首页 理论教育 反分离弹药:防止敌方武器装备非授权使用的初步研究


时间:2023-06-23 理论教育 版权反馈



长沙深蓝未来智能技术有限公司,湖南 长沙 410205)

摘 要:反分离弹药也称防分离弹药,由容器状防排型分离探测器(复合引信)和置于其中的战斗部组成,投送到敌方目标处后,在设定时间到达前不会起爆,复合引信能感知排弹排雷排爆措施产生的信号后控制战斗部起爆毁伤目标,导致弹药无法排除失效,也无法将其从目标处安全分离,目标的存亡被我方牢牢控制。因此,反分离弹药对敌方构成高强度的迫近威慑,能迫使目标处人员撤离后再毁伤目标,或是迫使敌方妥协、接受我方意志后,我方提供密码信息使弹药不起爆。使用反分离弹药比投送到目标处就起爆的弹药具有更大的回旋空间,是一种心理战武器,更容易达到不战而屈人之兵的全胜效果,能减少或避免人员、财产、装备毁伤,降低战争残酷性,符合武器人道化的发展趋势,也可以填补致命武器与非致命武器之间的空白地带。反分离弹药还可用于我方武器装备管控,武器装备落入敌方手中或失控后,能使其可靠自毁,防止武器装备被非授权使用造成负面后果。


中图分类号:TJ41 文献标志码:A


Preliminary study on anti-separation ammunition

YIN Minhong

(Changsha Deep Blue Future Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd.,Changsha 410205,China)

Abstract:The anti-separation ammunition is also called anti-separation ammunition.It consists of a con⁃tainer-shaped anti-discharge separation detector(composite fuze)and a warhead placed in it.After being sent to the enemy target,it will not detonate before the set time arrives.The composite fuze can sense the signal gener⁃ated by the detonation and detonation measures and control the target of the warhead's detonation and damage,so that the ammunition cannot be eliminated,and it cannot be safely separated from the target.The survival of the target is firmly controlled by us.Therefore,anti-separation munitions constitute a high-intensity impending de⁃terrent to the enemy,can force the target personnel to evacuate and then damage the target,or force the enemy to compromise and accept our will,the password information to make the ammunition not blast is provided.The use of anti-separation ammunition has a larger swing space than the ammunition that is launched to the target.It is a psychological warfare weapon,and it is easier to achieve the full victory effect of the non-war and the defeated soldiers,which can reduce or avoid the damage of personnel property equipment.Reducing the cruelty of war,in line with the development trend of weapons humanization,can also fill the gap between deadly weapons and nonlethal weapons.Anti-separation ammunition can also be used for the control of our weapons and equipment.When the weapons and equipment fall into the hands of the enemy or are out of control,they can make them self-destructive and prevent the negative consequences caused by the unauthorized use of weapons and equipment.

Keywords:anti-discharge;tampering;self-destructive technology;non-lethal weapons;psychological warfare weapons

