首页 理论教育 初三英语口语复习题:十七


时间:2023-07-18 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:I like our monitor best.She really has a heart of gold.She never refuses to give you a hand when you are in trouble.And she does a lot of voluntary work.We all love her very much.(周伊格)三、Topic compositions1.到2022年你就成年了,你就可以成为奥运会的志愿者了。请你根据自己的特长和特点,谈谈你能为奥运会做点什么。It's the result of practicing hard every day.As for P.E.and music lessons,they're not good.One said I'm a lazy student;the other said I should do better.How discouraging!So I'll exercise more and sing more this vacation.(孙问晗)


一、Read the passage

Hawaii is a wonderful place,but it is too touristy.Mexico is a place where the people are really friendly,but we don't know the language.Niagara Falls is beautiful,but there's not much to do there.San Francisco has everything—beautiful views,friendly people and exciting things to do.

二、Interview questions

1.What are you going to be?

I'm going to be a doctor so that I can try my best to help others.And I like to help people get healthier and happier.I'm sure I'll put my heart and soul into my work.

2.Who do you like most in your class?Why?

I like our monitor best.She really has a heart of gold.She never refuses to give you a hand when you are in trouble.And she does a lot of voluntary work.We all love her very much.(周伊格)

三、Topic compositions


The Winter Olympic Games is drawing near.I'm willing to be a volunteer to do something for the Olympics.

I'd like to be a tour guide for the foreigners.On one hand,I'm a great English learner.It's not difficult for me to communicate with them in English.On the other hand,I'm outgoing and love to talk with others.So being a volunteer is a good chance for me to put this love to good use.If I become a tour guide,I can not only help the visitors but also practice my spoken English and improve my speaking skills.

Cleaning is also a good choice for me.I have enough patience for the job,and I'm kind of warm-hearted.I'm sure the job will suit me fine.

As we put it,“He is truly happy who makes others happy.”Volunteering is both meaningful and interesting.Now,I'm anxiously looking forward to be a volunteer.(陈思睿)


After having a colorful and meaningful term,we will welcome a vacation.However,an important thing would be received before that—the report card.So now I'd like to talk about my report card.

My Chinese teacher said I can do better.Maybe I will read more books to improve that.And my math teacher is satisfied with me.He thought I'm hard working and I need to keep it up.As for my English learning,I can't help smiling.My teacher said I'm good at listening!It's the result of practicing hard every day.As for P.E.and music lessons,they're not good.One said I'm a lazy student;the other said I should do better.How discouraging!

So I'll exercise more and sing more this vacation.(孙问晗)

