首页 理论教育 海岛大国不列颠自然环境与英语词汇


时间:2023-07-29 理论教育 版权反馈





A smooth sea never makes a skillful mariner.

Still waters run deep.

In a calm sea,every man is a pilot.

A small leak will sink a great ship.

Being on the sea,sail; being on the land,settle.

Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.

A little ship needs but a little sail.

Don't spoil the ship for a half-penny-worth of tar.

Many drops of water will sink the ship.

Ships fear fire more than water.

It is skill not strength that governs a ship.

Let another's shipw reck be your seamark.

He that will not sail until all dangers are over must not put to sea.

He that will not sail until he has a full,fair wind will lose many a voyage.

Hoist your sail when the wind is fair.

It is safest sailing within reach of the shore.

A good sailor may mistake in a dark night.

When it is fine weather mend your sail.

The sea refuses no water.

劳动创造了世界,也创造了语言。不列颠人的生活与海洋和水运事业有着密切的关系。对海洋的依赖与发展决定了航海民族务必使用大量与海有关的语汇。这种语言现象突出反映在航海谚语上,如plain sailing(一帆风顺)、go with the stream(随波逐流)、on the rocks(触礁)、a good sailor(不晕船)、in the same boat(同舟共济)、know the rope(内行)、tide over(顺利度过)、cast an anchor to windward(未雨绸缪)、trim the sails to the wind(顺势前进)、as close as an oyster(守口如瓶)、sail before the wind(顺风而行)、give up the ship (放弃)、any port in a storm(风暴到来不择港)、go to sea(去当水手)、follow the sea(做海员)、on the sea(在船上)、take to sea(起航)、any stormin a storm(风暴到来不择港)、tell that to the marines(哪有那样的事)、turn adrift(辞退)、clean the deck(扫除障碍)、ship a sea(船遭遇浪击进水)、all at sea(茫然不知所措),等等。当讲到什么东西特别多时,不列颠人也常用sea来作比喻,如a sea of jubilant people(一片欢腾的人海)、a sea of troubles(无穷的烦恼)、a sea of debt(大量债务)、a sea of smiles(无数笑脸)、a sea of faces(数不清的脸)、a sea of mud(大片泥浆)、a sea of flame(一片火海)等。


Hoist the colors(升起旗帜——宣布观点)

Sail under false colors(用假冒的旗帜航行——冒充、欺世盗名)

Plain sailing(平静的航行——一切顺利)

Take the helm(掌舵——掌管一个组织或一件事)

Trim the sail to the wind(随风使帆——见风使舵,鉴貌辨色)

Sail before the wind(顺利航行——提防危险)

Tip of an ice-berg(浮动在海洋上的冰山的尖顶——危险或坏事的苗头)

Steer clear ofit(船只转舵以避开——躲开)

When the ship comes home(当船回来的时候——愿望实现的时候,发财的时候)

A sheet in the wind(风中的片帆——微醉)

Three sheets in the wind(风中的三片帆——酩酊大醉)

In low water(搁浅——缺钱、拮据)

Make a shipw reck(沉船——破灭、遭灾)

On the rocks(触礁——遭到失败)

Sink or swim(沉浮全靠自己——死活、好坏全凭自己)

Go keep one's head over water(把头保持在水面,不下沉——不负债)

Clutch a straw(落水的人紧抓住一根麦秆——依靠根本靠不住的东西)

不列颠环岛漫长的海岸线和岛上稠密的河流蕴藏着极其丰富的渔业资源。捕鱼业在不列颠经济中占有相当大的比例,因此英语留下不少与渔业有关的习语。Fish可用来表示“(特殊的)人”“家伙”,例如a big fish(大人物、大亨)、a dull fish(迟钝汉)等。和fish有关的英语词汇涵盖英民族生活与工作的方方面面,例如:

Like a fish out of water.(如鱼离水,局促不安。)

Drink like a fish.(狂饮如鱼,一醉方休。)

A big fish in a little pond.(矬子里拔大个。)

Have other fish to fry.(还有别的重要事情要做。)

Neither fish nor fowl(不伦不类)

As mute as fish(默不作声)(www.xing528.com)

A ll's fish that comes to one's net(来者不拒)

A fine kettle of fish(一团糟)

Another kettle of fish(不是一回事)

Make fish of one and flesh of another(厚此薄彼)

Cry stinking fish(自扬家丑)

The best fish swim near the bottom.(有价值的东西不会轻易得到。)

Fish begins to stink at the head.(上梁不正下梁歪。)

If you swear you will catch no fish.(咒骂解决不了问题。)

Never offer to teach fish to swim .(不要班门弄斧。)

No fishing like fishing in the sea.(捕鱼要到大海。)

Fish or cut bait.(要么好好干,要么别干。)

A different kettle of fish(截然不同的人)

A nice kettle of fish(尴尬的局面)

To feed the fishes(葬身鱼腹)

The best fish smell when they are three days old.(久住招人嫌。)

Cut no fish till you get them.(勿过早打如意算盘。)

It is a silly fish that is caught twice with the same bait.(智者不上两回当。)

Venture a small fish to catch a big one.(欲钓大鱼,先舍小鱼。)

英语中的eat no fish一语的“忠诚”之义,与宗教文化有关。旧时,英国天主教徒按照罗马天主教会定下的规矩,在星期五那一天只吃鱼不吃肉,故星期五定为fish day(吃鱼日)。但基督教徒表示对基督教的忠诚,星期五照样吃肉而不吃鱼,因此,eat no fish就具有“忠诚”、“忠实可靠”的喻义。


A baker's wife may bite of bun.

Another's bread cost dear.

Bachelor's fare:bread and cheese and solitude.

Butter is gold in morning,silver at noon and lead at night.

Give a loaf and beg a slice.

Half a loafis better than no bread.

If you sell the cow,you sell the milk too.

God gives the milk,but not the pail.

It's no use crying over spilt milk.

Take bread out of someone's mouth.

不列颠一日三餐均有不同的叫法,而真说“吃饭”,这饭便是bread:to set on bread(开饭)。汉语中用“饭碗”喻职业,而不列颠人则用a bread and butter job。“谋生”是earn one's bread。“夹生饭”喻不成熟,英语中用half-baked。The milk is split是“生米煮成了熟饭”的意思。

伦敦素有City of Fog(雾都)之称。不列颠的雾是由来自海洋的大量暖湿空气与岛屿上空较冷的气团相遇形成的。经常笼罩在雾中,不列颠人就用“fog”和“mist”两个词将“雾”和“薄雾”加以区别。伦敦的许多工厂的烟囱和无数传统不列颠式壁炉冒出的烟里含有大量的微粒,使空气更容易凝结雾珠。烟雾混为一体,形成了对人体造成危害的smog(smoke+ fog,烟雾)。英语中与伦敦的“雾”有关的词语还有:London fog(伦敦雾)、London ivy(伦敦的烟雾)、London particular(伦敦特有的浓雾)、London smoke(伦敦烟灰色)。岛国的气候温和,但天气多变。岛国人常说国外有climate(气候),在岛国只有weather(天气),以此来表明这里天气的变化莫测。多变的天气也为岛国人提供了日常话题,在不列颠甚至最沉默寡言的人也喜欢谈论天气。不列颠西北山区潮湿多雨,东南平原相对干燥,因而气象农牧业有谚语An English summer,three hot days and a thunder storm.(不列颠夏季三天炎热,然后一次雷雨。)Under water,famine; under snow,bread.(水没庄稼,来年饥荒;雪覆农田,面包在望。)不列颠不仅经常下雨,而且雨下得很大,因此产生了一条谚语:It never rains but it pours.(不雨则已,一雨倾盆。)生活在经常下雨的地方,就要做到“未雨绸缪”,英语中叫作for a rainy day(为雨天而准备)。不列颠的雨已是家常便饭。难怪不列颠人口头上常说as right as rain(像下雨那样正确)。Mushroom(蘑菇)在不列颠多雨的气候中可得到迅速生长,不列颠民族也就习惯用“Like mushrooms”或“to mushroom”来描述某个事物生长发展的蓬勃兴旺之状:spring(shoot,pop)up like mushrooms(如雨后春笋般涌现)。同样,as plentiful as blackberries(多如牛毛)也是出自黑莓遍地、俯拾皆是的生态环境。


John Mansefield的“It's a warm wind,the west wind,full of bird,crying.”;

John Milton的“And west winds with musky wing”;

Samuel Butler的“biting east wind”;

Charles Dickens的“How many winter days have I seen him,standing blue-nosed in the snow and east wind!”


When the sweet showers of April fall and shoot.

Down through the drought of March to pierce the root.

Bathing every vein in liquid power.

From which there spring the engendering of the flower.

When also Zephyrus(西风)with his sweet breath.

Exhales an air in every grove and breath.

Upon the tender shoot...          (The Canterbury Tales )

著名诗人Percy Shelley(雪莱)的《西风颂》是世人皆知的佳作。在这首诗中,他以名传千古的佳句歌颂了西风“O,west wind,if winter comes can spring be far behind?”(如果冬天已经来临,西风啊,春天还会遥远吗?)因为east wind在英语中象征着“寒冷”、“萧索”、“令人不悦”,所以不列颠的诗人、作家历来贬斥东风,例如Matthew Arnold在他的一篇文章中是这样描述东风的:“A sort of spiritual east wind was at that time blowing; neither Butler nor Gray could flower.”可见,“东风”吹来,文坛一片萧索,就连巴特勒和格雷这样的诗人文士都不能有生花之笔。

不列颠的夏日明媚温和,是最宜人的季节。因此,summer在英语中常具有“温和”、“美好”等比喻意义。如Youth like summer morn(青春如夏日朝霞)、The summer flower is to the summer's sweet(夏天的花朵是芳香郁馥的)等。莎士比亚仲夏夜之梦》中的夏夜温婉美丽。莎翁在他的十四行诗的第18首中将心爱的人比喻成“夏日”:Shall I compare thee to a summer's day ?Thou art more lovely and temperate.

