首页 理论教育 教材二次开发实践:输入和输出结合


时间:2023-11-23 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:教材二次开发要注重输入的有效性和输出的反思促进作用,并采取积极手段,缓解学生的听力焦虑,降低学生的情感过滤值。教师可以指导学生在听力时应该关注什么样的信息,培养学生获取信息的能力,以获得有效的理解输入。以《新视野大学英语视听说教程1》Unit 5的一篇短文为例。





图5—5 听力理解过程中的信息传递(丰玉芳,2010)


以《新视野大学英语视听说教程1》Unit 8的听力练习Task 2 Interviewing a Rental Agent为例:

Step 1 Word Review and Prediction

Review the vocabulary about renting an apartment,e.g.,location,transportation,facilities and services,security deposit,rent,etc.Try to predict the content of the conversation with the help of the title and discuss your prediction with your partner.

Step 2 Listen to the conversation and pay attention to the key information and take notes when necessary.

M:Hi.Are you Jane from the rental agency?

W:Yes.Nice to meet you.I take it you’re Tim.

M:Yeah.Well,I just started to look into moving off campus.It seems that all the good places are going fast.

W:That’s right;you gotta be quick.Let me tell you a little about this apartment.It’s a one bedroom,one living room apartment,with a bathroom and a kitchen.The furnishings are all new.There are hardwood floors,these large windows in the front,and it tends to be a quiet neighborhood.

M:And how about the transportation?

W:Well,from the bus stop down the block you can always catch buses onto campus,or into the city.

M:Ok.How about the rent?

W:The rent is $300 per month.

M:Is there a security deposit?

W:Yes.You must first pay the security deposit,which is one month’s rent,and the last month’s rent.Then,normal monthly payment begins.

M:And,would mind if I have a roommate?

W:Of course not!Whatever you like.

M:Well,the place looks good.I’ll definitely be in touch.

W:Ok.Here’s my business card.Give me a call if you have any questions.

M:Will do.

Step 3 Complete the chart with the information you get from the your listening.




针对目前很多教材缺乏听力技能系统训练的现状,教师在教材二次开发时,可以增加一些听力微技能训练的设计,包括注意力训练、记笔记等。比如,教师结合课堂教学让学生明确很多时候语篇的第一句往往是文章的主题句。以《新视野大学英语视听说教程1》Unit 5的一篇短文为例。开头几句是Eating habits in America really get a lot of criticism.But the truth is,it matters much where inAmerica you look.In big cities,people are...短文的第一句话就告诉了该篇的要点。文章介绍的是人们对美国人饮食习惯的看法,其中的关联词but说明重点在第二句:美国不同地区的饮食习惯不同。如果学生能把握住前两句,就能掌握语篇的中心意思,进而对语篇的内容作出正确的推断和理解。相反,如果在听第一句时没有进入听音状态,没抓住关键句,就无法完成听力理解。所以教师在每次听音前,都应该提醒学生一听到听音指令,就要进入全神贯注状态,并不断练习形成习惯。教材二次开发时也应关注这一点,增补相应的设计。

还可以利用已有的听力材料,培养学生做笔记的能力和技巧。教师可以选择短文和对话作为练习的对象。《新视野大学英语视听说教程1》Unit 7题目为Malls in the U.S.,原文如下:

Malls are popular places for Americans to go.People like malls for many reasons.They feel safe because malls have private security guards and sometimes even police stations.Parking is usually free,and the weather inside is always fine.The newest malls have beautiful rest areas with waterfalls and large green trees.The largest mall in the United States is the Mall of America in Minnesota.It covers 4.2 million square feet.It has 350 stores,eight nightclubs,and a seven-acre park!There are parking spaces for 12,750 cars.About 750,000 people shop there every week.The first indoor mall in the United States was built in 1965 in Minnesota,but now malls are like town centers where people come to do many things.They shop,eat foods from all over the world,and see movies at theaters.Some people even get their daily exercise from the new sport of“mallwalking”.Others go to malls to meet friends.In some malls,people can see a doctor or a dentist and even attend church.Basically,people can do just about everything in malls.

针对这篇文章,教师可以要求学生第一遍对听到内容做简单的记录,不少学生能写出以下内容:safe,private,parking free,weather fine,waterfalls,4.2,350,8,7,1965,eat,movies,meet friends,see doctor,然后教师通过三个问题,帮助学生回忆听到的内容:

1.Why are malls popular in the US?

2.How large is the largest mall in the US?

3.What can people usually do in the malls?(www.xing528.com)



听力的提高不能只依赖知识类输出活动,还需要结合语言的训练,才能真正提高学生的语言运用能力。所以教师在设计听力课的输出活动时,要注意交际性和语言性的结合。如在《新视野大学英语视听说教程1》Unit 6 Being Healthy Feels Great中,首先让学生完成听力练习:

Task 2 Culture Shock

D:Hello,I’m Dr.Black.How’re you feeling?

S:I’m not feeling well,doctor.

D:What seems to be the problem?

S:I don’t know.I just feel tired all the time.I want to sleep all day.I’m not interested in studying or being with people.

D:How long had this been going on?

S:Almost one month now.

D:Are there any other symptoms?

S:I’m just tired.

D:Do you have many friends?

S:I don’t really have many here.I’m an international student.

D:I imagine that many things about your life here are different from your home.

S:Yeah,my life’s changed a lot.Foods,customs,socializing...even body language and gestures are all different from those in my own country.

D:How long have you lived here?

S:Almost three months now.It seems much longer;it’s a struggle for me to get used to the new way of life here.

D:Hmm.Well,let’s check you over.(a few minutes later)Well,I don’t see anything physically wrong with you.Your heart is strong.Lungs are clear.Your blood pressure is normal.

S:Then what do you think is wrong with me,doctor?

D:Your problem seems to be culture shock.Sometimes when people move to a new location,especially a new country,they experience culture shock.Sometimes this culture shock can be serious,and people become very depressed.I suggest that you try to spend some time each week with people from your own culture.

S:But my teachers tell me to speak English all the time.

D:I understand,but right now we need to deal with your symptoms.Follow my advice,and you’ll feel better.

S:How long does this last?

D:Culture shock lasts for a while and then begins to disappear.The length of time varies from person to person.If you aren’t feeling better in two or three weeks,please call me again.


图5—6 Being Healthy Feels Great 视频示例截图


Activity Role Play


A suddenly falls ill just before a very important examination.B,who is A’s friend/roommate/mother...,is very concernedabout A’s health while A herself/himself is more worried about the examination.

B persuaded A to make anappointment with doctor C.C asks A’s condition and ask him/her to stay in the hospital for some time.

2.Students work in groups to role-play the situation and video-tape it.




