首页 理论教育 封面英语歌曲赏析及模本选修教材


时间:2023-07-05 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:封面英语歌曲赏析English Songs for Listening and Singing校本选修教材目录 My Old Kentucky Home模本Part One Listening and singingListen to the song and fill in the blanks.My Old Kentucky HomeThe sun shines bright in my old Kentucky home,It's summer,the darkies are gay ;The corntop's ripe and the meadow's in the bloom,While the birds make music all the day.The young folks roll on the little cabin floor.All merry,all happy and bright .Part Two Talking and ImitatingDiscuss the following questions with your partner.Q: Do you like the song?兰草音乐被Bonnie Clyde、The Beverly Hill billies在20世纪60年代末极力推动,赢得了一批全新的听众。今天,兰草音乐仍保持着极高的影响力,像著名乡村音乐人Alison Krauss就是一例。


封面英语歌曲赏析English Songs for Listening and Singing校本选修教材

目录 My Old Kentucky Home


Part One Listening and singing

Listen to the song and fill in the blanks.

My Old Kentucky Home

The sun shines bright in my old Kentucky home,

It's summer,the darkies are gay ;

The corntop's ripe and the meadow's in the bloom,

While the birds make music all the day.

The young folks roll on the little cabin floor.

All merry,all happy and bright .

Part Two Talking and Imitating

Discuss the following questions with your partner.

Q: Do you like the song? Why or Why not ?

Q: What do you think the singer wants to say? And to whom is he singing?

Q: Is the singer happy or sad ?

Q: Do you know who is the writer of the song?

Imitate the tone of the tape and sing aloud.

Part Three Reading and Practising

Read the following passages and do the exercises.

A.早期乡村音乐(Early Country)

早期商业操作的乡村音乐是与美国南部18、19世纪大不列颠移民带来的传统民歌谣一脉相承的。但早期乡村音乐并不坚持口头叙事的传统,而是经常用小提琴这种乐器奏出旋律,代替人声的作用。乡村音乐家John Carson把这两种传统结合了起来,在1923年,他在“78”这首歌中既演唱又演奏,其被认为是早期乡村音乐的第一首畅销单曲。

这一时期最负盛名的组合无疑是The Carter Family(卡特家族),他们对乡村音乐发展的重要性怎么描述都不为过。他们是南部民谣传统的坚守者。他们被认为是“乡村第一家”(The First Family of Country Music),他们的那首Will The Circle Be Unbroken就像《野花》(Wildwood Flower)一样,是乡村音乐的典范,并第一次把Maybelle Carter的极富感染力的吉他风格介绍给人们。

The Stoneman of Galax、Virginia也是早期乡村音乐的先驱者。Jimmie Rodgers被誉为“乡村音乐之父”,他把大众对乡村音乐的接受度提高到一个新的水平,并且是流行音乐史上最具影响力的歌手之一。他那独一无二的嗓音和为潦倒者写的歌词,给他带来了全国性的知名度。由此,他为乡村音乐打下了一个崭新的、牢固的基础。他那短暂的录音生涯(1927—1933年)的原创,他的歌唱和写曲风格,即使是现在也并未过时。

Tell True or False according to the passage.

1. Early country music narrates stories passed on orally.(F)

2. John Carson immitated human voice by playing the violin.(T)

3. The Carsons were known as “The First Family of Country Music”.(T)

4. Jimmie Rodgers was “The Father of Country Music”, who was also one of the influential singers.(T).

B.兰草音乐(Blue Grass)

一种精致的、纯正的、原汁原味的音乐,很容易辨识。折中音乐有两三部和声,激烈的节奏,不受约束的情感。这“孤独而高亢”的声音产生于20世纪20年代末的“弦乐运动”(Stringband Movement),成名在创始者为Bill Monroe的乐队“兰草男孩”(The Blue Grass Boys)。兰草音乐被Bonnie Clyde、The Beverly Hill billies在20世纪60年代末极力推动,赢得了一批全新的听众。今天,兰草音乐仍保持着极高的影响力,像著名乡村音乐人Alison Krauss就是一例。

Answer the following questions.

Q1.What is the unique feature of Blue Grass?

Q2. Who is typical of this form of music?

Part Four Writing


Part Five Assessment

