首页 理论教育 东亚峰会框架下的高等教育合作与发展


时间:2023-03-02 理论教育 版权反馈



新加坡国立大学副教务长 陈添顺








Cooperation and Development of Higher Education
under the East Asia Summit

Prof.Tan ThiamSoon,Vice Provost(Education),National University of Singapore,Singapore

As we think about cooperation and development of higher education under the East Asia Summit,it is important to understand some of the key trends driving changes in higher education today.The key question we should pose is what kind of education we need to develop for our students to face a globalised world confidently and competently,and howwe can enhance this through cooperation and development within this particular community.

Just like everything else around us,we are witnessing major shifts in the educational landscape.This titanic shift has been driven by two different and often overlapping forces—globalization and the rise of knowledge societies.The rise of knowledge societies,in particular,the many varied new technologies that have been developed have contributed greatly to the pace of globalization,and globalization itself with its huge market opportunities has been the prime catalyst for the many innovations that have come in recent years.With globalization and technological innovation come interconnectedness and rapid flows of everything,fromthe information we use and exchange,to the transactions we make and the food we eat!But this also spells a particular challenge for educators,this fast pace of change also means a constantly evolving market and our graduates need to be equipped with the right skill set and knowledge to know how to steer in that changing wind.

As the economy evolves,the demand on knowledge and innovation keep going up the ladder,and in this,the higher education institutions have a big role to play to help its graduates,and thus by extension,the economy move up the ladder and ensure that the graduates produced can stay relevant as the economy changes its focus.Each of usmay be in a different stage,but this role of the university is still the same.

In this current stage where the competition is about innovation,then the key question that should be asked iswhat should our graduates be prepared for?

One obvious point that is increasingly evident in the last decade is that all our students need to be prepared for a‘lifetime of careers'and not a‘career-for-life'.Underpinning this trend is that with innovations,many in-demand jobs of the future may not even exist today,and hot jobs today will vanish tomorrow.This is driven both by themoving outof lower level industry to less expensive locations as well as the rapid pace in which skills have become obsolete.While the stages of development of the economies in the East Asian region may not be even,this trend applies to all,though the skill set displaced may not be the same.

With this context in mind,what kind of cooperation can we envisage that can help the higher education in the region be able to cope with this expectation,and in this process help to develop the higher education in the region?

As the changes are coming fast and all of us are reacting in different ways because of our economic and cultural differences,to ensure that the education delivered can help our graduates to be ready for these changes,it is important that we strengthen our dialogue and learn fromeach other,filtering out some of the best practices that we can then adopt in our own curriculum.In a smaller grouping such as this,there are shared values and thismakes some of the cross learning easier.A summit of the nature we are having now is one such helpful forum.

More importantly,we need to think of ways to strengthen the exchange at the working level,where the people who are actually doing the design and delivery of the curriculumcan have this exchange.The healthy exchange of academic and administrative staffs amongst partner universities in this region in the last5 years is a testament that this is the right direction.But as the global competition heats up,we need to further strengthen thismutual learning.A regular conference of key people involved in the development of curriculum to share and exchange ideas and experiences is something worthwhile to pursue.



