首页 理论教育 财务(收银)部日常用语,提高旅游服务礼仪


时间:2023-11-16 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:您好,前台收银,请问有什么可以帮到您的?这是您的发票,请收好。能为您服务,我感到非常荣幸。Sorry,the Calling is busy now,please try again later.我马上通知服务员,您请稍等。I am asking the attendant for you,just a moment,please.服务员正在检查房间,您请稍等。非常感谢您提出的宝贵意见。How do you do,our breakfast time is from 6:00 to 8:30.您好,我们的早餐时间是7:00至9:00。Sir/Madam,please sign here.我立即叫服务员过来,请稍等。I'll send a room attendant right away,just a moment please.


您好,前台收银,请问有什么可以帮到您的?Good morning,front desk cashier,may I help you?

早上好,麻烦将您的早餐券给我,好吗?Good morning,May I get your vouches,please?

这是您的发票,请收好。Here is your receipt,keep it please.

请问您的房间号码是多少?What's your room number,please?/May I have your room number?

能为您服务,我感到非常荣幸。I am pleasure to service for you!

对不起,您拨的电话正忙,请您稍后再拨好吗?Sorry,the Calling is busy now,please try again later.

我马上通知服务员,您请稍等。I am asking the attendant for you,just a moment,please.

服务员正在检查房间,您请稍等。The attendant is checking room,just a moment,please.

请问对我们的服务有什么建议吗?What do you suggest to our services?(www.xing528.com)

非常感谢您提出的宝贵意见。Thank you very much for your advises.

这是您的费用清单,请您核对一下。Here is your bill,please check it.

您好,我们的早餐时间是6:00至8:30。How do you do,our breakfast time is from 6:00 to 8:30(six o'clock to half past eight).

您好,我们的早餐时间是7:00至9:00。How do you do,our breakfast time is from seven o'clock to nine o'clock.

您好,请问您给我的这张房卡是退房的还是寄存的?Excuse me,does this room key check out or be kept?

您好,这是您需要寄存的物品吗?麻烦您填一张寄存牌,谢谢。How do you do,is this all you want to keep?Please fill this luggage tag,thank you.

先生/女士,麻烦您在这儿签个字。Sir/Madam,please sign here.

我立即叫服务员过来,请稍等。I'll send a room attendant right away,just a moment please.

