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时间:2023-06-10 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:Offering Practical Experience in Conservation Development of Wetlands for Home and Abroad自然湿地和生态保护区的建设与保护Construction and Protection of Natural Wetlands and Ecological Conservation Areas作为世界最大的冲积沙岛,崇明岛具有丰富的滩涂湿地资源,包括崇东、崇西、九段沙等在内的主要湿地资源是崇明岛自然价值最高的生态系统,也是上海市重要的生态屏障。据统计,在东滩湿地一


Offering Practical Experience in Conservation Development of Wetlands for Home and Abroad


Construction and Protection of Natural Wetlands and Ecological Conservation Areas


As the world’s largest alluvial island, Chongming Island is rich in tidal-flat wetland, including Chongdong,Chongxi, and Jiuduansha. Those main wetland resources are not only the ecological systems of the highest natural value, but also play an important role as the ecological barriers of Shanghai.


With growing international influence of Chongming Island, the wetland protection and building of ecological environment have attracted the world’s attention. Two wetland conservation areas have been initiated, namely“Dongtan Wetland Ecological Conservation and Repair Demonstration Area” and “Xisha Wetland Protection and Utilization of Win-Win Model Practice Area.” The projects including habitat optimization of birdsand ecological control of Spartina alterniflora have been implemented in Dongtan. After the recovery of forests and wetlands,birds are introduced to promote self-sustainability and renewal of the bird bait animal community. As a result, the number of birds is greatly increased and the bird footprints are spread all over the island. Chongming Island has established and protected different types of ecological environment areas, and promoted enormous projects like Ecological Control in Dongtan Wetland Park, Xisha Wetland Park, Spartina alterniflora, Dongtan National Bird Protection Zone, Jin Aoshan Park Development and Protection, Pearl Lake Park, Yingzhou Park and Dongping National Forest Park. With a large number of urban parks, the forest coverage rate of the island ranks first in Shanghai, which makes making a significant contribution to the city’s ecological security.


Dongtan Wetland Park

东滩湿地公园建于1998年,集保护、科研、教育生态旅游和娱乐等功能于一体,2012年获得“中国生态保护最佳湿地”称号。2002年,东滩湿地公园被列入“拉姆萨国际湿地保护公约”国际重要湿地名录,评估依据为:位于世界第三大河流长江的入海口,形成了一个独特的天然湿地,包括大面积的淡水区域,以及盐碱沼泽、潮溪和泥潭等;维持着一个脆弱、濒危甚至极度濒危物种的生态群落,是12种濒危鸟类的栖息地,包括白鹳、白头鹤、中华秋沙鸭、白枕鹤等;位于一条重要的迁徙路线(东亚/澳大利西亚)上,是鸟类过冬迁徙路线上的歇脚点;是数百万鸟类的栖息地,有超过30 000只鹅和8种涉水鸟。据统计,在东滩湿地一年中共发现过2 989种鸟类。同时东滩湿地也是濒危物种中华鲟等鱼类的迁徙通道和产卵、觅食点。

Founded in 1998, Dongtan Wetland Park won the honor of China’s Ecological Protection of the Best Wetlands in 2012, consisting of functions of protection, research, education, eco-tourism and entertainment. In 2002, Dongtan Wetland Park was listed on Ramsa Convention, the list of world renowned wetlands. Located at the mouth of Yangtze River, the world’s third largest river, Dongtan Wetland Park takes shape as a unique natural wetland, which includes large areas of fresh water and salt marshes, tides and quagmire. Dongtan Wetland Park has a fragile ecological community, homing endangered or even extremely endangered species, such as 12 kinds of endangered birds including white storks, white cranes, Chinese mergansers, white-naped cranes and so on.Lying in an important migration route (East Asia/Australasia), the park is a resting point of the birds migrating to escape winter and also an important habitat of millions of birds, such as over 30 000 geese and 8 species of wading birds. According to statistics, there are about 2 989 species of birds found in the Dongtan wetland in one year. In addition, it is a migrating stop for endangered fish species such as Chinese sturgeon to spawn and to look for food.


Xisha Wetland Park


Xisha Wetland Park is a typical estuary tidal-flat wetland, belonging to tidal river ecosystem. Founded in 2005, Xisha Wetland Park is the core of National Geological Park of Chongming Island. Chongming Island National Geological Park Monument stands at the only natural wetland in Shanghai where tidal phenomenon and tidal-flat area and woodland can be seen. The ecological relics and landscapes of the Xisha Wetland are “estuarine terrain geological relics”, “wetland geomorphic geological relics” and wetland vegetation, birds, benthic animals and so on. Xisha Wetland covers an area of about 3 km2, which is smaller than the Dongtan wetland. However, its tidal plain plays an important role in the Yangtze River Delta Ecosystem. At present, Shanghai Forestry Bureau is responsible to develop Xisha Wetland into a park with multiple functions like ecological protection, scientific research, entertainment and tourism and others.(www.xing528.com)


Dongtan National Bird Protection Zone

东滩国家级鸟类保护区成立于1998年,辖区面积32 600公顷,它保留了一定的光滩和沼泽地,在重建湿地生态系统的同时,也为候鸟栖息提供了理想场所。据统计,东滩湿地鸟类达149种,其中国家二类保护动物14种,迁徙鸟类最大种群数已超过2千只,并成功展开扬子鳄野生种群恢复研究工作。 2002年,东滩湿地被列入国际主要湿地目录,并于目前完成了1.81平方公里范围的基本环境建设。崇明生态岛建设有助于恢复鸟类的栖息地以及提高占全球种群数量1%以上的水鸟物种数,2012年,崇明岛占全球种群数量1%以上的水鸟物种数保持在7种,实现了《纲要》所提出的目标。

Founded in 1998, Dongtan National Bird Reserve covers an area of 32 600 hm2. It retains a certain bare flat and swamp, offering an ideal habitat for migratory birds in the rebuilding of wetland ecosystem. According to statistics, there are 149 species of birds in Dongtan wetland, among which 14 are the second class of protected animals. The largest population of migratory birds has reached over 2 000. And the research on wild population of Chinese alligators has been recovered. About 1.81 km2 of the basic environment construction has completed. In 2002, it was included in the international list of major wetlands.The construction of Chongming Island will help to restore the habitat of birds and to increase the number of waterbirds species that accounts for over 1%of the global population. In 2012,seven species of waterbird species in Chongming Island accounted for over 1% of the global population, achievingthe objectives in the Outline.

Bird habitat optimal test area


Technology of Ecological Control of Spartina alterniflora


In 2003, Spartina alterniflora was listed as one of the sixteen most harmful invasive alien species by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of People’s Republic of China. It is of great significance to spare no efforts to control Spartina alterniflora and to improve native plant and bird habitat of Chongming Island. The proposals on ecological control of Spartina alterniflora in Chongming Island have been carried out. Comprehensive approaches combining physical control with biological alternative method are adopted in Dongtan, Chongming to control Spartina alterniflora. Six specific measures are implemented, namely enclosing, cutting, flooding, drying,transferring and planting. That is to prevent the expansion of Spartina alternifolia by the construction of dike. As for the Spartina alterniflora inside embankment, the part above the ground can be cut or removed by fire. And then, the water level can be raised to flood Spartina alterniflora so as to devitalize the propagation of Spartina alterniflora due to hypoxia. After basic removal of the propagation, the water shall be drained until tidal flat exposed, where a certain density of reed will be planted. After that, hyposaline water from Yangtze River water will be introduced to the dike until it reaches a certain depth so as to promote the growth of reeds and to curb the recovery of Spartina alterniflora.


Spartina alterniflora ecological control experimental

The effective protection of these wetlands not only retains important ecological wealth for Chongming ecoisland, but also has promoted the international reputation of Chongming eco-island. It has guaranteed ecological security of Shanghai. At the same time, it also provides important practical experience in the conservation and development of wetland both home and abroad. Per capita public green space of Chongming residents reached 11.35 m2. Ecological island forest coverage rate reaches 19.3%, ranking first in the city. 550 m2 new protected areas are added and the ecological protected area reaches 76.9%. The ecological environment of the wetland has been improved to a certain extent, and seven species of water bird species in Chongming Island accounted for over 1% of the global population. Thus, wetland protection has made great progress. The development of Dongtan and Xisha Wetland parks plays an important role in the building of Chongming eco-island. In 2012, the natural wetland preservation rate of Chongming Island remained at 43.38%. Current actions are conducive to improve the health and sustainability of wetlands and also to the rise of the level of natural wetland conservation and other standards, while the natural wetland conservation rate should be maintained as a stable index, which needs to be maintained.


(Contributed by Fudan University and East China Normal University, sorted by Kao Shujian & Si Huiping)

