首页 理论教育 李文信:平凡日常中的魅力


时间:2023-05-30 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:Li Wenxin, a painter who captured the charm in sim ple things1927年,李文信出生在四川双流。从1953年开始,李文信一直在四川美术学院执教。1960年,李文信受邀为人民大会堂四川厅作画,他以长征为主题创作了一幅同名大型画作。二十世纪六七十年代,李文信在人物画上取得了突出的成就。李文信的山水画与他的人物画一脉相承,充满了生活气息。


Li Wenxin, a painter who captured the charm in sim ple things




李文信国画 《长征》
Long March ,the painting by Li Wenxin(www.xing528.com)


Li W enx in w as bo rn in Shuang liu, Sichuan in 1927. Upon com p letion of basic schooling, he enrolled in the Southwest Academ y of Fine Arts and Zhengze Art School, and w as then adm itted to Hangzhou Art School. Li taught at Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in the early 1950s. In 1960, he was invited to create a painting for the Sichuan Room at the Great Hall of the People(GHP). The resu lting large-sized pain ting titled Long M arch was included in the perm anent collection of the GHP. Li Wenxin excelled in figure painting in the first half of his life. In his 50s, Li turned to landscape painting, shaping his own style. Like his figure paintings, Li’s landscape paintings are filled w ith the breath of life. He enjoyed painting hedges, mountain m ists, hills, brooks, forests, bamboos, deadwood, and rural cottages hidden in g reen shades. H is paintings exude a strong touch of peace and tranquility and the distinct f lavor of local life.

Newborn Bamboo ,the painting by Li Wenxin

