首页 理论教育 直击:辛德瑞拉的美国高中斗争生


时间:2023-07-28 理论教育 版权反馈




说到日常生活,我们学校有一部分很有特色的活动是美国很多其他学校没有的。那就是work job!简单来说,就是每个人除了自己要上的课和活动以外,每天还会有一份工作!更奇葩的是,我们的工作也是有学分的!有五个必须做过才可以毕业的工作:分别是:打扫牲口棚,做午餐,洗盘子,做晚餐服务生和G-sub。牲口棚是我们这个牧场学校的特色!有鸡圈、羊圈、牛棚和马棚。早餐学生吃的鸡蛋都是学校的鸡产的,牛奶也是学校的奶牛产的。马是用来给有马术下午活动的学生用的。而绵羊身上的毛可以用来做成毛线给学生学习纺织用。完全


7.Cinderella the right way of high school life

The first day I had been in this school,I felt the campus was huge and I became lost in different buildings.After two weeks,I knew the useful space for me was not that wide,with huge lawn and forest.The confusing buildings or offices were not the places we would go after school formally started.A lot of buildings made students confused,like the dorms,the KDU,the field house,the learning center,the Currier Center,the library,the greenhouse and Wender Arts.But,we actually just had two buildings as our academic buildings.It meant we had fewer students.How many? 200 students in total! What did that mean? Let's imagine.We had an assembly happen after our first class that required the whole school come.Forty benches in an assembly hall were enough for all the students and teachers.Sometime the director of the school would give a speech,sometimes students performed musical numbers and sometimes students would ask a girl to prom in the assembly.Overall,it was a place to make others know you.(www.xing528.com)

Even though people often felt bored,it was still much more interesting than the life in a Chinese high school.Besides the relaxing and fun courses,the nice living environment was also really important.On the top of a mountain,we could go hiking in the forest with friends,pick mushrooms,blow dandelions and play with squirrels.This would never happen in a Chinese high school.On the other hand,the relationships between people were also different from those in China.Strangers would smile and say hello to you.Students were friendly to everyone,but not close

to anyone.I thought in their minds,everyone was an individual and needed their own space.Unlike Chinese students,self-reliance was important to them.I was used to always being with others and doing everything together,so I felt alone when I frst lived here.

The Putney School had a special activity that other American high schools do not!Everyone had a job in addition to our courses and activities.The jobs also counted as a credit,which meant we had to do them to graduate.The fve jobs that everyone had were barn,lunch,crew,dinner waiter and g-sub.Barns were characteristics in this school.Some of the eggs we ate in breakfast were from our own chickens and the milk was also from the cows in barn.Horse barn had the horses for students’riding activity.We served ourself!However,the job in barn was not fun for most students.In the morning barn,students had to get up around 5 o’clock and stay one hour.They had to clean the cow’s droppings.Sometimes when students were cleaning next to the cows,the cows started to pee suddenly and the students could not get a chance run away.It was not something new to get dirty by a weird liquid.Dinner waiters were always seniors.The meals in our school were buffet-style and students

served themselves.But on Tuesday and Thursday nights,we had family-style dinners,where student waiters served dinner.Students and teachers sat down directly in the KDU and waited for the waiters to bring dishes.G-sub was a job for excused students who were supposed to do a certain job so that the jobs could be done on time.My frst job in the fall was helping in the kitchen.It was pretty relaxing and I got a chance to know some chefs.They were nice and funny people,always chatting with me.That was the most fun part of that job.

