首页 理论教育 通用汽车公司翻译更好的表达方式


时间:2023-06-06 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:通用汽车公司是全球最大的汽车公司之一,成立于1908年。通用汽车在中国建立了9家合资企业和2家全资子公司,拥有员工超过32 000人。2016年,通用汽车及其合资公司在国内的总销售量为1 594 561辆,同比增长6.1%,再次创下在华业绩新高,连续第四年领先其他跨国汽车制造商,在中国市场保持领导地位。



通用汽车在中国建立了9家合资企业和2家全资子公司,拥有员工超过32 000人。通用汽车在中国进口、生产和销售别克凯迪拉克雪佛兰欧宝萨博、五菱及解放等品牌的系列产品,所提供的产品系列之丰富位居所有在华跨国汽车企业之首。2016年,通用汽车及其合资公司在国内的总销售量为1 594 561辆,同比增长6.1%,再次创下在华业绩新高,连续第四年领先其他跨国汽车制造商,在中国市场保持领导地位。

1.通用汽车公司 General Motors Corp.

2.合资企业 joint ventures

3.全资子公司 wholly owned foreign enterprises(www.xing528.com)

4.别克、凯迪拉克、雪佛兰、欧宝 Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Opel

General Motors Corp., one of the world’s largest automakers, was founded in 1908, and today manufactures cars and trucks in 34 countries.With its global headquarters in Detroit,GM employs 244,500 people in every major region of the world, and sells and services vehicles in some 140 countries.

GM has nine joint ventures and two wholly owned foreign enterprises as well as more than 32,000 employees in China.GM, along with its joint ventures, offers the broadest lineup of vehicles and brands among automakers in China.Products are sold under the Buick,Cadillac, Chevrolet, Opel, Saab, Wuling and Jiefang nameplates.In 2008, domestic sales of vehicles by GM and its joint ventures rose 6.1 percent on an annual basis to a record 1,594,561 units.GM ended 2016 with an estimated market share in China of 12.1 percent.It has been the sales leader among global automakers in China for four consecutive years.

