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时间:2023-07-06 理论教育 版权反馈




当我们拿到故事材料时要整体阅读故事,感受故事的趣味性。在读故事的时候我们会伴随着大脑的故事意象来感受故事的内容及趣味性。结合对幼儿认识和已知经验,体会故事是否符合幼儿的年龄特点及身心发展规律,是否能抓住幼儿的好奇心及注意力。例如:No Monster简单的认知中有待于神秘的寻找Where is the monster?符合幼儿有着强烈的好奇心的年龄特点,简单又有趣。




故事的字里行间透露着故事的情节、情感,有的时候一个生动词汇,美妙的修辞都能增加故事的色彩。在赏析故事时,我们要仔细阅读,寻找故事中的每一处亮点,可以更生动地讲给幼儿听。Missing Mum中小鸡在寻找妈妈,遇到不同的动物,他们发出不同的声音,向小鸡解释着自己的身份,整个故事像一首交响曲一样很美。









No Monster

I look in the house,no monster.

I look in the floor,no monster.

I look in the bag,no monster.

I look in the table,no monster.

I look in the chair,no monster.

I look in the shoe,no monster.

I look under the coat,here is the monster!

赏析:这篇故事篇幅短小,语言重复,带着幼儿的好奇心“Where is the monster?”的疑问,去寻求答案,富有动感,同时又有着游戏的味道。适合小班幼儿聆听、阅读、游戏和表演,同时也可结合活动进行再创作,成为英语语言教育的工具。


Three Butterflies

There were three butterflies,one was red,one was blue,and one was yellow.They played in the sunshine,danced in the garden together.They were so happy.

One day,it rained and they got wet.The three butterflies flew to a red flower,“Good red flower,we are cold.Can we hide here?”“The red butterfly comes in,the yellow butterfly,blue butterfly go away!”“No!No!No!We are good friends.We come together,go together!”

It rained harder and harder;three butterflies became wetter and wetter.The three butterflies flew to a yellow flower“good yellow flower,we are cold.Can we hide here?”“The yellow butterfly comes in,the red butterfly and blue butterfly go away!”“No!No!No!We are good friends.We come together,go together!”

The three butterflies flew to a blue flower“Good blue flower,we are cold.Can we hide here?”(www.xing528.com)

“The blue butterfly comes in,the red butterfly,yellow butterfly go away!”“No!No!No!We are good friends.We come together,go together!”

The sun smiled and came out.

The three butterflies played in the sunshine,danced in the garden together.They were so happy!

They are good friends!

赏析:故事结构完整,情节内容曲折但又不复杂,语言重复,简洁,符合幼儿的年龄特点和发展规律。故事中不同颜色的小蝴蝶是好朋友,一天他们在花园里玩儿,突然下雨了,他们来到不同颜色的小花姐姐那里寻求帮助,可是每一位姐姐只允许和自己同样颜色的小蝴蝶到她的叶子底下避雨,“No!No!No!We are good friends.We come together,go together!”仅仅这一句重复的语言倒出了三只小蝴蝶的珍贵友谊,也体现了故事中语言重复的力量。太阳公公的出现,更是肯定了小蝴蝶们的友谊,强化了好朋友就要共同进退,不离不弃。


Guess How Much I Love You

Little Nut-brown Hare,who was going to bed,held on tight to Big Nut brown Hare's very long ears.

He wanted to be sure that Big Nut-brown Hare was listening.“Guess how much I love you,”he said.

“Oh,I don't think I could guess that,”said Big Nut-brown Hare.

“This much,”said Little Nut-brown.

Hare stretched out his arms as wide as they could go.

Big Nut-brown Hare had even longer arms.“But I love YOU this much,”he said.

Hmm,that is a lot,thought Little Nut-brown Hare.

“I love you as high as I can reach,”said Little Nut-brown Hare.

“I love you as high as I can reach,”said Big Nut-brown Hare.

That is quite high,thought Little Nut-brown Hare.I wish I had arms like that.

Then Little Nut-brown Hare had a good idea.He tumbled upside down and reached up the tree trunk with his feet.

“I love you all the way up to my toes!”he said.

“And I love you all the way up to your toes,”said Big Nut-brown Hare,swinging him up over his head.

“I love you as high as I can HOP!”laughed Little Nut-brown Hare,bouncing up and down.

“But I love you as high as I can hop,”smiled Big Nut-brown Hare-and he hopped so high that his ears touched the branches above.That's good hopping thought Little Nut-brown Hare.I wish I could hop like that.

“I love you all the way down the lane as far as the river,”cried Little Nut-brown Hare.“I love you across the river and over the hills,”said Big Nut-brown Hare.

That's very far,thought Little Nut-brown Hare.He was almost too sleepy to think any more.Then he looked beyond the thorn bushes,out into the big dark night.Nothing could be further than the sky.

“I love you right up to the MOON,”he said,and closed his eyes.“Oh,that's far,”said Big Nut-brown Hare.“That is very,very far.”

Big Nut-brown Hare settled Little Nut-brown Hare into his bed of leaves.He leaned over and  kissed him good night.

Then he lay down close by and whispered with a smile,“I love you right up to the moon-AND BACK.”

赏析:故事结构完整,内容丰富,语言简单、优美,淋漓尽致地表现出了父子之间浓厚的亲情,感染每一个鲜活的小生命。故事以简单的语言描述,开门见山地直入主题。以小兔子的疑问“Guess how much I love you?”拉开故事的序幕。一系列的“I love you....”的对比句,让幼儿更直观地感受到父亲对小兔子的爱,带着暖暖的情感跟随着小兔子去探寻“爸爸到底有多爱我?”结尾一句“I love you right up to the moon-AND BACK.”浓浓的爱子之情,不仅仅让孩子感动,为孩子读故事的爸爸、妈妈、老师等成人被其深深地触动。故事中还有很多人物的刻画,语言简单但纯美,让人总是会产生爱的情愫,例如:He tumbled upside down and reached up the tree trunk with his feet.;swinging him up over his head;laughed Little Nut-brown Hare,bouncing up and down;smiled Big Nut brown Hare-and he hopped so high that his ears touched the branches above等等让人更真切地感受到故事的魅力。

