首页 理论教育 中国分时度假业信用保障制度的探究


时间:2023-06-13 理论教育 版权反馈


2013 级研究生 谢愿红


分时度假作为一种新型业态,服务于有度假需求的特定人群,尤其是社会中产阶级。这一业态介于现代酒店业、地产以及旅游业之间,从90 年代中后期进入我国,至今在我国已有20 多年的发展历史。分时度假这一理念的核心是对特定住宿单元的使用和交换,使得“物尽其用”,充分发挥对物(房屋或其他可供住宿的动产或不动产)的使用性能,并通过对住宿在时间上的分割和空间上的异地交换,实现资源的优化配置。分时度假在为从业企业带来丰厚利润的同时,对盘活闲置的度假地产、提高酒店入住率、带动旅游相关产业的发展原本可以发挥更为积极的作用,然而,现实中,由于分时度假行业缺乏监管,至今无专门立法对其实现有效规制,使得这一行业鱼龙混杂,在消费者心目中出现严重的信任危机。一方面,分时度假作为投资及消费模式迅速发展;另一方面,由于这一行业缺乏有效的信用保障机制,分时度假在我国遭遇前所未有的发展瓶颈。如何解决分时度假在我国的信用危机问题,建立适合我国国情的分时度假业信用保障机制,将是本文研究的重点。



第三部分从分时度假的相关知识背景和发展历史出发,在分时度假产品日益推陈出新的大背景下,介绍了该行业在全球最具影响力的美国和欧盟关于分时度假领域的最新立法及其主要内容。同时,通过对公司信用一般理论的阐述,结合我国2014 年实施的新公司法,探讨分时度假企业作为我国市场经济主体的组成部分,对其一般性和特殊性进行了分别论述。本部分内容主要是为构建分时度假的信用保障制度奠定理论基础,并重点从法律规制的角度探讨分时度假信用保障制度。





Research on Credit Security System of Timeshare in China(www.xing528.com)


Timesharing,as a new format in holiday market,served for specific people in society,especially the middle class. This format is kind of industry combined modern hotel,real estate and tourism between. Timesharing has been 20 years in China since it entered into China's market in 1990's. The core value of timesharing concept is the “use and exchange” for particular accommodation(hotel apartment,other movables or immovables applicable for accommodation). Meanwhile,it optimizes the allocation of resources by time division and space exchange of particular accommodation. Timesharing should have played a more positive role in revitalizing the idle resort property,improving occupancy rate of hotels,as well as driving a further development of tourism related business. However,due to lack of supervision,and no legislation in this field,it leads to credit crisis spreading among customers.

This thesis consists of 6 portions. Portion 1 is about the general introduction,which provided a summery about the background of the selected topic,research ideas and methods.

In Portion 2,it reviewed the current study status as well as main research achievements in timeshare field.

Portion 3 introduced the definition and development of timeshare,drawing forth the background and reason of credit crisis inthis industry. In this part,it also introduces corporate credit theory and principles,combined with our newly executed Corporate Law in 2014 in China,to provide theoretical basis for establishment of credit security system which is practical and applicable for Chinese market. Timeshare companies,as part of our market participants,have the generality of companies required by Cooperate Law,and also their own characteristics apart from the companies of other industries. This part will respectively discuss the generality and characteristics of timeshare companies in China. Meanwhile,the writer conducted a frontier research on up-to-date timeshare laws executed in western countries,especially in European Union and United States,where timeshare business is very popular and most influential worldwide.

Portion4 is the case study. By aforesaid theories,combined with classic practical cases,this part analyzed and studied the nature of timeshare contract,contracting parties,and their legal relationships. Starting from the case,it elaborated the main problems existed in each section during pre-sale,in-sale and after-sale. And then abstracted to the general,it profoundly analyzed the problems which timeshare industry is currently facing in China market,as well as what we could learn from it and what we could do to change its unfavorable condition.

Portion 5 is about proposed solution based on cooperate credit theories and case studies.

Portion 6 is a summery of this thesis,and some further issues to be explored in Timeshare industry. By this research,the writer hopes this thesis could make modest contributes to the healthy development of timeshare industry in our country.

Key words:Timesharing;Credit Crisis;Cooperate Credit;Credit Security

