首页 理论教育 打造全球绿色城市样本——崇明生态岛科技示范


时间:2023-06-10 理论教育 版权反馈


Demonstration of Sci-technologies in Chongming Eco-island: Striving to Be a Sample of Global Green City


Given the rapid development of urbanization, how to balance the ecological environment with economic and social development and to achieve harmony? People home and abroad are looking for the answer to this question.Unanimously, they think of the development of Chongming Island in Shanghai, including the famous English magazine New Scientist. Eleven years ago, this magazine had a special coverage named Eco-city to introduce the building of Chongming eco-island. A decade ago, some scholars put forward that Chongming Eco-island was of great significance since it is the largest eco-island in the world now. Most importantly, Chongming would move toward the purpose of integrated ecosystem including economy, society and nature. Different from cities in the developed countries, Chongming would skip traditional industrial era and leap from agricultural era to ecological era.The original mode of leaping development to build an eco-city sets a good example for the developing countries.


This leaping development from agricultural era to ecological era is not the single case in this book. It is the same with the decentralized processing of rural sewage, featured ecological communities, efficient organic agriculture, comprehensive utilization and management of agricultural waste. Residents witness Chongming Island to become on eco-island from its efforts made in natural wetland and nature reserves, the integrated utilization of biomass gasification power generation, large scale of introduction of wind energy and solar energy and the establishment of data industrial parks to make Chongming an intelligent island.(www.xing528.com)


In spite of the strong expectation from outside world, people in Chongming Island don’t lose their bearings.They are clearly aware that there is still a long way to go to fulfill the purpose of ecological civilization and lowcarbon sustainable development. Chongming Island is facing more and more severe environment and urgent need of development. Under the new background of ecological civilization and innovation, Chongming is in desperate need of new technologies to build a world-class eco-island.


(Written by Jiang Shiliang)

