首页 理论教育 如何准备面试,重要的是口语、阅读和写作能力


时间:2023-07-03 理论教育 版权反馈







其次,面试时要自然,让面试官觉得你的陈述很真诚。最好能把面试看作是在和老师聊天,这样就不会觉得紧张。提问及回答问题时都要看着面试官,说话带点幽默的学生是很讨喜欢的。切记千万不要抢话、插话。如果面试官没有问你有什么问题,而你很想问问题时,要礼貌地说:“Can Iask you a question?”得到允许后才问。还要记得,所有陈述、回答及提问,不要涉及政治宗教、种族等敏感议题。如被问到了,也不要妄加评议。


第四,我建议面试前要针对每个要申请的学校做一个笔记。把这个学校的办学宗旨、特色、著名的校友等等排列出来,并准备好回答:“Why do you like to come to our school?What do you think our school can help you to reach your goal?”这几个问题。面试官常会用不同的方式来考察你对学校的了解程度,也看你是否是学校想要的学生。学生自己也要把想问面试官的问题事先列好,做好笔记。写过一遍的事情,容易储存在记忆里,面试时也就比较自如。


1.What do you like about XXXX school?

2.How would you describe your family?

3.What aspects of school are most important to you?

4.What are your goals for the next few years?

5.What are your strengths and what do you perceive as your weakness?

6.What class/subject you enjoy the most?

7.What do you do in your free time?

8.How would your favorite teacher/friend describe you?

9.What/Why are you interested in XXXXX school?

10.What experience has made an impact on you?

11.Are you in or have been in any leadership roles?(www.xing528.com)

12.What current issues concern you or please you?

13.What do you typically do during your summers?

14.Do you happen to know what field you are interested in?

15.What activities do you find most satisfying,sports,music,arts,reading,etc.?

16.Why are you interested in coming to boarding school?

17.Who is your favorite author and why?

18.Tell me something that I must know about you.

19.Are you and your parents in agreement about your interest in boarding school?

20.Who has influenced you the most in your life?

一个曾在Phillips Exeter Academy就读的学生回答的面试范本

What do you like about XXXX school?(Based on Phillips Exeter Academy)

I think Phillips Exeter is the right choice for me because it is an environment that emphasizes collaboration and the exploration of multiple perspectives.I appreciate that as a student,and I’ll get the chance to hear different perspectives of a single issue.What’s really important to me is that I am hearing those perspectives from my own peers and not just being lectured about what history has considered to be right from an older educator.I think it will really help me to develop my own views and teach me to consider all sides of an issue before making any decisions.

Do you happen to know what field you are interested in?

Right now,I think I’m most interested in psychology.When I was younger,I wanted to be a doctor.But we discovered pretty quickly that I cannot stand the sight of blood.Ican’t really pinpoint when Istarted being interested in psychology but I remember wanting to be a psychologist because I wanted to help people whose disabilities were more invisible to the world than those with physical disabilities.As I’ve grown older,I’ve grown to love psychology because of the way it encompasses other fields of knowledge and allows me to learn about other subjects in completely different ways.

Why are you interested in coming to boarding school?

I’m particularly interested in boarding school because I think it offers me a type of education that I can’t get at a day school.I am living with my peers 24/7,without my parents there to help me solve problem.It teaches me a type of independence that I can’t get while living at home,while also giving mea nurturing and caring academic environment.

What do you do in your free time?

I really like to make sure that I’m separating my free time from the time I spend doing my extracurricular activities.What makes it different for me is that while I am doing things that Ienjoy outside of school in both of those times,my free time is really for me to relax and practice self-care.I like to do casual reading,as well as spending time connecting with my friends.

