem during the implementation of this Contract,the Parties shall timely communicate.

第三十五条 本合同符合下列条件之一的,可以终止:





Article Thirty Five This Contract can be dissolved under any of the following circumstances:

1.Unanimous Contract is reached by and between the Company and the labor union to dissolve this Contract;

2.this Contract cannot be performed as a result of force majeure;

3.The Company encounters serious difficulties in production and business operation or major changes take place;

4.Other situations stipulated by laws and regulations..

第三十六条 本合同期满前3个月内,应当进行新一轮集体协商。

Article Thirty Six A new round of negotiations shall be carried out within three months before termination of this Contract.(www.xing528.com)

第三十七条 本合同必须经职代会通过,并由双方集体协商首席代表签字确认,报劳动保障行政部门审查。若劳动保障行政部门在十五日内未提出异议的,本合同即行生效。

Article Thirty Seven This Contract shall be adopted by the Employee Representative Congress and signed by chief representative for collective negotiation of both parties for signature and confirmation,and then submitted to the Labor&Social Security Administration Department.This Contract shall go into effect,provided that it is not rejected by the District Labor&Social Security Administration Department within fifteen days of its submission,

第三十八条 本合同未尽事宜,按《中华人民共和国劳动法》以及《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》和本合同的有关规定执行。

Article Thirty Eight Any other matters beyond the scope of this Contract shall be settled in accordance with relevant stipulations of Labor Law of the People's Republic of China,Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China,and this Contract.

第三十九条 本合同一式六份,报送劳动保障行政部门三份,上级工会一份,公司方和工会方各执一份,六份协议具有同等效力。


Article Thirty Nine This Contract shall be executed in six counterparts,the Company,the labor union and the superior labor union shall hold one counterpart each,while the other three counterparts shall be submitted to the Labor&Social Security Administration Department.The six counterparts shall be equally authentic.This Contract is executed in Chinese and English.If there is any discrepancy between those two versions,the Chinese version shall prevail.

公司方(盖章)       工会方(盖章)

Company(Chop)      Labor Union(Chop)

首席代表(签名)      首席代表(签名)

Chief Representative(Signature)    Chief Representative(Signature)

2011年月 日       2011年月 日

Date         Date

