首页 理论教育 在双流,音乐沟通世界的桥梁越来越壮丽


时间:2023-05-30 理论教育 版权反馈


Come on, music!

始创于2007年举办的“成都中澳青年音乐周”,2009年经文化部批准,升级更名为“成都国际青年音乐周”。一年一度的“成都国际友城青年音乐周(双流分会场)”已是双流的一道靓丽的风景线、一架以音乐为媒的沟通世界桥梁。2020年,美妙的乐符突破疫情的阻碍,温暖了无数的观众。“2020成都国际友城青年音乐周(双流分会场)”采取“线上+线下” 相结合的举办方式,以“中日韩三国开放合作、青年友好交流”为主题,吸引了1000余名观众线下观看,近30万人观看线上直播。

Chengdu International Sister Cities Youth Music Festival, formerly known as Chengdu China-Australia Youth Music Week held in 2007 for the f irst time and renamed Chengdu International Youth Music Week in 2009, has become a sight to see in Shuangliu and a music bridge that enables international communication. The 2020 Chengdu International Sister Cities Youth Music Festival(Shuangliu Sub-venue), held both online and off line, is themed “open cooperation between China, Japan and Korea for friendly youth exchange”. This session attracted an off line audience of more than 1,000 and an online audience of nearly 300,000. The wonderful music broke down the barrier caused by COVID-19, bringing warm th to the audiences.

The 21th Huangjia Ma Goat Food Culture Festival

The Airpor t Flower Field International Arts Festival



Shuangliu has been telling the Chengdu story to the w ider world by organizing a w ide range of sim ilar festivals, including the Lobster, Music and Beer Festival, Huanglongxi Shilibawan International Country M usic Festival, M a Goat M usic Week, Crab Fest & International Food and Music Festival, China-CEEC Music Week, Tianfu Ancient Town International Arts Festival, International Dragon & Lion Cultural and Arts Festival, Airport Flower Field International Arts Festival, and Guochao Yayun Art Festival.

The district w ill be a more exciting place w ith the com pletion of a succession of distinctive and inf luential cultural landmarks such as the BRI International Art Center, the Airport Urban Concert Hall and Pengzhen Music Cultural and Creative Town.

The Third Shilibawan International Country Music Festival

Shuangliu Sub-venue of Chengdu International Sister Cities Youth Music Festival

