首页 理论教育 如何使用句内标点符号及其作用


时间:2023-07-04 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:句内的标点符号用来表示句子中各组成部分之间的关系,共有5 种,即逗点、分号、冒号、破折号以及括号。注意不可随便在英文句子中标逗点。如果子句很短或没有句内标点符号,则通常用逗点;如果子句很长或有句内标点符号,则通常使用分号。②位于主要子句前面的附属子句或片语,其后通常都会标示逗点。


句内的标点符号用来表示句子中各组成部分之间的关系,共有5 种,即逗点、分号、冒号、破折号以及括号


逗点在使用上必须依据特定的规则。 注意不可随便在英文句子中标逗点。

①逗点用来区分以对等连接词and, but, or, nor, for, so 或yet 所连接的主要子句。例如:

The samples were soaked for thirty minutes, and then they were washed with a chemical cleanser.

This is a challenging problem, but recent engineering breakthroughs have enabled us to solve it.

在有3 个以上子句的句子中,可以用逗点或分号来区分子句。 如果子句很短或没有句内标点符号(例如逗点),则通常用逗点;如果子句很长或有句内标点符号,则通常使用分号。例如:

The economy is shrinking, the unemployment rate is up, and a major political shake-up seems likely.

This economy is shrinking, with no prospects for growth in sight; unemployment is up, as foreign manufacturers close their doors and the largest domestic employers continue to lay off workers; and a major political shake-up seems likely, if only to placate the armed forces.


The samples were soaked for thirty minutes and then washed with a chemical cleanser. (The samples 是were soaked 和washed 两个动词的主词)

We examined the device but failed to discover the source of the problem. (We 是examined和failed 两个动词的主词)

如果复合述词的两个部分都很长,则可以用逗点来区分复合述词中的两个述词(即在连接词and, but, or 等前面加上逗点)。 此外,当作者特别想强调连接词but 前后两个对比的述词时,也会在but 前加逗点。

②位于主要子句前面的附属子句或片语,其后通常都会标示逗点。 例如:

Before we present the new algorithm, let us first review recent developments in this field.

In the second experiment, we used a different solvent.

③逗点应该用来将句子中的非限定修饰词区隔开来,但千万不要用于限定修饰词。 限定修饰词(restrictive modifier)可以使子句、片语或字词用于定义或限定它所修饰的词句的意义。 限定修饰词一旦省略,句子的基本意义即随之改变,因此是不可省略的。 而非限定修饰词(nonrestrictive modifier)所提供的只是补充性的资讯,因此可根据情况省略而不会改变句子的基本意义。 例如:

限定的:No student who has failed more than three courses will be permitted to graduate.

非限定:Dana, who is a diligent student, will graduate near the top of the class.

上面两句话当中,第一句的斜体部分不可以省略,第二句的斜体部分可以省略。 同样的逗点规则也适用于同位语(appositive)。 非限定同位语应以逗点与句子的其余部分区隔开来,限定同位语则不需要逗点。 同位语是一名词片语,它对直接相邻、位于其前的名词片语给予一个不同的名称,例如句子John, my brother, is tall 中的字词my brother 即是同位语;非限定同位语是指可以省略而不会影响句子基本意义的同位语。 例如:

限定的:In this text the term classical logic refers to a logic in which there are only two truth values.

非限定的:Albert Einstein, the famous physicist, was never fully satisfied with the theory of quantum mechanics.

④如果位于主要子句后面的附属子句或片语所提供的是非限定、补充性的信息,则使用逗点区隔开;但如果所提供的是限定的信息,则不用逗点。 例如:

We will accept this paper for publication if you make the following minor revisions.(限定的:if 开头的子句无法在不改变句子意义的情况下省略。)

He is not in his office because he has a class at 1:30.(限定的)

This is an excellent paper, although I don’t completely agree with the conclusion. (非限定的:although 开头的子句可以省略。)

He is not in his office, because his answering machine is on.(非限定的)

常以限定或非限定意义出现在科技论文中的片语范例是as follows(as shown below)。例如:

By substituting this expression into equation 3, we obtain a concise formulation of the equations of motion, as follows.(非限定的)

The initial conditions are as follows.(限定的)

独立片语和主要子句之间总是以逗点区隔开。 例如:

The lecture over, the students left the room.

The conviction having been overturned, the defendant was free to go.

插入语应以逗点和句子的其余部分区隔开来。 插入语包括转接字词或片语(例如moreover, in contrast, indeed, finally 等),引导例句的文词或片语(例如for example, e. g.,that is, i.e., namely 等),以及respectively。 例如:

The second approach, on the other hand, is faster but far more costly.

This function has a constant value, namely,1.

连接副词hence, otherwise, then, therefore 以及this 的后面有时并不加逗点,尤其是副词后面所接的子句很短时。 例如:

Failure to control such a plant effectively could be disastrous. Hence an accurate and reliable control algorithm is needed.

注意像indeed 或finally 之类的字词在用法上并非总是转接词,当这些字词不是作为转换用途时,则不需加逗点。 例如:

Our work was finally finished.

We predicted that conductivity could be improved by boron doping, and the experimental results show that this is indeed true.

除非插入语是位于句首或句尾,否则必须用一前一后两个逗点区隔开。 例如:

错:In the high temperature trials, however there was a discrepancy between the predictions and the experimental results.

正:In the high temperature trials, however, there was a discrepancy between the predictions and the experimental results.

⑦逗点应该用来对一系列包括3 个以上的对等字词、片语或子句的几个项目做分项,其形式如a,b,and c 或a,b,or c。

Our method is faster, cheaper, and more accurate than the conventional method.

⑧逗点可以用来区分两个以上的对等形容词。 对等形容词是指对同一个名词作个别修饰的不同形容词。 例如:

We have developed a fast, inexpensive, accurate method.

累积形容词各自修饰接于其后的整个观念。 例如,下面的句子中, first 修饰direct numerical method, direct 则修饰numerical method,而numerical 修饰method。

Ours is the first, direct numerical method to be introduced.

因此,在决定形容词是对等形容词还是累积形容词时,可以问问自己是否能将and 置于这些形容词之间。

⑨逗点对直接引言和指示说话者的片语或子句作区分。 例如:

Professor Zane said, “You will find this course challenging.”

当句子中的引言是此句子意义的一部分时,引言的前后不须任何逗点。 例如:

“Novel and thorough” was the reviewer’s response to Jack’s paper.

当所引的片语或句子有限定的意义时,不须以逗点区隔开来。 如同前面所说,限定片语一旦省略,句子的意义即随之改变,因此不可省略。 下面第一句中的引述字词即具有限定片语的功能,第二个例句中的引述字词则为非限定片语。 例如:

Enclosed is a paper entitled “Regeneration of Forelimbs in Amphibians.”

Did you read the paper I published last spring, “Genetic Algorithms and Machine Learning”.

⑩逗点用于引导直接问句,即使这个问句不在引号内或问句的第一个字不是大写,也需要用逗点。 例如:

The question is, how do we improve the system?

逗点用于划分句子中的对比语辞。 例如:

They invited Professor Wang, not Professor Lin.

We expect the yield to increase, but only by about 10%.

使用两个以but 或or 连接的形容词来修饰同一个名词时,but 或or 前不需要加逗点。

对信息作对比的长对称子句必须以逗点区分(如果子句很短,则不需用逗点)。 例如:

The greater the amount of water added to the solution, the slower the reaction rate becomes.

当相邻的两个字词可以用两种方式解读时,逗点用来防止发生错误的解读。 例如:

To Jane, Frederick was the brother she had never had. (如果省略逗点,可能会将Jane,Frederick 当作一个人的名字)

在一个只有两个项目的一览表中,第一个项目后面通常不用逗点。 例如:

There are two types of three-terminal semiconductor devices: bipolar junction transistors and field-effect transistors.

如果日期是以月、日、年的顺序书写,则须在日与年之间加逗点。 如果句子中使用了这种记载形式的日期,则通常在年的后面也会加逗点。 例如:

January 3,1990.

They were married on October 12,1988, and left for their honeymoon the next day.

如果只标月、年,则月与年之间或年的后面都不用逗点。 例如:(www.xing528.com)

He was hired in August 1999 and was promoted less than a year later.

如果日期书写形式是日、月、年,则不用逗点,如:4 July 1888。

逗点用于区分名字与头衔。 例如:

The guest lecturer will be Robert Jones, Ph.D.

Robert Jones, Ph.D., will join the faculty in September.

逗点用于区分地址的内容或地理名词。 例如:

Their address is 125 Elm Street, Waltham, Massachusetts.

He visited his sister in Osaka, Japan, for three weeks.

以信封格式书写的各行地址结尾处不用逗点。 例如:

Professor J.C. Chang

Department of Physics

City University

555 Main Street

Metropolis, NY


在大数目中使用逗点以显示千位数,在表示年份的数字中不应该用逗点。 例如:


Cynthia joined the department in 1993.



①分号用于区分未经对等连接词(and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet 等)相连但紧密相关的主要子句。 利用分号暗示两个独立子句之间的紧密关系是一种简洁的方式,这种关系常是下列所显示的一种原因或对比的关系。 如果这些子句中没有紧密相关的观念所在,则应使用句点而不用分号。 例如:

Today is Tuesday; I don’t think we can complete the project by Thursday.

Some of these methods scan the rows from top to bottom; others scan from right to left.

②分号用于区分由连接词相连的主要子句。 连接副词包括如consequently, for example,furthermore, however, in contrast, indeed, moreover, nevertheless, on the other hand 以及otherwise 等字词。 例如:

Plastic film capacitors are generally more reliable and smaller than paper capacitors;however, they are also more expensive.


At the meeting were John Smith, the general manager; Michanel Thompson, from the Sales Division; Peter Watson, a production engineer; and Robert Black, the project leader.


①冒号用于区分主要子句和那些用于说明、阐述、强调或重述主要子句主旨的子句、片语、字词组或单字词。 例如:

In this lecture we shall discuss the most complex parallel processor in existence: the human brain.

②冒号可用于将以字词as follows 或the following 引介的连串数个项目区隔开来。 例如:

Commonly used capacitors include the following: paper capacitors, plastic film capacitors,mica capacitors, ceramic capacitors, and electrolytic capacitors.

③冒号可用于把方程式或例子区隔开来,但冒号前面必须是完整的句子。 例如:

We now obtain the following equation: X=y+z.

④在书名的指称上,我们使用冒号来区分书名的主标题与次标题。 例如:

Her newest book is What Machines Can’t Understand: A Critique of Artificial Intelligence.

⑤商务信件的提称语后面应使用冒号。 例如:

Professor Gregory:

Dear Ms. Wilson:

需要注意的是英文中的冒号前面绝不可以加空格,此外,数学比例中所使用的比例号后面也不须空格(例如:3 ∶5)。


破折号用于在句子的主要观念中划分出插入的字词、说明、例子或其他插入子句。 括号亦有相同的功能,但破折号较强调它所划分出的插入子句。 此外,逗点也用于划分诸如非限定子句之类的插入子句,但逗点通常只用于划分和句子主旨紧密相关的插入子句。

位于句子中间的插入子句必须使用两个破折号(一前一后)。 当插入子句为句子的终结时,则只需要一个破折号。

请注意:破折号与连字符不同。 破折号是较长的横线(—),连字号则是较短的横线(-)。例如:

Our new microprocessor — as well as several other exciting products — is scheduled to be introduced in March.




③括号和其所包纳的资料或标于其后的标点符号之间不能有空格。 位于句子中间的括号,前后必须加一个空格。 例如:

This example (of how to use parentheses) is correct.




①引言之前的说明字词后面通常会接逗点,但如果引言很短或说明字词和引言中的字词密切相关的话,则常会省略此逗点。 例如:

The professor said,“She is one of the finest students I have had in fifteen years of teaching.”

I shouted “Stop, thief” and began to run after the man.

②引号用于区分文章的标题或较长著作中部分文章的标题(即它们并非独立的书或出版品)。 引号亦用于区分演讲稿、诗词、短篇故事、书中章节、歌曲以及收音机、电视节目中的标题。

③逗点用于区分开启式引言与句子的其他部分,但如果引言是以问号或惊叹号结束,则省略逗点。 例如:

“That all for today,” the doctor said.

“Is that all?” asked the patient.



①方括号“[……]”用于包围评论、校正或其他插入文章的信息,尤其是插入引言中的信息。 例如:

The Senator said, “I fully support his [President Clinton’s] health care plan.”

②在数学方程式中,方括号和括号主要用于决定运算顺序,在计算过程中,一般先计算括号内容,再计算方括号内容。 例如:


③在某些编辑格式中,方括号用于学术文献参考资料的引用。 不同的专业期刊使用不同的引文格式,想要知道该使用何种格式,可以参阅各种期刊的规范。


①省略符号是以3 个中间有空格的句点(…)来表示,用于显示引用资料的省略。 在学术著作中,如果自某位作者处引用某段文字,但又想省略原作的部分文字,则必须插入省略符号以表示省略的部分。

②省略符号也可用于方程式或数学式的表示中,用于显示一系列的项目或项。 例如:

Ti, where i=1,2,2,…,n

省略符号通常位于本文文字行行底,或者和句点、逗点等高的位置。 但是当省略符号前面或后面接的是加号(+)或等号等数学符号时,则常常将省略符号提升至和其前后符号一致的高度。 例如:


