首页 理论教育 商务合同中常用的情态动词及其使用方法


时间:2023-05-24 理论教育 版权反馈



E.g. If any change is required regarding the terms and conditions of this agreement, then both parties shall negotiate in order to find a suitable solution, provided, however, that any change of this agreement shall be subject to the approval by the government of both parties.


E.g. The Buyers may, within 15 days after arrival of the goods at the destination, lodge a claim against the sellers for short weight being supported by Inspection Certificate issued by a reputable public surveyor.


E.g. 在约定解决争议的途径时,可以说:

The parties hereto shall, first of all, settle any dispute arising from or in connection with the contract by friendly negotiations. Should such negotiations fail, such dispute may be referred to the People's Court having jurisdiction on such dispute for settlement in the absence of any arbitration clause in the disputed contract or in default of agreement reached after such dispute occurs.


分析:本句中的shall 和may表达准确。出现争议后应当先行协商,所以采用了义务性“约定”,如果协商解决不了,作为当事人的权利,用选择性约定may也很妥当。如果may和shall 调换位置会怎么样?前半句的shall换用may后,意思变成了当事人可以通过协商解决,意思上说得过去,但后半句的may换用shall 后,变成了应当诉讼解决,好像一出事,就要先诉诸法律,就显得有些不友好了。

