首页 理论教育 朱英培摄影作品集,展现清澈湖水和鲜艳花海的美丽景色


时间:2023-09-19 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:Light rhythm多么清澈宁静的湖水,多么鲜艳迷人的花海,多么婉深流畅的大川,多么金风爽气的秋色,请轻轻地闭上眼睛,舒坦筋骨,纾解郁闷,扫除阴霾,随着大自然轻盈的节奏,进入甜蜜的梦乡……人生存在自然之中,必然遵循自然法则,踏着大自然的节奏和韵律前行。从呱呱坠地到两鬓染霜,岁月的行囊里装满了风起云涌、潮起潮落、坎坷曲折、喜怒哀乐。人最终还是要回归自然,删繁就简;淡泊明志,宁静致远;心静如水,淡雅清香。


Light rhythm



What a clear and quiet lake, what a bright and charming sea of flowers, what a deep and smooth river,what a golden color and refreshing wind in autumn.Please gently close your eyes, relax and relieve depression, sweep away haze, step on the light rhythm of nature, and enter sweet sleep. Life exists in nature, and it must comply with the laws and rhythm of nature and follow the rhythm of nature. From toddlers to the elderly, the baggage of the year was filled with ups and downs, joys and sorrows. Everyone has pursued their dreams and ambitious, prosperous, magnificent, brilliant life. The reincarnation of the sun, moon and stars show that the world is changeable and life is impermanent. Drunk yesterday, return true today. People should return to the nature finally, live a simple life,quiet to go far, and this can be called life fantasy. Nature or life, as these words: being in nature, closing to nature, comply with natural, behaving naturally.




人在自然 心在自然 顺其自然 自然而然

Being in nature, closing to nature, comply with nature, behaving naturally.

