首页 理论教育 会议记录:董事会讨论先前决议和计划


时间:2023-05-19 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:Sample 1下面这则记录是一份董事会研究会议的摘要记录。会议内容为对先前决议和将来计划的讨论。会议的时间、地点、参加者和内容都详细记录在案。由于内容较多,记录中还加了次标题,条理清晰,层次分明。


Sample 1

下面这则记录是一份董事会研究会议的摘要记录(Minutes of Board Meeting)。会议内容为对先前决议和将来计划的讨论。会议的时间、地点、参加者和内容都详细记录在案。由于内容较多,记录中还加了次标题,条理清晰,层次分明。


Board Chair Rutledge convened the Board of Regents meeting at 12:05 p.m., January 19, 2018, at Nighthorse Campbell Native Health Building, Shore Family Forum for the strategic planning and athletics study sessions.

Attending: President Hoffman; Vice President Sweet; Vice President Burns; Vice President and Interim Treasurer Golding; Chief of Staff Lucero; Faculty Council Chair Muth; Secretary Cortez; other campus personnel.

Strategic Planning Study Session

Regent Hayes presided at this study session which began at 12:05 p.m., and concluded at 4:07 p.m.All the regents attended for the duration of the study session.

For Information

Report on CCHE Performance Contract Negotiations.Vice President Sweet began the discussion by outlining the status to date of the negotiations.Based upon a question by Regent Lucero, Vice President Sweet did not commit to a date or time to finalize the contract.

Vice President Burns discussed an Addendum as to the contract, specifically the changes related to student access.President Hoffman described the general education discussion as the most contentious element of the addendum.

Regent Schauer thanked the administration for the “great effort” to protect the Laws of the Regents and the board’s responsibilities.

Associate Vice President Dahlin described the annual report as a CCHE requirement.The report included a summary of the integrated board processes through the meetings and study sessions.

Discussion Items for Consideration

FY 2019 Budget Request.Vice President Golding laid the framework for the FY 2019 budget including the budget constraints and the anticipated resource gap.Achieving base adequacy would be met once each campus generates additional revenues to fill the gap between their current funding levels and their peer averages.

The campuses also presented on their budget challenges.

Senior Vice Chancellor Porreca outlined the Boulder campus shortfalls.

Request to Establish Helen Geneva Smith Scholarship Fund, a Quasi Endowment in University Endowment of University of Colorado.

Regent Schwartz asked to discuss the possibility to coordinate online & offline courses between campuses.

Previously Discussed Items for Action at the January 20, 2018 Meeting

The strategic planning study session agenda listed action items for the January 20,2018 business meeting that were discussed at previous study sessions.There were no further comments or questions on them at this time.

Regent Steinhauer concluded the meeting by announcing the February 26, 2018,50th year reunion of the only Colorado basketball team to have played in the NCAA final four.

The next strategic planning and intercollegiate athletics study sessions are scheduled for Wednesday, April 27-28, 2018, at University of Colorado at Boulder, Coors Event Center, Room 3.

Milagros Cortez



① regent董事    ② preside主持   ③ finalize排定   ④ addendum附录

⑤ contentious有异议的 ⑥ shortfall不足 ⑦ endowment捐赠

Sample 2

下面这则记录是一份法案委员会的会议摘要记录(Minutes of Sentencing Commission Business Meeting)。会议参加者有主持人威廉先生和其他委员。会议内容为对法案及对其修订的讨论。

Minutes of Sentencing Commission Business Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 9:36 a.m.December 12, 2020, by William W.Wilkins, Jr., in the conference room of the Sentencing Commission.

The following Commissioners and staff participated:

William W.Wilkins, Jr., Chairman

Michael S.Gelak, Commissioner

A.David Mazz, Commissioner

Ilene H.Nagel, Commissioner

Gary Katzman, Ex Officio Commissioner

Edward F.Reilly, Jr., Ex Officio Commissioner

Phyllis J.Newton, Staff Director

Paul K.Martin, Deputy Staff Director

John R.Steer, General Counsel

Commissioner Julie E.Carnes

Andy Purdy, Secretary

Chairman Wilkins introduced Jonathan Wroblewski, who recently joined the Office of General Counsel as a senior attorney, and Lou Reedt, who recently joined the Office of Policy Analysis as a senior researcher.


Specialized language will be drafted and circulated.


General Counsel Steer stated that the House of Representatives already has named conferees for the conference on the crime bill, while the Senate has not.A conference is expected shortly.He stated that the “safety valve” provision, if adopted, has a ten-day implementation date.Commissioner Nagel requested a copy of the House and Senate versions of the “safety valve” provision with a short description of each.

Deputy Staff Director Martin stated that the current draft of the crack report would be circulated shortly.In response to Commissioner Gelak’s question regarding whether the Department of Justice was considering establishing a new committee, Commissioner Katzman stated that nothing has been proposed formally, although there have been some discussions.General Counsel Steer briefly discussed the crack directive as passed in the House crime bill.

Commissioner Nagel stated that the plea bargaining study was finished and that the Commission might want to consider a follow-up study because of the change in the Department of Justice’s charging policy that allows for increased flexibility.She also stated that the study should be completed by mid-summer.Staff Director Newton stated that the substantial assistance study would be completed by the end of the year.Commissioner Katzman stated that he would reiterate to the Department the Commission’s view that the Department would benefit by providing access to their prosecutors.

Commissioner Gelak stated that, other than implementing the crime bill, his only priority is to continue the examination of alternatives to quantity-based drug guidelines.

Commissioner Mazz briefed the Commission on the idea of convening a symposiumin 2015 to discuss organizational sentencing issues.Commissioners Gelak and Nagel stated that it was a good idea, although Commissioner Gelak stated that it would be premature if we wanted to make statements about how the guidelines are operating because of the sparse numbers of cases.

Consensus was given for Staff Director Newton and Deputy Staff Director Martin to develop an outline and timeframe for the priority suggestions for consideration at the June Commission meeting.

Chairman Wilkins told Commissioners to anticipate a conference call, possibly on June 6, to discuss implementation of the “safety-valve” provision, if passed by Congress.

Staff Director Newton reminded Commissioners of the Employee Recognition Day following the Commission meeting.

Chairman Wilkins adjourned the meeting at 10:56 a.m.

Andy Purdy



① conferee参加会议者   ② circulate运行   ③ plea恳求

④ prosecutor检举人   ⑤ symposium讨论会  ⑥ adjourn中止

Sample 3

下面这则是大气研究会议的会议记录(Minutes of Atmospheric Deposition Program Meeting)。会议讨论了不同的方案,并选出了新任秘书

Minutes of Atmospheric Deposition Program Meeting

The meeting was held on Sept.21, 2020 at 2:00 p.m.at the Conference Hall,Environment & Health Center.

Attendees: Bob Larson    Chris Rodgers

Bob Brunette   Gerard Van der Jagt

Eric Prestbo    Chul-Un Ro

Julie Narayan   Markus Stewart

Source Influenced Sites(www.xing528.com)

Bob Larson presented a method of displaying isopleth maps that differentiatesource-influenced sites.The source-influenced sites in this example were the sites with an Urban site classification.Each color-coded-site dot was surrounded by a white border to differentiate it from the isopleth classes.

Motion by Gary Lear

Site Classification data is made available on the NADP web sites by the Spring 2021 NADP meeting.

The motion was carried.

Motion by Gary Lear

Starting with the 2020 isopleth map series, urban sites should be excluded from the interpolation process, but shown on the map.

The motion was carried.

Gary also suggested that coastal sites be handled similarly.He suggested a criterion of all sites within 10 km of the coast.Bob Larson suggested that the program office should prepare some prototype maps to see what the effect would be.Bob will present these at the spring 2021 meeting.

Ro explained how the NATC handles source-influenced sites.Their sitting criterion stipulates where sites are located.

Bob Larson explained a change that the program office made to the isopleth intervals for the ammonium concentration maps.The increase in ammonium over the northern great plains had exceeded the capacity of the currently-used isopleth classes, resulting in a large area that was in the highest isopleth class.To make the maps comparable from year to year,the program office will be revising the ammonium maps from previous years.However, the maps contained in the annual data summary publications will not be updated.

MDN Mapping

Bob Larson explained the procedure developed to create the MDN isopleth maps, and showed the results (Attachment 1).

MDN Annual Summaries

Bob asked for ideas for data products that could be used in an MDN Annual Data Summary report similar to the reports used for the NTN.These reports provide a concise summary of data completion and basic statistics for a given site.NTN also uses a third page that summarizes the number of invalid samples for a site, as well as the reasons why samples were invalidated.This third page is used internally, and is not available to the public.Gary questioned the need for such a report, and Bob explained that while external use was limited,they have proved to be a good vehicle for providing feedback to site operators and supervisors.

MDN Data Management

Bob Brunette gave a progress report on how the HAL is addressing issues from the HAL Audit.Bob Larson gave a progress report on the MDN database integration and proposed a standard method for handling low-volume samples, which have been handled inconsistently in the past.


The Program Office should post the integrated MDN data to the web ASAP, and report on progress at the Spring meeting.

The motion was passed.

He also reported on his effort to fix the problem with the bottle caps changes.He found that the date on which caps were changed was unknown for 62 bottles.This resulted in 74 low-volume (<50 ml)samples being invalidated.David Gay reported that a new median funnel size was determined by measuring 100 funnels.Larson will use this diameter to recompute the sample volumes for all samples that lack rain gage data.


The new funnel diameter should be accepted and used for all MDN samples.

The motion was passed.

Chris Rogers was nominated and elected the DMAS secretary.

Jannet Jingle


Attachment 1…


① isopleth map等直线图  ② differentiate区分  ③ interpolation窜改

④ prototype原型   ⑤ ammonium铵  ⑥ diameter直径

Sample 4

下面这则是董事会会议记录(Minutes of Board Meeting)。

Board Meeting Minutes

T& D Joint Venture

April 5, 2018

Jenest Hotel, New York

Present: Bhata Bhatacharia, Jon White Bear, Douglas Carver, Elizabeth Drucker, Pat Kyumoto, Jack Porter, Mary Rifkin and Leslie Zevon

Absent: Melissa Johnson

Others Present:

Exec.Director: Sheila Swanson

Susan Johns, Consulting Accountant


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.by Chair, Elizabeth Drucker.

Last month’s meeting minutes were amended and approved.

Chief Executive’s Report:

If we were not able to find a new facility of the end of this month, the organization should stay in the current location over the winter.After a brief discussion, the Board agreed.

Staff members, Jackson Browne, and Swanson attended the National Practitioner’s Network meeting in Atlanta last month and gave a brief extemporaneous presentation.Both are invited back next year to give a longer presentation about our organization.After a brief discussion, the Board congratulated Swanson and asked her to pass on their congratulations to Browne as well.

Drucker asserts that the organization should generate revenues where possible from the materials.

Swanson mentioned that a staff member, Sheila Anderson’s husband is ill and in the hospital.MOTION to send a gift to Anderson’s husband, expressing the organization’s sympathy and support; seconded and passed.

Finance Committee Report provided by Chair, Elizabeth Drucker:

Drucker explained that the consultant, Susan Johns, reviewed the organization’s bookkeeping procedures and found them to be satisfactory, in preparation for the upcoming yearly financial audit.Funds recommend that our company ensure the auditor provides a management letter along with the audit financial report.

Drucker reviewed the highlights, trends and issues from the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement.Issues include that high accounts receivables require Finance Committee attention to policies and procedures to ensure our organization receives more payments on time.After a brief discussion of the issues and suggestions about how to ensure receiving payments on time, MOTION to accept financial statements; seconded and passed.

Board Development Committee’s Report provided by Chair, Douglas Carver:

Carver reminded the Board of the scheduled retreat coming up in three months, and provided a drafted retreat schedule for board review.MOTION to accept the retreat agenda;seconded and passed.

Carver presented members with a draft of the reworded By-laws paragraph that would allow members to conduct actions over electronic mail.Carver suggested review and a resolution to change the By-laws accordingly.Kyumoto suggested that Swanson first seek legal counsel to verify if the proposed change is consistent with state statute.Swanson agreed to accept this action and notify members of the outcome in the next Board meeting.

Other business:

Porter noted that he was working with the staff member, Jacob Smith, to help develop an information management systems plan, and that two weeks ago he (Porter)had mailed members three resumés from consultants to help with the plan.In the mailing, Porter asked members for their opinions to help select a consultant.Porter asked members for their opinions.(NOTE: Zevon noted that she was also a computer consultant and was concerned about conflict of interest in her Board role regarding this selection, and asked to be ABSTAINED from this selection.Members agreed.)The majority of members agreed on Lease-or-Buy Consultants.MOTION to use Lease-or-Buy Consultants; seconded and passed.

Swanson announced that she had recently hired a new secretary, Karla Writewell.

Assessment of the Meeting:

Kyumoto noted that the past three meetings have run over the intended two-hour time slot by half an hour.He asked members to be more mindful and focused during discussions,and suggested that the Board Development Chair take an action to identify solutions to this issue.Chair, Carver, agreed.

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

The minutes were submitted by Secretary, Bhata Bhatacharia.


① amend修正 ② extemporaneous即席的 ③ revenue收入


(1) 写会议记录时务必将会议主题和开会时间表述清楚。注意主题要简洁。如例1中的“Minutes of Board Meeting Study Sessions”就是对会议主题的清楚表述。会议时间要具体,如例3中的“Sept.21, 2020 at 2:00 p.m.”。

(2) 会议记录一般比较正式,它不同于便条,必须注明出席人,而且必要时出席人的姓名须留全名。如例4中的“Present: Bhata Bhatacharia, Jon White Bear, Douglas Carver,Elizabeth Drucker…”。

(3) 会议定下的章程或有关决议的资料也可附于会议记录后随记录一同保存。

