首页 理论教育 戴菊Regulusregulus,探索奇妙的鸟类


时间:2023-11-20 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:在兴奋或紧张时,戴菊会张开额头的菊黄色羽冠,那是它们最漂亮的时候。Small but lively,Regulus regulus tends to live in groups in montane forests at an altitude of 1.5 to 2.5 kilometers.Coniferous trees are its favorite habitats.Regulus regulus is characterized by its chrysanthemum yellow crest,which spreads when it feels excited and nervous.知识链接长尾山雀科Aegithalidae本科鸟类体型非常小,翅短而圆,尾巴相对较长,羽毛多呈单一的灰色或棕色,但体羽丰满而蓬松,是憨态可掬的“萌球球”。Aegithalidae,is a family of small-sized birds with moderately long tail and short,round wings.Their plumage is typically dull grey or brown,but so thick and fluffy that they look like a small cute birdball.They flock in small group when reproducing season finishes,primarily eating insects and other invertebrates.




戴菊喜欢在海拔1 500~2 500米的山地森林中生活,常集成小群在针叶树上活动,为树木清除各种寄生虫。它们个头小,又喜欢在树丛中不断飞跃穿插,想要观赏、拍摄它们十分不易。在兴奋或紧张时,戴菊会张开额头的菊黄色羽冠,那是它们最漂亮的时候。

Small but lively,Regulus regulus tends to live in groups in montane forests at an altitude of 1.5 to 2.5 kilometers.Coniferous trees are its favorite habitats.Regulus regulus is characterized by its chrysanthemum yellow crest,which spreads when it feels excited and nervous.




Aegithalidae,is a family of small-sized birds with moderately long tail and short,round wings.Their plumage is typically dull grey or brown,but so thick and fluffy that they look like a small cute birdball.They flock in small group when reproducing season finishes,primarily eating insects and other invertebrates.

