首页 理论教育 出版产业转型研究成果


时间:2023-07-26 理论教育 版权反馈







This paper describedthe relevant research review,the structure and the theoretical support,innovation and the difficulties.It analysed property rights system theory and property rights system form,property rights sysytem reform and construction of publishing enterprises,condition of corporate governance of publishing enterprises,and also investigated the current publishing enterprises’ situation and policies in our country and made a detailed analysis of the development path of our country’s publishing enterprises.This paper hold the ideas that the main problems of the publishing enterprises in China are:lacking of property rights sysytem reform,irrational corporate governance structure,poor policy support,and inadequate legal system.Therefore,in order to achieve rapid development of publishing enterprises,this paper proposed the following development countermeasures:change the property rights system form of publishing enterprises,make a clear function of the property rights sysytem reform of publishing companies,determine the development path of property rights sysytem reform of publishing companies.

The basic idea of this paper is:f irst,it concluded and aggregated the basic contents of property rights system,property rights system theory,property rights system form in the background of economic globalization; and then studied the history and reality of property rights sysytem reform of publishing enterprises,which laid the foundation for the further study of property rights sysytem reform of Chinese publishing enterprises.On this basis,it further analyzed the modern enterprise system and corporate governance of Chinese publishing enterprises,and put forward corresponding measures for the internal governance of publishers.At last,linking theory with practice,it proposed the general conception for the property rights sysytem reform and corporate governance to develop our country’s publishing enterprises.The structure of this papers is divided into six chapters.That is:the background and framework of the research,the property rights system theory and the options of property rights system form for publishing enterprises,the construction of publishing enterprises reform in the new stage,the modern enterprise system and corporate governance of publishing companies,the property rights system reform of publishing enterprises and development path of corporate governance in our country.The f irst chapter is the research background,literature review and theoretical support of this paper.The second chapter describes the concept of property rights system,basic theory of property rights system and the form of property rights system,and proposed the viewpoint that joint-stock system is the best organization form for modern publishing enterprises.The third chapter mainly researchs the construction of property rights system reform of publishing enterprises,the functional characteristics property rights system reform,the way of property rights system reform and its central link,and highlights the primary task of property rights sysytem reform.The fourth chapter analyzes the connotation of modern enterprise system and corporate governance to give some advisory opinions for the construction of modern enterprise system and internal governance of publishing enterprises,and makes a effectively comparative analysis between the corporate governance of publishing enterprises in China and in major Western countries.The f ifth chapter focuses on the property rights sysytem reform of Chinese publishing enterprises and development path of corporate governance,and reveals the problems of publishing enterprises,it also reveals the challenges and opportunities that the development faces in the context of economic globalization.The last chapter made a conclusion of my research product.

Key words:Publishing enterprise; Property rights sysytem reform; Corporate governance; Development path


第一章 绪论..............................................................................................006

1.1 研究背景及意义.....................................................................................................006

1.2 相关研究综述..........................................................................................................009

1.3 理论支撑...............................................................................................................011

第二章 产权理论与出版企业的产权形式选择..................................................013

2.1 产权概念及其内容................................................................................................013

2.2 产权的基本理论.....................................................................................................014(www.xing528.com)

2.3 产权的形式...............................................................................................................015

2.4 股份制是现代出版企业最佳的产权组织形式.........................................016

第三章 新阶段出版企业的产权改革建构........................................................018

3.1 出版产权改革的三大功能剖析.......................................................................018

3.2 出版企业产权改革存在不同程度的问题...................................................019

3.3 出版企业产权改革建构......................................................................................022

3.4 我国出版企业产权改革面临的挑战.............................................................023

第四章 出版企业公司治理与产权改革的发展路径...........................................025

4.1 出版企业公司治理结构的内涵.......................................................................025

4.2 现代出版企业治理结构存在的问题.............................................................026

4.3 国外出版集团公司治理模式分析..................................................................027

4.4 出版企业产权改革的主要途径是调整产权组合....................................029

4.5 破解出版企业公司治理难题的对策.............................................................031

第五章 结语..............................................................................................033


