首页 理论教育 《实用宝玉石学》全书有以下几个突出方面


时间:2023-04-27 理论教育 版权反馈










(7)在有机宝石类中除包括与动物植物有关的物质外,还应包括与人体有关的(如骨灰钻石、舍利子等)可称“躯体宝石(Body gemstone)”。







Brief Introduction of Practical Gemology

This book is compiled by Professor Wang Huishu in Xi'an University of Science and Technology in China.(www.xing528.com)

Practical Gemology is based on crystallography,mineralogy,crystallographic optics and geochemistry with 17chapters and more than 300kinds of gemstone are introduced in the book.The gemstones are classified into 9types to be described them in different chapter respectively.According to the classification in this book,apart from the presentation on the basic knowledge of the gemstones in first half of the book,the other chapters are:Precious gemstone category(chapter)(such as diamonds and emeralds),General common gemstone category(chapter)(such as olivines and fluorites),organic gemstone category(chapter)(such as ambers,corals,precious wood and body gemstone),rare gemstone category(chapter)(such as taaffeites and prehnites),gemstone category originated from outer space and ornamental stone category(chapter)(such as meteorites and lunar rocks),natural gemstone category(chapter)(such as Dushan jades and Xiuyan jades),pyauxite,carving stone and inkstone category(chapter)(such as agalmatolites and duanzhow ink-stones),noble metal commonly used in jewelry(chapter)(such as gold,silver and platinum),ancient jade(in dynasty)category(chapter)(such as jades in Xia-Shang-Zhou time).

Outstanding parts of the Practical Gemology are:

1.expounding the relationships between gemstone and mineral,and between jades and rocks;

2.departing into precious gemstone and genegal common gemstone;

3.classifing jade by component,and unfording relationship between more kinds of jade,and distingushing between jade and close kinds or similar kinds;

4.pointing that the first name of nephrite should be added to the name of origin place;

5.thinking that the synthetics and imitations are not gemstone category,only appended to corresponding nature gemstone for comparison;

6.focusing that the chemical formula of amber should be common formula C2nH3nO(generaly 5<n<15),and that the chemical formula of amber should not be simple chemical formula becourse of diffrence of of component of the kinds of amber,and of variety of kinds of amber;and adding colour changed amber(blue amber).

7.adding Body gemstone(such as.Ashes Diamond.Buddhist relics)to the organic gemstones;

8.first listing cosmos rock shot into the upper rock circke of Earth in the gemstones and the omamental stones;

9.first listing gold,silver and platinum in the gemstone book;And expounding about baneful elements in jamelry.

10.first collecting ancient jades wares that are wtin of sisteres who bring about the East arts and ancient civilization commonly into the book.

11.first summing up evelopment courses of industrys the gemstone of China,and briefly introducing methods of ancient imitation and similation,and preliminare pointing identification methods of ancient jades.

This book mainly focuses on nature gemstones.The synthetics and imitations are appended to corresponding natural gemstones for comparison.The historical development,chemical component,textures and structures,morphological characteristics,physical characteristics,classification,diagnostic characteristics,origin,occurrence and famous producing area of most of the precious and common gemstones have all been described.Some of the gemstones have also been mentioned for the comparison with similar ones,the market overview and characteristics of different producing areas.

In the final part about ancient jades,the development history of the gemstones industry has been described.The way to look upon the ancient jades depends on the detection,exchange and collection of gemstones,which lead to the long standing of Chinese civilization.

This book has also introduced some development of the gemstones industry as well as some theoretical achievements.The whole book,with well organized text and graphics and comprehensive content,explains profound theories in simple language.It's believed that this book can be used as a good teaching material or reference book in the research,detection,commerce,and education of the gemstones.

