首页 理论教育 修辞特点:探究语言魅力


时间:2023-06-10 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:常见的修辞手法包括:拟人、双关、仿写、比喻、重复、排比、对仗、押尾韵、押头韵。分析以下广告语的修辞手法:①Hi-Fi,Hi-Fun,Hi-Fashion,only from Sony.②The choice is yours.The honour is ours.③A happy ending starts with a good beginning.④Money doesn't grow on trees.But it blossoms at our branches.⑤A Mars a day keeps you work,rest and play.⑥Flower by Interflora speak from the heart.⑦High efficiency.Our big bird can be fed even at night.


广告的词汇和句法总体特征呈现简单化,但是广告又要求具有独特性,能够吸引人的眼球,所以不能太过平淡,因此广告常用各种修辞手法,使得简单词和简单句的搭配能够呈现出独特性、艺术性。常见的修辞手法包括:拟人(Personification)、双关(Pun)、仿写(Parody/Imitation)、比喻(Simile & Metaphor)、重复(Repetition)、排比(Parallelism)、对仗(Antithesis)、押尾韵(Rhyme)、押头韵(Alliteration)。


①Hi-Fi,Hi-Fun,Hi-Fashion,only from Sony.

②The choice is yours.The honour is ours.

③A happy ending starts with a good beginning.(www.xing528.com)

④Money doesn't grow on trees.But it blossoms at our branches.(bank)

⑤A Mars a day keeps you work,rest and play.

⑥Flower by Interflora speak from the heart.(florist's shop)

⑦High efficiency.Our big bird can be fed even at night.

