首页 理论教育 就业情况-这就是中国:中国日常文化


时间:2023-10-10 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:China has a very large population, and the workforce accounts for a significant proportion of the population as a whole. According to statistics for 2018, the workforce accounted for 71.2% of the total population, and the number was about 990 million. As a result, employment is a very important issue in Chinese society.2018年底,全国城镇和农村就业人数达到77,586万人,其中城镇就业人数43,419万人。“加班”要另外支付工资报酬,而且不能低于正常工作时间工资的150%。At the beginning of the 20th century, Chinese workers in factories and mines worked 12-14 hours a day, and some even 16 hours a day. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the eight-hour-shift system was established. The Labor Law enacted in 1994 states that, “The State shall practice a working hour system under which laborers shall work for no more than eight hours



China has a very large population, and the workforce (people aged between 15 and 64) accounts for a significant proportion of the population as a whole. According to statistics for 2018, the workforce accounted for 71.2% of the total population, and the number was about 990 million. As a result, employment is a very important issue in Chinese society.



(计算结果四舍五入小数点后一位 The calculation result is rounded to one decimal place)

At the end of 2018, the number of urban and rural employment in the country reached 775.86 million, of which 434.19 million were employed in urban areas.

In terms of employment sectors, the development trend in recent years is that the proportion of workers employed in the primary industry has gradually declined,the proportion of those working in the secondary industry has been basically stable,while the proportion of those employed in the tertiary industry has gradually increased. The table above shows the proportion of workers employed in the three major industries in 1990, 2002 and 2018.


At the end of 2018, there were 9.74 million urban registered unemployed people in China, and the urban registered unemployment rate was 3.8%. After the 1990s, it gradually increased, from 2.3% in 1992 to 4.3% in 2003. Since then, it has remained between 4% and 4.3%. This makes unemployment one of the problems that draw lots of attention. The table above shows the unemployment rate in the past twenty years.



At the beginning of the 20th century, Chinese workers in factories and mines worked 12-14 hours a day, and some even 16 hours a day. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the eight-hour-shift system was established. The Labor Law enacted in 1994 states that, “The State shall practice a working hour system under which laborers shall work for no more than eight hours a day and no more than 44 hours a week on average.” It also states that, “The employing unit shall guarantee that its staff and workers have at least one day off in a week.” In fact, the majority of the employers in China practice a five-day working week, i.e. there are two days off and the working time is 40 hours in a week.

If the working time is over eight hours a day, it is called jiaban (to work overtime). In general, overtime should only be around an hour, or at most three hours in one day. Any work done in overtime should be paid at an overtime rate of no less than 150% of the normal rate.


According to China's regulations, New Year's Day, the Spring Festival, the Tomb Sweeping Day, the International Labor Day (May Day), the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Day are statutory holidays for anyone in employment.


The Labor Law states that, “Employees who have been working for one year or more,shall be entitled to annual vacation with pay.” The Regulations of Paid Annual Leave of Employees, promulgated by the State Council, states that, “Where an employee has been in employment for one full year but less than 10 years accumulatively, he/she is entitled to five days of annual leave. If he/she has been in employment for 10 full years but less than 20 years, then the annual leave will be a duration of 10 days. If he/she has been in employment for 20 full years, then the annual leave duration will be extended to 15 days. The statutory holidays and rest days of China may not be included in the annual leave.”


The current rules governing retirement ages in China were set in law in 1978. The retirement age for men is 60, while for women it is 50 for manual workers and 55 for officials. Recently, some deputies of the National People's Congress proposed that the mandatory retirement age be raised. However, no changes have been made to current regulations as yet.


An iron rice bowl refers to a secure job. Before China's policy of reform and opening-up was adopted, no matter how well they did their job,employees in state-owned or collectively-owned enterprises were paid a fixed salary and they were at no risk of being dismissed from employment.


Migrant workers refer to the farmers who leave the countryside and work in urban areas. According to statistics, in 2017 the number of migrant workers was 286.52 million across the whole country. Most of them do manual labor in the construction industry and so on. Their working conditions are often unsatisfactory: long working hours, high labor intensity and poor sanitation.However, they have played a vital role in urban development.

农民工 Migrant Workers



National Bureau of Statistics of China, China Statistical Abstract 2019, China Statistics Press, 2019, p.19.


National Bureau of Statistics of China, China Statistical Abstract 2019, China Statistics Press, 2019, p.36.


National Bureau of Statistics of China, China Statistical Abstract 2019, China Statistics Press, 2019, p.36.


National Bureau of Statistics of China, China Statistical Abstract 2019, China Statistics Press, 2019, p.37.


National Bureau of Statistics of China, Statistical Communique of the People's Republic of China on the 2017 National Economic and Social Development, (2018-02-28) [2018-03-20], http://www. stats.gov.cn/tjsj/zxfb/201802/t20180228_1585631.html.

