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时间:2023-07-29 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:After twenty-two years of patient building,the first service in W ren's new cathedral was held in 1697,the last stone being laid eleven years after that.During the final phase,the erection of the dome and lantern,the architect,then an old man,was hauled up in a basket once a week to inspect progress.The ultimate glory of St Paul's is its graceful lead-coated dome,crowned by the lantern,ball and cross.The dome is 112 feet in diameter,and from the top of the cross it is 365 feet to the cathedral pavement.经过22年锲而不舍的努力,雷恩修建的新教堂于1697年迎来了第一次宗教仪式。在建造穹顶和安装天窗的最后阶段,建筑师雷恩早已白发苍苍,但他每周都会到施工现场,坐着吊篮上去查看工程的进展。


Fires destroyed two churches on the site of St Paul's before construction began in 1675 of the present cathedral,London's most famous church and Sir Christopher W ren's masterpiece.Whether a Roman temple of Diana also once stood there has not been firm ly established.What is certain is that a seventh-century Christian church was burned down in 1087,to be succeeded by the Norman church of Old St Paul's.Sections of this building were lost at various times—probably the most spectacular departure being that of the steeple,destroyed by lightning in 1561—before the Great Fire of London in 1666 brought down virtually the whole cathedral.


After twenty-two years of patient building,the first service in W ren's new cathedral was held in 1697,the last stone being laid eleven years after that.During the final phase,the erection of the dome and lantern,the architect,then an old man,was hauled up in a basket once a week to inspect progress.The ultimate glory of St Paul's is its graceful lead-coated dome,crowned by the lantern,ball and cross.The dome is 112 feet in diameter,and from the top of the cross it is 365 feet to the cathedral pavement.


The plan of the building is that of the traditional long cross:its structure,combines baroque and classical elements in a restrained English style that is a principal distinguishing mark of W ren and his contemporaries.From the west the visitor passes up the steps and through the lower of two colonnades,there to be confronted by the long nave,augustly beautiful,leading to the domed crossing.The cool monumental character of the interior is sustained by many a tomb and memorial sculpture,in particular to heroes of the Napoleonic Wars.Warmer in atmosphere are the superbly carved choir stalls of Grinling Gibbons; admirers of fine craftsmanship will also remember the w rought-iron gates by Jean Tijou which separate the High Altar from the choir aisles.


