首页 理论教育 母子对话:冬天服饰与亲情


时间:2023-07-19 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:I think John’s mother loves John very much.Practice this dialogue.One is John, the other is John’s mother.For one minute.设计意图:通过John母子的对话,直接进入故事。通过自己编的对话将学过的关于冬天服饰的知识外化,演变成自己的表达,同时体会父母对子女的关心。


Step 1: Lead-in

T: Hello, boys and girls.How are you?

S: I’m fine, thank you.And you?

T: Very well.Look, boys and girls.What is it?

S: It’s a snowman.

T: Can you make a snowman?

S: Yes, I can.

T: What can your snowman do? Can he sing a song?

S: No.Today we are going to meet a different snowman.(板书课题)


Step 2: Pre-reading

T: First, listen to the story.And think “What can the snowman do?”

T: What can the snowman do?

S1: The snowman can skate.

S2: The snowman can talk.


Step 3: While-reading

1.Picture 1

T: The snowman is so great.Who made this snowman? Let’s see.(出示第一幅图),Who is he?(再出示他妈妈图片)And this is John’s mother.Listen to part 1, and find what did John and his mother say? Underline the sentences on your books.


T: What did John say?

S: I am going to play in the snow.(生齐读)

T: What did John’s mother say?

S1: Okay.Put on your coat.

S2: Don’t forget your hat.

T: Read the sentences by yourself.(生自己读)

T: Finish? I think John’s mother loves John very much.(出示对话幻灯片)Practice this dialogue.One is John, the other is John’s mother.For one minute.(学生练习对话)


2.Picture 2

(1)T: John made a snowman.When could the snowman open his eyes?Watch the video, judge T or F.(观看Picture2视频,判断正误。)

(F)John took his hat off the snowman, the snowman opened his eyes.

T: Is it T or F? Can you find the sentences on your book?(出示答案)


(2)T: John put his hat on the snowman, the snowman can talk.John took the hat off the snowman, the snowman can’t talk.

(拿出一顶帽子) Just like this.I’m John.Who want to be a snowman?Ok, you please.(找一个学生扮演雪人。)

T: You put on the hat, you can talk.Hello, what’s your name?

Snowman: My name is...

T: Oh, you can talk.You put on the hat.You can talk.The hat is a magic hat.It’s wonderful.

T: You take off the hat, you can’t talk.Hello, what’s your name? You can’t talk.

T:(再找一个snowman.) You put on the hat, you can talk.Hello, what’s your name?

Snowman: My name is...

T: Oh, you can talk.How’s the weather today?

S: It’s cold.

T: I think it’s cold.What a cold snowy day.You take off the hat, you can’t talk.


T: Now, boys and girls.Look at the screen.Practice the dialogue with your partners.One is John, the other is the snowman.You have a magic hat on your desk too.(www.xing528.com)

This is your magic hat.(展示You put on your hat, you can talk.)


3.Picture 3-5

T:The snowman put on the hat, the snowman can talk.John and the snowman played happily.Read picture 3 to picture 5 silently, see what they did? Match the pictures and the sentences.(学生默读picture3-5,连线)

John put the skates under the snowman.

The snowman can skate fast, they are happy.

Spring is coming, they can’t always skate, they feel sad.


T: Look at the screen.John and the snowman are talking.Boys, you are John, and girls, you are the snowman.Read it.

John: Can you skate?

Snowman: Skate? I don’t know.

John: Do you want to learn? I can teach you.Let’s go.Don’t worry! I can help you.

Snowman: This is easy.This is fun.

John: Yeah!

Snowman: Can we always skate?

John: No, spring is coming.

Snowman: Why can’t we skate in spring, summer, and autumn?

John: Because it’s warm.There is no snow and ice.

Snowman: And no snowman.Wu......

T: What colour is it? It’s red.How do they feel?

What colour is it? It’s blue .How do they feel?

T: Now, following the tape.Try to imitate.

T: Read this part happily, and this part sadly.Read it with your partners for 3minutes.Read this part happily, this part sadly.



4.Picture 6

(1)T: Spring is coming.The snowman is sad.They can’t play together.Can you help them? What can they do? Discuss with your group.


(2)T: Thank you very much.You’re so kind.John and the snowman will say thanks to you.Let’s see what did John do?

T: Oh? John put the snowman in the fridge.That’s a good way.What will John’s mother do? You can write it down after class.


Step 4: Post-reading

1.T: Read the whole story by yourself again and order these pictures.

2.Try to recite the story with this question .“What did John do in this story?”

John made a snowman.John put the hat on the snowman.John taught the snowman to skate.John put the snowman in the fridge.


Step 5: Class closing

1.教师引导学生探讨故事的寓意,向学生提问,John did so many things for the snowman.What do you think of John? Is he a good boy? Why?

S: Because he likes to help others.

T: Help others make yourself happily.从而对学生进行情感教育,我们要懂得去珍惜友谊,关爱朋友。






