首页 理论教育 畅游城市最大公园——空港中央公园


时间:2023-05-30 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:City in the park● 空港中央公园在双流城区以西,一座以水为轴、绿道为脉的亚洲最大的城市公园群——空港中央公园似水墨画卷一般铺开,15000亩的巨大体量分为东西两个片区。城市音乐厅、博物馆、绿道驿站以及双流古八景、诸葛文化、槐轩文化、航空文化等地域文化也将在公园建设中得到体现。在这里,既有快节奏的双子塔摩天都市办公区,又有慢生活的艺术中心和开敞式主题街区。


City in the park



The A irpo rt Cen tra l Pa rk

The Airport Central Park, lying to the west of Shuangliu urban area, is Asia’s largest group of urban parks connected by waters and greenways. The park, covering 15,000 mu of land and divided into west and east sections, unfolds like a wash painting scroll. The east section, covering 8,000 mu, features “f ive lakes and four seas”, while the west section, covering 7,000 mu, centers on the Yangliu Lake. The general plan of the park is a pound sign shape network of green ecological corridors, a group of parks w ith many scenic attractions. The park w ill incorporate an urban concert hall, a museum and greenway stations, as well as local cultural elements including the Eight Views of Ancient Shuangliu, Zhuge Liang’s cultural legacy, Huai Xuan School and aviation culture.

The Fengxiang Lake

The Fengxiang Lake




The goal is to build a city that is at once a park.

The park will present new lifestyle, consumption and creative scenes.

With a mix of functions including recalling the past and living in the present

moment, the park is radically changing people’s understanding of the city.

The Airport Central Park



The Tianfu Yixin Lake

The Tianfu Yixin Lake

The Tian fu Y ix in Lake

The Yixin Lake is more than a lake. In addition to a lake, it has four functional areas, i.e. a dynam ic sports and residential area, a lakeside central business area, an industrial area supporting academ ia, research and innovation, and an ecological off ice area. Therefore, the park enables the development of epoch-defining highend industries, while offering a poetic resting place for the soul. Here, an off ice area w ith high-rise tw in towers provides a fast-paced working environment, and the art center and an open themed block allow slow life. Wetlands, a lake, green galleries, skyscrapers and a low-density residential area constitute an environment of eco-friend ly office facilities and urban amenities. This is industry-city integration and landscape-city integration in the real sense.

Coming back

A beautiful and livable park city

A beautiful and livable park city

● 环城生态带

双流区环城生态带是成都市环城生态区非常重要的组成部分。其中的江安板块更是成都环城生态区的“四心七楔” 之一,拥有湿地和森林两大优越自然资源。在这里,人与自然、城市与公园和谐相宜。根据规划,整个江安板块总面积将近12000亩,分为6个主题功能片区,分别是综合休闲区、湿地湖泊区、多彩森林区、欢乐湖岸区、滨河景观区、现状复育区。

The Eco log ica l Be lt a round Shuang liu(www.xing528.com)

The Ecological Belt around Shuangliu D istrict is an integral part of the Ecological Zone around Chengdu. The Jiang’an section, in particu lar, one of the “fou r centers and seven wedges” of the Ecological Zone, boasts two superior natural resources, i.e. wetland and forest. This is where man and nature, as well as the city and park are in perfect harmony. As planned, the entire Jiang’an section, covering a land area of about 12,000 mu, has six theme-specif ic functional areas, i.e. a general leisure area, a wetland and lake area, a colorful forest area, a happy lakeside area, a riverside landscape area, and an “as is” restoration area.

● 空港花田


The Airport Flower Field

The Airport Flower Field is a runway for watching airplanes taking off and landing. It offers the best vision and perspective that allow visitors to experience the shocking moment of a plane flying by overhead at the closest distance. Every two minutes, a plane would fly by roaring. Before you could identify its logo, another one has taken off.

The Airport Flower Field

The Airport Flower Field

The Airport Flower Field

The Airport Flower Field

郁金香、百合花、虞美人油菜花、绣球花、小雏菊、马鞭草格桑花玫瑰花月季花,七彩花田讲述着不一样的花语,或为四季的祝福,或为毕生的祈愿,都好。招牌的 “大熊猫”图案惬意地躲在花丛中,或躺或卧,造型各异,问候天上的旅客,也致意地上的游人。

The flower field is filled with a variety of flowers including tulip, lily, corn poppy, rape, hydrangea, daisy, vervain, gesang flower, rose and Chinese rose, symbolizing different prayers and blessings. The signature “giant panda” patterns hide comfortably among the flowers, in lying or prostrating positions, greeting passengers up in the air and visitors on the ground.

The scenery of Muma Mountain

The scenery of Muma Mountain

● 牧马山蚕丛文化园



The Can Cong Cu ltu ra l Pa rk, M um a M oun ta in

The Can Cong Cultural Park is located in the Muma Mountain Forest Park. Leaning back against the Airport Flower Field, it is the f irst forest park featuring ancient Shu culture in Chengdu. The cultural park has twofunctions, i.e. the protective presentation of the City of Qushang Site and the regular presentation of ancient Shu culture. The landscapes go w ith the natural hilly terrain, and small buildings are half hidden among the hills and waters. Here, visitors can explore a range of sights including the City Gate, Can Cong Square, Pro-farm ing Ceremony Memorial A rchway, Gusang Avenue, Xiannong A ltar, Can Cong Temple and Mushan Academy.

● 棠湖公园


The Tanghu Park

The Tanghu Park

The Tanghu Park

The Tanghu Pa rk

For Shuangliu citizens, the Tanghu Park bears the marks of an old era, carrying the collective memory of locals. The park was built and funded by donations from all walks of life in Shuangliu in the early 1980s. As its name suggests, the park has been covered w ith many Chinese f lowering crabapple trees since its inception. In the park are towers and terraces half-hidden and pavilions and colonnades strew n at random, blending perfectly w ith the scenic environment. Elegant and quiet garden views typical of western Sichuan greet visitors’ eyes everywhere. The entire park is filled w ith the coiling and crouching branches of more than 5,000 crabapple trees of more than 30 varieties. The flowering quince, in particular, which originally g row s in Muma M ountain, Shuangliu, is a unique sight to see in the park. In recent years, the park has undergone several renovations that removed walls to unlock green and added such artistic landscapes as the Crabapple Forest of Poem Tablets, Shang Qu Lecturing, and culture and art walls. As a result, the Tanghu Park has become a fully open urban landscape park for recreation, leisure and sports. It is also one of the seven provincial key parks in Chengdu.

The Tanghu Pa rk

