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单向汇兑服务 | 兑换钱币的限制和兑率查询

时间:2023-05-28 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:We only offer one-way exchange.7.由于银行营业时间的关系,从晚上6点半到第二天早晨8点半,我们定有300美元的汇兑限制。打 扰一下,您能帮我将这张支票兑换成人民币吗?你要换哪种货币?您想兑换多少钱?B:I’d like to change 300 pounds,please.我要兑换300英镑。我来查一查美元与人民币之间的兑换率。现在是1英镑兑换10港元。No,sir.It’s the same as the bank.不用,先生,这个兑换率跟银行一样。

单向汇兑服务 | 兑换钱币的限制和兑率查询



Excuse me,but can you change this check into RMB for me?


How much would you like to change?


May I have your name,room number and passport as well,madam?


What denominations would you like,sir?


I’ll fnd out the exchange rate between US dollars and RMB.


We only offer one-way exchange.


We have a change limit of 300 US dollars from 6:30 p.m.to 8:30 a.m.due to the bank business hours.


Mrs.Sheridan,would you please put your signature at the right hand corner of the check?


A:Excuse me,but can you change this check into RMB for me?打 扰一下,您能帮我将这张支票兑换成人民币吗?

B:Of course,madam.Is your check in British pounds or in US dollars?当然可以,女士。您的支票是英镑还是美元?

延伸 Which kind of currency1 do you want to change?你要换哪种货币

It’s in English pounds.英镑。

I see.我知道了。


A:How much would you like to change?您想兑换多少钱?

B:I’d like to change 300 pounds,please.我要兑换300英镑。

延伸 No problem,sir.How much would you like to change?没问题,先生。您要兑换多少呢?

Let me think it over.I’ll need 500 US dollars.让我想想看。我需要换500美元。


A:May I have your name,room number and passport2 as well,madam?女士,请问您尊姓大名,住几号房间,还有护照?

B:Here is my passport.I’m Ruth Sheridan in Room 2318.这是我的护照。我叫露丝·谢立丹,住2318号房间。

延伸 May I have your name,room number and passport number,sir?先生,请告诉我您的名字、房间号码和护照号码。

John Smith,Room 3321 and here’s my passport.约翰·史密斯,房间号是3321,这是我的护照。


A:Thank you,sir.What denominations would you like,sir?谢谢您,先生,您想要什么面值的呢?


1 currency 货币 2 passport 护照

B:I want some hundred dollar notes.我想要一些百元纸币

延伸 What denominations1 would you like?你要什么面值的钱?


A:Would you please tell me the current rate for RMB?请告诉我人民币的现价,好吗?

B:Please wait a minute.I’ll find out the exchange rate2 between U.S.dollars and RMB.请等一下。我来查一查美元与人民币之间的兑换率。

延伸 Certainly,sir.Let me check the exchange rate for you.It is twelve Hong Kong dollars for one pound.当然可以,先生,让我替您查一下兑换率。现在是1英镑兑换10港元。

Are there any handling charges3?你们收取手续费吗?

No,sir.It’s the same as the bank.不用,先生,这个兑换率跟银行一样。


A:(The guest signs the receipt.)OK.By the way,can you change ten pounds to US dollars for me?(客人签上名字。)好的。另外,你可以换10英镑的美金给我吗?

B:I’m sorry,sir.We only offer one-way exchange4.I’m afraid you have to go to the bank.对不起,先生,我们只能办理单方面兑换。恐怕您要往银行走一趟了。

延伸 Can I change 500 pounds into Japanese Yen because the next stop of my tour is Tokyo?因为我旅游的下一站是东京,我能将500英镑兑换成日元吗?

I’m sorry,Mrs.Sheridan.We only offer one-way exchange.We’re not licensed for a full exchange.But if you go to the Bank of China nearby,they will do it for you.很抱歉,谢立丹太太,我们只提供单向兑换。我们不负责兑换所有的货币。请您去附近的中国银行,他们可以为您兑换日元。


A:We’re sorry.I’m afraid you cannot change that much here at night.We have a change limit of 300 US dollars from 6:30 p.m.to 8:30 a.m.due to the bank business hours.很抱歉,恐怕晚上您在这里不能兑换这么多。由于银行营业时间的关系,从晚上6点半到第二天早晨8点半,我们定有300美元的汇兑限制。


1 denomination 面额 2 exchange rate 兑换率

3 handling charge 手续费 4 one-way exchange 单向兑换

B:I’m sorry to hear that.But can’t you make an exception for me?You know,I’ll be leaving at 7:30 a.m.on an all-day tour and I’ll need that much.We are going to Dongguan and I’d like to buy a lot of ceramics1 .I won’t be anywhere near a bank.遗憾听你这么说。但是,你就不能为我破例一次吗?你要知道,我明天早晨7点半就离店去参加一次全天的旅游,而我至少需要那么多钱。我们要去东莞,我打算买很多陶瓷品,附近不会有银行。

延伸 I understand your situation.But we have to place a limit on exchange for the benefit of all our guests.If we change large amounts,we’ll run out of cash supply and be unable to oblige our other guests.我理解您的情况。但为了全体客人的利益,我们得照章办理,限定兑换额。如果我们兑换大额款项,就会用光现金,无法满足其他客人了。

Well,why don’t you keep enough cash at hand?那么,你们为什么不在手里留足够的现金呢?

We restrict2 the amount of cash kept at night for safety’s sake.为了安全起见,我们在夜间限定现金留存额。


A:Fine.The exchange is RMB 809 Yuan.Mrs.Sheridan,would you please put your signature at the right hand corner of the check?好。兑换折算额是人民币809元。谢立丹太太,请您在支票的右下角签名,好吗?

B:OK.Is it all right?好的。这样签行吗?

延伸 Please fill in the exchange memo3,your passport number and the total sum,and then sign your name.请在水单上填写您的护照号码和兑换金额,然后签名。

If you want to cash the check,please sign again on the bottom line4.如果你想兑换支票,请再在底线上签名。


1 ceramic 陶瓷 2 restrict 限定

3 exchange memo 外汇兑换水单4 bottom line 底线

