首页 理论教育 开元酒店集团市场营销体系构建研究


时间:2023-06-13 理论教育 版权反馈


2011 级研究生 袁岳锋


进入21 世纪,依托中国经济的高速发展以及中国旅游业的井喷式发展,中国饭店业迎来了快速发展的最佳时机,尤其是1994 年经国家旅游局批准成立了第一批中国自己的饭店管理公司,中国饭店业逐步向专业化、集约化、集团化经营管理迈进,中国饭店集团的数量和规模也呈现出几何级数的增长态势,为中国饭店业的健康发展作出了巨大的贡献。






Research on Building the Marketing System of the Chinese Hotel Group——a Case Study of New Century Hotel Group(www.xing528.com)


Into the 21st century,relying on the China's rapid economic development as well as tourism,the hotel industry in China ushered in the best time of rapid development,especially the approval of the National Tourism Administration in 1994 set up the first batch of China's own Hotel Management Company,the hotel industry in China gradually moving to the specialized,intensive,group management,the number & size of China's Hotel Group is also showing a geometric progression growth and has made tremendous contribution for the healthy development of China's hotel industry.

The hotel group in China in the process of development forms a mode of development with Chinese characteristics and management mode. But the domestic focus more on products & services standard,SOP,internal control and management than group marketing system,which also led to the Chinese hotel group with the international brand hotel group in there is a big gap about the group's marketing,especially in terms of international guest source,which also led directly to the hotel group in China with international brand hotel group there is a certain gap between the core competitiveness and brand value . Therefore,how to build a set hotel group marketing system in line with China's national conditions is crucial.

Firstly,based on at home and abroad about the topological theory and literature review,this paper starts from the concept of hotel group and marketing system,introduce the elements of hotel group marketing system,and then analyzes the theoretical basis of hotel group marketing system.

After that,this paper discusses about the framework of the Hotel Group's marketing system,the key indicators of performance evaluation,the organizational structure and division of functions and misunderstanding in the building process.

Finally,the paper takes New Century Hotel Group's marketing system as example at the end. Analyze the status and shortcomings of the New Century Hotel Group's marketing system,compared with the marketing system of this paper,and make appropriate recommendations for improvements and countermeasures.

Key words:Chinese Hotel Group;Marketing System;New Century Hotel Group

