首页 理论教育 精神分裂症症状量表-用于精神药物临床研究


时间:2023-11-30 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第一节精神分裂症症状量表一、阳性和阴性症状量表阳性和阴性症状量表Fill in the appropriate circle for each item,refer to the Rating Manual for item definitions, description of anchoring points and scoring procedure.根据评估手册中每一项条目的定义、评分要点和信息来源,对下列每一项进行恰当的评定。Basis for rating: thought content expressed in the interview and its influence on social relations and behavior as reported by primary care workers or family.评分依据:会谈中思维自然的表达,及由基层保健工作者或家属提供的其思维对社会交往和行为造成的影响。(续表)◆评定幻觉的频度、涉及的感觉系统及对患者行为的影响。


第一节 精神分裂症症状量表


阳性和阴性症状量表(Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale,PANSS)

Fill in the appropriate circle for each item,refer to the Rating Manual for item definitions, description of anchoring points and scoring procedure.根据评估手册中每一项条目的定义、评分要点和信息来源,对下列每一项进行恰当的评定。

Positive Scale(P)摇阳性量表

P1. Delusions.妄想

Beliefs which are unfounded, unrealistic, and idiosyncratic.无事实根据、与现实不符、特异的信念

Basis for rating: thought content expressed in the interview and its influence on social relations and behavior as reported by primary care workers or family.评分依据:会谈中思维自然的表达,及由基层保健工作者或家属提供的其思维对社会交往和行为造成的影响。



P2. Conceptual disorganization.概念紊乱

Disorganized process of thinking characterized by disruption of goal-directed sequencing, e.g., circumstantiality, tangentiality, loose associations, non-sequiturs, gross illogicality, or thought block.思维过程紊乱,其特征为思维的目的性、连贯性破坏,如赘述、离题、联想散漫、不连贯、显著的不合逻辑,或思维阻隔。

Basis for rating: cognitive-verbal processes observed during the course of interview.评分依据:会谈中观察认知语言表达过程。



P3. Hallucinatory behavior.幻觉性行为

Verbal report or behavior indicating perceptions which are not generated by external stimuli. These may occur in the auditory, visual, olfactory, or somatic realms.语言表达或行为表明其知觉并非通过客观刺激产生,以听觉、视觉、嗅觉或躯体感觉的形式出现。

Basis for rating: verbal report and physical manifestations during the course of interview as well as reports of behavior by primary care workers or family.评分依据:会谈中语言表达和躯体表现,也可由基层保健工作者或家属提供。



P4. Excitement.兴奋

Hyperactivity as reflected in accelerated motor behavior,heightened responsivity to stimuli, hypervigilance, or excessive mood lability.活动过度,表现在动作行为加速,对刺激的反应增强,高度警觉或过度的情绪不稳。

Basis for rating:behavioral manifestations during the course of interview as well as reports of behavior by primary care workers or family.评分依据:会谈中动作行为的表现,也可由基层保健工作者或家属提供。



P5. Grandiosity.夸大

Exaggerated self-opinion and unrealistic convictions of superiority, including delusions of extraordinary abilities, wealth, knowledge, fame, power, and moral righteousness.夸张己见及不现实的优势观念,包括一些妄想,如非凡的能力、财富、知识、名望、权力和道德正义

Basis for rating: thought content expressed in the interview and its influence on behavior as reported by primary care workers or family.评分依据:会谈中思维的自然表达,及由基层保健工作者或家属提供的这些想法对其行为的影响。


P6. Suspiciousness / persecution.猜疑、被害

Unrealistic or exaggerated ideas of persecution, as reflected in guardedness, a distrustful attitude, suspicious hypervigilance, or frank delusions that others mean one harm.不现实或夸大的被害观念,表现在防卫、不信任态度、多疑的高度戒备,或是认为他人对其有伤害的非常明显的妄想。

Basis for rating: thought content expressed in the interview and its influence on behavior as reported by primary care workers or family.评分依据:会谈中思维的自然表达,及由基层保健工作者或家属提供的这些想法对其行为的影响。



P7. Hostility.敌对性

Verbal and nonverbal expressions of anger and resentment,including sarcasm,passive-aggressive behavior, verbal abuse, and assaultiveness.语言和非语言表达出愤怒和怨恨,包括讥讽、被动攻击行为、辱骂和袭击。

Basis for rating: interpersonal behavior observed during the interview and reports by pri-mary care workers or family.评分依据:会谈中观察其人际行为,及由基层保健工作者或家属提供。


Negative Scale(N)阴性量表

N1. Blunted affect.情感迟钝

Diminished emotional responsiveness as characterized by a reduction in facial expression, modulation of feelings, and communicative gestures.情感反应减弱,以面部表情、感觉调节及体态语言的减少为特征。

Basis for rating: observation of physical manifestations of affective tone and emotional responsiveness during the course of interview.评分依据:会谈中观察情感基调和情绪反应的躯体表现。


N2. Emotional withdrawal.情绪退缩

Lack of interest in, involvement with, and affective commitment to life,s events.对生活事件缺乏兴趣、参与和情感投入。

Basis for rating: reports of functioning from primary care workers or family and observation of interpersonal behavior during the course of interview.评分依据:由基层保健工作者或家属提供,及会谈中观察到的人际行为。

N3. Poor rapport.情感交流障碍

Lack of interpersonal empathy, openness in conversation, and sense of closeness, interest, or involvement with the interviewer. This is evidenced by interpersonal distancing and reduced verbal and nonverbal communication.缺乏人际交往中的感情投入、交谈时的坦率及亲密感、兴趣或对会谈者的投入,表现在人际关系疏远及言语和非言语交流的减少。

Basis for rating: interpersonal behavior during the course of interview.评分依据:会谈中的人际行为。


N4. Passive / apathetic social withdrawal.被动、淡漠、社交退缩

Diminished interest and initiative in social interactions due to passivity, apathy, anergy, or avolition. This leads to reduced interpersonal involvements and neglect of activities of dai-ly living.因被动、淡漠、缺乏精力或意志力使社会交往的兴趣和主动性下降,这导致人际投入的减少及对日常活动的忽视。

Basis for rating: reports on social behavior from primary care workers or family.评分依据:由基层保健工作者或家属提供的患者的社会行为情况。


N5. Difficulty in abstract thinking.抽象思维困难

Impairment in the use of the abstract-symbolic mode of thinking,as evidenced by dif-fculty in classification, forming generalizations, and proceeding beyond concrete or egocentric thinking in problem-solving tasks.运用抽象-象征性思维模式受损,表现在分类、概括及解决问题时超越具体或自我中心的思维过程出现困难。

Basis for rating: responses to questions on similarities and proverb interpretation,and use of concrete vs. abstract mode during the course of the interview.评分依据:会谈中回答相似性问题和谚语解释类问题,及运用具体对抽象模式的情况。



N6. Lack of spontaneity and flow of conversation.交谈缺乏自发性和流畅性

Reduction in the normal flow of communication associated with apathy, avolition, defen-siveness, or cognitive deficit. This is manifested by diminished fluidity and productivity of the verbal-interactional process.交谈的正常流畅性下降,伴有淡漠、缺乏意志、防卫或认知缺损,表现在语言交流过程的流畅性和创造性下降。

Basis for rating: cognitive-verbal processes observed during the course of interview.评分依据:会谈中观察认知言语过程。



N7. Stereotyped thinking.刻板思维

Decreased fluidity, spontaneity, and flexibility of thinking, as evidenced in rigid, repe-titious, or barren thought content.思维的流畅性、自发性和灵活性下降,表现在刻板、重复或思维内容空洞。

Basis for rating: cognitive-verbal processes observed during the interview.评分依据:会谈中观察认知言语过程。


General Psychopathology Scale(G)一般精神病理量表

G1. Somatic concerns.关注身体健康

Physical complaints or beliefs about bodily illness or malfunctions. This may range from a vague sense of ill being to clear-cut delusions of catastrophic physical disease.诉说躯体不适或坚信有躯体疾病或功能失常,其范围从模糊的病感到身患重病的明确的妄想。

Basis for rating: thought content expressed in the interview.评分依据:会谈中表达的思维内容。


G2. Anxiety.焦虑

Subjective experience of nervousness, worry, apprehension, or restlessness, ranging from excessive concern about the present or future to feelings of panic.主观体验到神经紧张、担忧、恐惧或坐立不安,其范围从对现在或将来的过分关心到惊恐的感觉。

Basis for rating: verbal report during the course of interview and corresponding phyi-cal manifestations.评分依据:会谈中的语言表达和相应的躯体表现。

G3. Guilt feelings.自罪感

Sense of remorse or self-blame for real or imagined misdeeds in the past.为过去真实或想象的过失而后悔或自责的感觉。

Basis for rating:verbal report of guilt feelings during the course of interview and the influence on attitudes and thoughts.评分依据:会谈中语言表达的罪恶感及其对态度和思维的影响。


G4. Tension.紧张

Overt physical manifestations of fear, anxiety, and agitation, such as stiffness, tremor, profuse sweating, and restlessness.因恐惧、焦虑和激越而表现明显的躯体症状,如僵直、震颤、大量出汗和坐立不安。

Basis for rating: verbal report attesting to anxiety and, thereupon, the severity of physical manifestations of tension observed during the interview.评分依据:会谈中语言表达的焦虑及紧张的躯体表现的严重程度。


G5. Mannerisms and posturing.装相和作态

Unnatural movements or posture as characterized by an awkward, stilted, disorganized, or bizarre appearance.不自然的动作或姿势,以笨拙、夸张、紊乱或古怪表现为特征。

Basis for rating: observation of physical manifestations during the course of interview as well as reports from primary care workers or family.评分依据:会谈中观察躯体表现,也可由基层保健工作者或家属提供。


G6. Depression.抑郁

Feelings of sadness, discouragement, helplessness, and pessimism.悲伤、沮丧、无助和悲观厌世的感觉。

Basis for rating: verbal report of depressed mood during the course of interview and its observed influence on attitude and behavior as reported by primary care workers or family.评分依据:会谈中抑郁心境的言语表达,及其对患者态度和行为的影响,也可由基层保健工作者或家属提供。


G7. Motor retardation.动作迟缓

Reduction in motor activity as reflected in slowing or lessening of movements and speech, diminished responsiveness to stimuli, and reduced body tone.动作的能动性减退,表现在动作和言语的减慢或减少,对刺激的反应减弱及身体的张力降低。

Basis for rating: manifestations during the course of interview as well as reports by pri-mary care workers or family.评分依据:会谈中的表现,也可由基层保健工作者或家属提供。



G8. Uncooperativeness.不合作

Active refusal to comply with the will of significant others, including the interview-er, hospital staff, or family, which may be associated with distrust, defensiveness, stub-bornness, negativism, rejection of authority, hostility, or belligerence.主动拒绝按照重要人物的意愿行事,包括会谈者、医院工作人员或家属,可能伴有不信任、防御、顽固、否定、抵制权威、敌对或好斗。

Basis for rating: interpersonal behavior observed during the course of interview as well as reports by primary care workers or family.评分依据:会谈中观察人际行为,也可由基层保健工作者或家属提供。


G9. Unusual thought content.不寻常思维内容

Thinking characterized by strange, fantastic, or bizarre ideas,ranging from those, which are remote or atypical to those which are distorted, illogical, and patently absurd.思维特征为奇怪、幻想式或荒诞的念头,其范围从离谱或不典型到歪曲的、不合逻辑的和明显荒谬的想法。

Basis for rating: thought content expressed during the course of interview.评分依据:会谈中思维内容的表达。



G10. Disorientation.定向障碍

Lack of awareness of one,s relationship to the milieu, including persons, place, and time, which may be due to confusion or withdrawal.与环境有关的意识丧失,包括人物、地点和时间,可能由意识混乱或戒断引起。

Basis for rating: responses to interview questions on orientation.评分依据:会谈中对定向问题的反应。



G11. Poor attention.注意障碍

Failure in focused alertness manifested by poor concentration, distractibility from inter-nal and external stimuli, and difficulty in harnessing, sustaining, or shifting focus to new stim-uli.警觉集中障碍,表现为注意力不集中,受内外刺激而分散注意力,以及在驾驭、保持或转移注意力至新刺激时存在困难。

Basis for rating: manifestations during the course of interview.评分依据:会谈中的表现。


G12. Lack of judgment and insight.判断和自知力缺乏

Impaired awareness or understanding of one,s own psychiatric condition and life situa-tion.This is evidenced by failure to recognize past or present psychiatric illness or symp-toms, denial of need for psychiatric hospitalization or treatment,decisions characterized by poor anticipation of consequences, and unrealistic short-term and long-range planning.对自身精神状况和生活处境的认识或理解受损,表现在不能认识过去或现在的精神疾病或症状,否认需要在精神科住院或治疗,所做决定的特点是对后果的预期很差,及不切实际的短期和长期计划。

Basis for rating: thought content expressed during the interview.评分依据:会谈中思维内容的表达。


G13. Disturbance of volition.意志障碍

Disturbance in the willful initiation, sustenance, and control of one,s thoughts, behavior, movements, and speech.意志的产生、维持,及对思维、行为、动作、语言的控制障碍。

Basis for rating: thought content and behavior manifested in the course of interview.评分依据:会谈中思维内容和行为表现。



G14. Poor impulse control.冲动控制障碍

Disordered regulation and control of action on inner urges, resulting in sudden, unmodu-lated, arbitrary, or misdirected discharge of tension and emotions without concern about con-sequences.对内在冲动反应的调节和控制障碍,导致不顾后果的、突然的、无法调节的、肆意的或误导的紧张和情绪的宣泄。

Basis for rating:behavior during the course of interview and reported by primary care workers or family.评分依据:会谈中观察行为、及由基层保健工作者或家属提供。

G15. Preoccupation.先占观念

Absorption with internally generated thoughts and feelings and with autistic experiences to the detriment of reality orientation and adaptive behavior.专注于内在产生的思维和感觉。因内向性体验而损害现实定向和适应性行为。

Basis for rating: interpersonal behavior observed during the course of interview.评分依据:会谈中观察其人际行为。

G16. Active social avoidance.主动回避社交

Diminished social involvement associated with unwarranted fear, hostility, or distrust.社交减少,伴有无故的恐惧、敌意或不信任。

Basis for rating: reports of social functioning by primary care workers or family.评分依据:由基层保健工作者或家属提供的社交功能状况。

Supplementary Items for the Aggression Risk Profile攻击危险性补充项目

S1. Anger.愤怒

Subjective state of displeasure and irritation directed at others.主观状态为指向他人的不悦和激惹。

Basis for rating:verbal report of angry feelings during the course of the interview and, thereupon, corresponding hostile behaviors observed during the interview or noted frorn reports by primary care workers or family.评分依据:会谈中愤怒感觉的言语表达,及由此观察到的相应敌对行为,或由基层保健工作者或家属提供。


S2. Difficulty in relaying gratification.延迟满足困难

Demanding,insistent that needs be satisfied immediately,and noticeably upset when fulfillment of needs or desires is delayed.强人所难,坚持立即满足其要求,当需要或渴望被延迟满足时,明显烦乱。(www.xing528.com)

Basis for rating:observation of behavior during the course of the interview as well as reports from primary care workers or family.评分依据:会谈中观察其行为,或由基层保健工作者或家属提供。


S3. Affective lability.情感不稳

Emotional expressions are unstable, fluctuating, inappropriate, and/or poorly controlled.情绪表达不稳定、波动、不适当和(或)控制不良。

Basis for rating: affective state observed during the course of the interview.会谈中观察情感状态。


附 录






2.有6个条目与妄想有关:P1妄想、P5夸大、P6猜疑、被害、G1担心身体健康、G3罪恶观念、G9异常思维内容。 P1着眼于妄想的数量和系统性;G9着眼于妄想的怪异性;P5,P6,G1和G3则依妄想的内容评定。

3. P6是评定可能以防卫行为反映出来的被害妄想,G16是评定可能继发于被害妄想的行为。有显著妄想的患者因为恐惧或不信任而只参加少数活动,可能在P6和G16上评分相似;有明显的系统化被害妄想,但极少或没有隔绝的患者可能在P6上评分高而在G16上评分低。

4.社交少,活动需督促的评分可在N2、N4和G16出现,但三项的含义不同。 N4评估淡漠、缺乏精力和缺乏意志,主要指社交活动的不参与,社会活动量的减少;G16主要指因害怕、恐惧或敌对引起的社交减少,是主动回避,而非阴性症状表现;N2评估情绪退缩,除社交外,尚包括个人事务或个人感兴趣的事,重在个人活动而非人际交往上,原因为不感兴趣。社交活动减少,先在N4打分,再就其原因分析,评N2或G16。

5. N1情感迟钝,指情感的非语言表达,不仅观察脸部表情,而且还有姿势动作;N3情感交流障碍PANSS中唯一之评对会谈者态度的项目;N6交谈缺乏自发性和流畅性,主要指思维贫乏,或情感障碍,或意志障碍,或认知缺损引起的语言量的减少。





阴性症状评估-4项条目版本(Negative Symptom Assessment-4 Item Version,NSA-4)

Rate this question based on your observations of the patient during the clinical inter-view.根据您在临床会谈中对患者的观察来评估以下问题。

Item 1 Restricted Speech Quantity条目1语量有限         □

This item assesses the amount of speech the subject provides in the course of the inter-view. Ratings on this item suggest that the subject gives brief answers to questions and/or provides elaborating details only after the interviewer prods him.这一项是评估患者在会谈过程中提供的言语的数量。这一项的评分提示患者对提问给出简短的回答和(或)仅在会谈者敦促其后才提供详尽的细节。

1. Normal speech quantity语量正常

2. Minimal reduction in quantity, may be extreme of normal语量轻微减少,可处于正常范围的临界

3. Speech quality is reduced, but more obtained with minimal prodding语量减少,但稍微敦促下便可说出更多的语言

4. Flow of speech is maintained only by regularly prodding只有在经常敦促下才可维持语量

5. Responses usually limited to a few words, and/or detail is only obtained by prodding or bribing回答通常限于几个词,和(或)细节只有在敦促或诱导下才会说出

6. Responses usually nonverbal or limited to 1 or 2 words, despite efforts to elicit more回答通常不用语言表达或是只有一两个词,尽管努力引导其回答更多

9. Not ratable无法评定

Rate this question based on symptoms in the past 7 days.根据患者在过去1周里出现的症状来评估以下问题。

Item 2 Emotion: Reduced Range条目2情绪:变化减少      □

Emotion is the feeling content of a person,s inner life.This item assesses the range of emotion experienced by the subject during the last week (or other specified time period). Base ratings on the subject,s answers to queries of whether he/she has felt happy, sad, etc. during the last week, as well as any reports of having these emotions later in the interview. A full range of emotions would include, but not be limited to happiness, sadness, pride, fear, surprise, and anger.情绪是一个人内心世界的感情流露。这一项是评估患者在最近1周里(或在其他特定时间里)所经历的情绪变化。评分是根据询问他(她)是否在最近1周里感到过开心、悲伤等时患者的回答,同时根据在后来的会谈中有这些情绪的任何反映。全部的情绪变化范围应包括愉快、悲伤、骄傲、害怕、惊讶和生气,但不限于此。

1. Normal range of emotion情绪变化正常

2. Minimal reduction in range, may be extreme of normal情绪变化范围轻微减少,可能是在正常范围的临界

3. Range seems restricted relative to a normal person, but during the specified time pe-riod subject convincingly reports at least 4 emotions相比正常人,情绪变化似乎有所减少,但在特定时间内患者明确报告至少存在4种情绪

4. Subject convincingly identifies 2 or 3 emotional experiences患者可明确分辨2种或3种情绪体验

5. Subject convincingly identifies only 1 emotional experience患者仅可明确分辨1种情绪体验

6. Subject reports little or no emotional range患者报告的情绪变化很少或根本没有

9. Not ratable无法评定

Rate this question based on symptoms in the past 7 days.根据患者在过去1周里出现的症状来评估以下问题。

Item 3 Reduced Social Drive条目3社交欲减退          □

This item assesses how much the subject desires to initiate social interactions.Desire may be measured in part by the number of actual or attempted social contacts with others. To rate severity probe the type of social interactions, and their frequency.这一项是评估患者发起社会交往的愿望有多大。该愿望的评估可能部分根据实际或尝试与他人进行社交接触的次数。为了评估严重性,需要探究社交类型和它们的频度。

1. Normal social drive社交欲正常

2. Minimal reduction in social drive, may be extreme of normal社交欲轻微减退,可能是在正常范围的临界

3. Desire for social interactions seems somewhat reduced社交欲似乎有点减退

4. Obvious reduction in desire to initiate social contacts, but a number of contacts are initiated each week发起社交接触的欲望明显减退,但每周都进行若干社交接触

5. Marked reduction in the subject,s desire to initiate social contacts, but a few contacts are maintained at subject,s initiation (as with family)患者发起社交接触的欲望显著减退,但仍与患者最初认识的人(如与家人)维持一些接触

6. No desire to initiate any social interactions无任何发起社交的欲望

9. Not ratable无法评定

Rate this question based on symptoms in the past 7 days.根据患者在过去1周里出现的症状来评估以下问题。

Item 4 Reduced Interests条目4兴趣减少

This item assesses the range and intensity of the subject,s interests.这一项是评估患者兴趣的范围和强度。

1. Normal interests兴趣正常

2. Minimal reduction in interests, may be extreme of normal兴趣轻微减少,可能是在正常范围的临界

3. Range of interests and/or commitment to them seems diminished兴趣范围和(或)投入程度似乎减小

4. Range of interests is clearly diminished and is not particularly committed to interests held兴趣范围明显减少,且并不特别投入已有的兴趣

5. Only 1 or 2 interests reported, and these pursued superficially只报告有1项或2项兴趣,且只是很表浅地投入

6. Little or nothing stimulates interests极少或没有什么东西可激发兴趣

9. Not ratable无法评定

Rate this question based on symptoms in the past 7 days.根据患者在过去1周里出现的症状来评估以下问题。

Global Negative Symptoms Rating阴性症状总体评定

Rate this item on the basis of overall impression of negative symptoms in the subject, not on the basis of a single item or total score.评定这一项是根据患者阴性症状的总体印象,而不是根据单独一项或总分。

1. No evidence of this symptom无阴性症状迹象

2. Minimal evidence of this symptom轻微的阴性症状迹象

3. Mild evidence of this symptom轻度的阴性症状迹象

4. Moderate evidence of this symptom, apparent to the casual observer中度的阴性症状迹象,对不经意的旁观者而言是明显的

5. Marked evidence of this symptom, readily apparent to casual observer显著的阴性症状迹象,对不经意的旁观者而言是显而易见的

6. Severe, not only obvious but has marked impact on functioning重度的阴性症状迹象,不仅症状明显,而且对功能造成显著影响

7. Extremely severe symptom, it is incapacitating for subject极严重的阴性症状迹象,造成患者丧失功能

附 录


1. 4 item version is designed to allow quick assessment of key behaviors commonly as-sociated with negative symptoms in schizophrenia. 4项条目版本是为了允许对常见与精神分裂症阴性症状有关的主要行为进行快速评估。

2. Derived from the longer 16 item version该版本取自更长的16项条目版本。

3. Data obtained by a brief clinical interview评定资料从简短的临床会谈中获得。

4. Scale rates behavior not psychopathology.该量表是评估行为而非精神病理状态。

5. The rater should be aware of outside sources of information (e.g., family members), and/or contradictory information, and use best clinical judgment in assigning a rating.评分员应了解信息的外界来源(如家庭成员),和(或)互相矛盾的信息,并在决定评分时运用最佳的临床判断。

6. Population for comparison is young healthy adults in their 20s.参比对象为20来岁的年轻健康成人。

7. Reference time frame over the past 7 days for relevant items.参考在过去7d时间窗里的相关条目。

8. In general, severity of behavior is assessed as follows:一般情况下,行为严重度的评估如下:

(1) Behavior is absent or not reduced compared with a healthy young person.与健康年轻人相比行为无异常或未减少。

(2) Behavior is minimally reduced, significance is questionable.行为轻微减少,其意义可疑。

(3) Behavior is mildly reduced.行为轻度减少。

·may only be noted as reduced by a trained rater but a definite reduction is evident经过培训的评分员可能只记录为减少,但明确的减少是肯定的。

(4) Behavior is moderately reduced.行为中度减少。

·obvious to an untrained rater对于未经培训的评分员来说,减少是明显的。

(5) Behavior is markedly reduced.行为显著减少。

·easily observable, definitely interferes with subject,s functioning很容易观察到,明确妨碍患者功能。

(6) Behavior is severely reduced or entirely absent.行为严重减少或完全缺失。

·it is glaring and markedly interferes with functioning突出而显著妨碍患者功能。

9. Clinical Interview临床会谈

(1) item 2条目2

1) Begin by asking how has the subject been feeling in the past 7 days?开始时问患者在过去7d里感觉如何?

2) Ask if the subject has felt anxious, nervous or worried during the past week. Use fol-low-up questions:问患者在过去1周里是否感到过焦虑、紧张或担心。接着问以下问题:

·What has that been like for you?对您来说那感觉像什么?

·How bad was it?它有多糟糕?

·What makes you feel this way?是什么使您这样感觉?

3) Ask if the subject has felt sad or depressed. Use follow-up questions:问患者是否感到过悲伤或忧郁。接着问以下问题:

·Have there been times during the past week when you felt happy?在过去1周里您是否有过几次感到开心?

·What is it like when you feel happy?当您感到开心时那感觉像什么?

·How long did the feeling last?那感觉持续多久?

4) Elicit information on other emotions such as feeling proud, scared, surprised and an-gry.引出有关其他情绪如感到骄傲、害怕、惊讶和生气的信息。

5)Suggest situations that might cause emotion,but do not suggest the emotion that might have been experienced.暗示可能引起情绪的情形,但不要暗示可能已经体验过的情绪。

(2) item 3条目3

1) Ask subject about their current living situation, who do they see or spend time with at home.问患者有关他们目前的居住状况、他们和谁见面或在家与谁一起消磨时间。

2) Ask if the subject has any friends. Use follow-up questions:问患者是否有朋友。接着问以下问题:

·Who are your friends?谁是您的朋友?

·How often do you see them/ Did you see them this past week?您多久与他们碰一次面、过去1周您跟他们碰过面吗?

·Did you call any friends on the phone?您给朋友打过电话吗?

·Did you make plans with them/ Who made these plans?您跟他们一起制定过计划吗、谁制定这些计划?

3) Ask about desire to see or talk to friends.问患者有关与朋友见面或谈话的欲望。

(3) item 4条目4

1) Ask subject about what they enjoy doing and if they have done those things in the past week.问患者关于他们喜欢做什么及在过去1周里他们是否做过那些事。

2) Ask if the subject is interested in what goes on in the world. Use follow up ques-tions:问患者是否对世界上发生了什么事感兴趣。接着问以下问题:

·Do they read the newspaper or watch the news on TV?他们读报或看电视新闻吗?

·Can they relay any current events?他们会传播时事吗?

·Do they have a favorite sport that they follow?他们是否会去关注一项最喜欢的运动?


激越-镇静评定量表(The Agitation-Calmness Evaluation Scale,ACES)



















