首页 理论教育 健身中心欢迎您,设备齐全,提供最新健身器械


时间:2023-05-28 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:你一定要会说的场景句1.欢迎您来到我们的健身中心。欢迎您来到健身中心。B:Well,we have a well-equipped2 gymnasium with all the latest recreational sports—an exercise bicycle,weights,wall bars and that sort of things.我们装备完善的健身房,拥有最新的消遣运动器械,如供锻炼用的自行车、举重器械及肋木之类的东西。我们这里设备齐全,有最新的健身器械:跑步机、自行车装置、扩胸器械以及其他各种健身器械。We have a well-equipped keep-fit gymnasium with all the latest recreational sports apparatus6.我们有装备完善的健身房,健身房里有最新的消遣运动器械。




Welcome to our Fitness Center.


Well,we have a well-equipped gymnasium with all the latest recreational sports—an exercise bicycle,weights,wall bars and that sort of things.


I would recommend doing some squats.


Do you want to join today?


The membership fee is 20,000 Yuan when you enroll in our program.


How about outdoor activities?


We have an indoor swimming pool,25 meters wide and 50 meters long.


Swimming is the best exercise to achieve both goals.


Yes,we have body massage,point massage and foot massage services available.


He supervises all the activities.


So what’s your personal best on the squats?


A:Good evening,sir.Welcome to our Fitness Center.先生,晚上好。欢迎您来到健身中心。

B:Good evening.I’m looking for a place to do some exercises.晚上好。我想找个地方锻炼一下。

延伸 Welcome to the gym.The number of your locker1,please?欢迎来到健身房。请问您的锁柜钥匙号码是多少?


A:Yes,my doctor has told me I must keep in good physical health.I hear that your hotel is one of the best ones in the country for that kind of thing.Could you tell me what facilities you have here?我的医生要我保持身体健康。我听说你们酒店在那方面是全国最好的,能告诉我你们都有哪些设备吗?

B:Well,we have a well-equipped2 gymnasium with all the latest recreational sports—an exercise bicycle,weights,wall bars and that sort of things.我们装备完善的健身房,拥有最新的消遣运动器械,如供锻炼用的自行车、举重器械及肋木之类的东西。

延伸 You’ve come to the right place.Ours is a well-equipped health center.We have all the latest gymnasium apparatus:race apparatus3 ,bicycle apparatus4 ,chest expanders5 ,and other apparatus for body exercises.这里正是您要找的地方。我们这里设备齐全,有最新的健身器械:跑步机、自行车装置、扩胸器械以及其他各种健身器械。

We have a well-equipped keep-fit gymnasium with all the latest recreational sports apparatus6.我们有装备完善的健身房,健身房里有最新的消遣运动器械。

Some of the apparatus is home-made7,but most is imported8.部分器械是国产的,但大部分是进口的。


A:What exercises can I do to firm up my backside?要做什么运动才能让我的臀部结实呢?


1 locker 柜 2 well-equipped 设备齐全的 3 race apparatus 跑步机

4 bicycle apparatus 自行车装置 5 chest expander 扩胸器械

6 recreational sports apparatus 消遣运动器械 7 home-made 国产的

8 import 进口

B:I would recommend doing some squats.Spread your feet about shoulder length apart,toes facing forward,and slowly bend at your knees.我建议你做些蹲坐运动。双脚张开与肩同宽,脚趾向前,膝盖慢慢弯曲。

延伸 Like this?像这样?

Keep your back straight and look forward.Good,do about 3 sets of 20.背部挺直,眼睛正视前方。好,做3组,每组20下。

Are there any other exercises I can do?我还可以做些什么运动?

Ride the bike for at least 20 minutes.骑至少20分钟的自行车。


A:Welcome to Jack’s Fitness Club.Do you want to join today?欢迎光临杰克健身俱乐部。您今天想成为我们的会员吗?

B:Yes.That’s why I’m here.What kind of membership1 do you have?是的,这是我今天来的目的。你们有哪些会员计划呢?

延伸 We offer a variety of membership types with features and rates to meet your needs.Have you ever been to a workout at a gym before?我们会根据您的需求提供各种不同特色及收费标准的会员计划。您以前去健身房运动过吗?

No.This is my first time.没有,这是第一次。

I see.If you’ve never been to a fitness club before,I’d like to recommend our “one-month membership plan”.You can try the classes and facilities2in our club for one month.原来如此。如果您从来没有来过健身俱乐部,我会推荐您加入我们的“一个月会员计划”。您可以在一个月里试试本俱乐部的课程及设施。


A:What if I decide to purchase a membership after the trial?How much do you charge?(www.xing528.com)


B:The membership fee is 20,000 Yuan when you enroll in our program.And you will need to pay 1,000 Yuan for the monthly fee.当您完成入会手续后,我们会向您收取入会费两万元。还有每个月1 000元的月费。

延伸 Wow! That’s very expensive.I need to think about it.哇!太贵了。我要再想想看。


1 membership 会员,会员资格 2 facility 设施

That’s OK.We also have a two-week guest pass for first-timers.It’s free.If you are interested in any of our facilities,just use them today.没关系。我们也提供初访者一张为期两周的试用券,是免费的。如果您对我们的任何设备有兴趣,今天就可以试用。


A:How about outdoor activities?室外运动怎么样?

B:We have a nine-hole golf course or if you prefer,you can water-ski on the lake or hire a row boat1 if you feel energetic.我们有一个九孔高尔夫球场。如果您喜欢,还可以到湖里滑水。如果有精力,您也可以去租划艇来玩。

延伸 Do you have any tennis courts2?你们有网球场吗?

Oh,yes.You can also play badminton3 there.Rackets and balls are available for a small charge.And if that’s not enough,there is always croquet on the lawn.噢,有。在那里您也可以打羽毛球,球拍和球的租借费用很低。如果还不满足,草坪上还有槌球游戏。


A:You can also use the swimming pool.We have an indoor swimming pool,25 meters wide and 50 meters long.您还可以游泳。我们有一个室内游泳池,宽25米,长50米。

B:How deep is it?游泳池有多深?

延伸 From 1 meter to 1.5 meters.1~1.5米。

What is the temperature of the pool?游泳池的温度是多少?

Between 28℃ and 30℃.You can take a shower or a Jacuzzi bath after swimming.28到30摄氏度。游完泳您还可以淋浴或洗水流按摩浴。


A:Sure.Swimming is the best exercise to achieve both goals.当然可以。要两者兼得,游泳可以说是值得推荐的运动。


1 row boat 划艇 2 tennis court 网球场

3 badminton 羽毛球


延伸 Because your whole body can exercise;it is also good for muscle development and stamina1.因为身体可以得到全面的锻炼,令肌肉发达、耐力增强。

No wonder swimmers look so lean and muscular.难怪游泳选手都又瘦又结实。

Yes,and this sport is easily accessible too.It doesn’t cost you anything,well,except your swim suits and entrance fee2 if you go to a swimming pool.The beauty is that it is the best way to fight the heat in summer.没错,再者,游泳是低消费运动。除了买游泳衣的费用和泳池入场费外,不会有其他花费。在炎炎夏日,游泳更是消暑良方。


A:Do you have massage service3?有按摩服务吗?

B:Yes,we have body massage,point massage and foot massage services available.我们有全身按摩、穴位按摩和足底按摩。

延伸 What’s more,we have a sauna bath4with a massage service there,too.对了,我们还有桑拿浴和按摩服务。

We have both sauna and massage service in our hotel.我们酒店有桑拿和按摩服务。


A:Sounds good.I was wondering if there is a coach5 around here supervising the exercises.听起来不错。我想知道这里有没有健身教练负责指导。

B:Yes.The man standing over there is our resident coach.He supervises all the activities.有的。那边站着的就是我们的长期健身教练。他负责所有的健身活动。

延伸 Our gymnasium6 has complete facilities with many sports,as well as experienced coaches.健身房的设施完备,运动项目丰富,还有经验丰富的教练。


1 stamina 毅力,精力 2 entrance fee 入场费

3 massage service 按摩服务 4 sauna bath 桑拿浴

5 coach 教练 6 gymnasium 健身房

I also go to a gym every day.There,all activities are supervised1 by the coach.此外,我每天都去一家健身房,那里有教练指导所有的健身活动。


A:So what’s your personal best on the squats2?你蹲举的个人最好纪录是多少?

B:It’s not so good—only about two hundred pounds.并不太理想,只有大约200磅吧。

延伸 That’s more than what I can do.比我举得好多了。

How about you?What’s your high in the bench press?你怎么样?你卧推最高纪录是多少?

I maxed out once at three hundred pounds,but that was only one repetition.有一次我举起了300磅,但只重复了一次。

Wow.Don’t ask me to spot you in that case.I don’t think that I can lift that much.


Don’t worry about that.I usually lift lower weights with high repetitions.别担心,我通常举较轻点的,这样可练习多次。


1 supervise 指导 2 squat 蹲坐

