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时间:2023-11-23 理论教育 版权反馈





以《大学英语精读1》Unit 7 The Sampler为例。在本文的阅读教学中,教师设计了下面的领会活动,活动要求学生用行为表现自己的理解,没有表演天赋的同学自然难以胜任。不过,活动同时要求各小组配旁白,解释the narrator,the old man心中所思,也可以满足语言能力,尤其是口头表达能力较强的学生的需求。为了保证所有的学生都能够参与,在一个小组表演时,其他小组要进行评价。要保证评价的有效开展,要为学生提供评价标准。评价标准可以从以下几个方面制定:是否表演出the old man当时自尊心受到严重伤害的心情;表演是否自然;旁白是否合理;两者配合是否默契。

Step 1 Assign the learning task.

The old man always comes to the store to have pudding samplings,but this time the old man was thrown into an embarrassing moment.Now,you have 5 minutes to prepare to perform the embarrassing moments.Each group is to work together to discuss how to perform and how to accompany the performance with words.

Step 2 Students work in groups to prepare for the performance.

Step 3 Each group demonstrates their performance in class.


要适应学习者多元智能差异的要求,在教材二次开发中,教师有必要针对同一目标设计符合不同智能要求的活动,以《全新版大学英语综合教程1》Unit 7 Kids on the Track为例,可以设计如下活动:

Activity 1(内省智能)

Think while reading

Step 1 Assign the learning task.

What did you think of when you read these?Discuss your thinking with your partners,please.

No fence separated their backyard from the track...But,her sons,three and a half years old Todd and 18-month-old Scott,were nearby,playing on the drive.

“Okay!”said Todd,giving a thumbs-up gesture he’d seen his father make.

“Kay!”echoed Scott,trying to copy his older brother.

Kate shut the refrigerator and hurried out.Good.The boys were playing right where she’d left them.

a passenger express,she judged its speed.She carried more bags into house.

Kate tore back to the house,made the calls,then reached her husband,Gary,via his beeper.

a fence now separates their neighborhood from the railroad track.

Step 2 Students work individually to think on their own.

Step 3 Call on one student to contribute and then encourage others to add or give different comments.


Activity 2 (语言智能)

Can you explain?

Step 1 Assign the learning task.

Everything has reasons before.Can you help explain the following situations in this story?Discuss with your partner first and explain to class what you think.

—How could the kids get to the railroad?

—The instant they identified kids on the track,Rich threw on the emergence brake.But why was it difficult to stop the train?

—Why did Anthony“forced himself to wait”instead of jumping right then?

Step 2 Students talk with each other for explanation.

Step 3 Call on each pair to explain.


(1)学生不仅要知道no fence这个事实,同时还必须知道Kate was busy with moving the bags of groceries into the house,把这两点与事实连起来就可以分析出其中的原因;

(2)学生也需要结合上文中提到的adjust the accelerator,知道火车在提速;

(3)要考虑火车的因素,以及这样做的好处,自然也就会明白he would not be faster than the train.He had to take advantage of the speed of the train.

Activity 3 (空间智能)

Thinking in the mind while reading

Step 1 Assign the learning task.

This is a story,and creating image while reading is a useful way of reading.Can you imagine what the scene is like when you read the following?

—paragraph 22.

—paragraph 25.Anthony saw the black steel edge of the snow plow blade hit the young child under the chin,driving his head back and scraping over his face.

—Kate tore back to the house,made the calls,then reached her husband.

Step 2 Students can just think in their mind.

Step 3 Call someone to explain if possible.


Activity 4 (人际关系智能)

Unwritten dialogue

Step 1 Assign the learning task.

Though the writer doesn’t provide the direct speech,we can see there are dialogues involved in some places.Can you work with your partner and guess what the original dialogue would be like?

—Paragraph 32.Reporters later asked Anthony if he had hesitated before risking his life.

—Then reached her husband,Gary,via his beeper.

—So Anthony insisted the emergency personnel check.

Step 2 Students work in pairs to talk about what the direct speech might be like.

Step 3 Call on individual pairs to report and at the same time encourage others to add.




Activity 5(音乐智能)


Step 1 Assign the learning task.

When there are dialogues,we can demonstrate our understanding through the characters’ words. We call this dubbing. Please read the following. See whether you can use the right intonation. Who can try first?

(1)“Stay right there,while Mommy puts the groceries away. Then we’ll go inside and have lunch,okay?”



(2)“Kids on the Track!”

(3)“Get away! Get away!”

(4)“Lady,go to your house. Call the police and ambulance.”

(5)“Ma’am,listen! Go to your house and call the police — call an ambulance. Go!”

Step 2 Call on individuals to try and at the same time ask others to assess whether his or her intonation is right.

Step 3 Call on more students to try.


如果同学们认为某个同学的语调不合适,最好给出说明解释,这样可以了解该同学对文章及语调的理解。比如Todd说Okay时该用什么语调,一是与孩子的基本语调有关,二是与giving a thumbs-up gesture he’d seen his father make有关。所以,语调本身不是最重要的,重要的是同学们对语调的解释(王笃勤,2011b)。



以《新时代交互英语读写译1》Unit 3 Here’s to Your Health为例。本文主要讲述了健康的秘密。笔者根据学生认知风格的差异,在作业布置环节给学生设计了三种形式的语言产出类的活动,学生可以根据自己的特点选择作业方式、自由组合小组成员,示例如下:


图4—10 Here’s to Your Health 布置作业环节示例




以《新视野大学英语视听说教程2》Unit 7 Does Money Talk?中Further Listening and Speaking Task 1 Giving Money to a Beggar为例。该听力材料中配有相关音频,笔者根据教学目标增加了多模态材料,利用各种图片、音频、视频(包括自制视频)给予学生听觉、视觉等多种模态的刺激,提升了听力教学的效果。步骤如下:

Step 1 激活学生的相关图式(图片)


Step 2 设置问题引发学生思考(文字)

Have you ever met such beggars on the street?

Have you ever been bothered by such beggars?

What do you think of these people?

Will you give some of your cash to them?

Step 3 播放自制视频,激活学生关于采访的形式图式,引发学生思考(视频)

Listen to an interview and try to see what our Chinese teachers will do to a beggar.

Interview and tell your attitudes towards beggars.

Step 4 播放文本音频,获取相关信息,发表观点(音频)

图4—11 Does Money Talk? Step 3

图4—12 Does Money Talk? Step 4

Step 5 图片展示,引发学生思考问题(图片+文字)

What do you think of them?

But if it were the following people begging,will you share your luck with them?

图4—13 Does Money Talk? Step 5

Step 6 播放自制视频,激活学生图式,指导学生的语言产出活动(视频)

What’s your idea now?Now you are to do an interview.Before you interview your classmates,let’s watch an interview for reference.

Work in pairs,ask each other as to whether he or she will lend a hand to the following beggars.Why or why not?

图4—14 Does Money Talk? Step 6

Step 7 利用图片引发学生总结观点(图片略)



