首页 理论教育 久坐行为评价:儿童青少年研究成果


时间:2023-11-04 理论教育 版权反馈




表5.3 儿童青少年与成人久坐行为调查问卷一览

①Hardy L,Booth M L,Okely A D.The reliability of the adolescent sedentary activity questionnaire(ASAQ).Preventive Medicine,2007,45(1):71-74.
②Saint-Maurice P F,Welk G J.Validity and calibration of the Youth Activity Profile[J].PLoS ONE,2015,10(12):e0143949.


①Strugnell C,Renzaho A,Ridley K.Reliability of the modified child and adolescent physical activity and nutrition survey,physical activity(CAPANS-PA)questionnaire among chinese-australian youth[J].BMC Med Res Methodol,2011,11(1):122.
②Leatherdale S T,Laxer R E,Faulkner G E.Reliability and validity of the physical activity and sedentary behaviour measures in the COMPASS studyp[J].COMPASS Technical Report Series,2014,2(1):1-21.
③Cerin E,Sit Chp,Huang Y-J,et al.Repeatability of self-report measures of physical activity,sedentary and travel behaviour in Hong Kong adolescents for the iHealt(H)and IPEN-Adolescent studies[J].BMC Pediatr,2014,14:142.
④Chinapaw M J.Reliability and validity of the activity questionnaire for adults and adolescents(AQu AA)[J].BMC Medical Research Methodology,2009,9.
⑤Matthews C E,Keadle S K,Sampson J,et al.Validation of a previous-day recall measure of active and sedentary behaviors[J].Medicine&Science in Sports&Exercise,2013,45(8):1629-1638.
⑥IPAQ.Guidelines for data processing and analysis of the international physical activity questionnaire(IPAQ)-short and long forms,revised on November 2005[EB/OL].www.ipaq.ki.se/scoring,2005.
⑦Marshall A L,Miller Y D,Burton N W,et al.Measuring total and domain-specific sitting:A study of reliability and validity[J].Medicine&Science in Sports&Exercise,2010,42(6):1094- 1102.


①Pedisic Z,Bennie J,Timperio A,et al.Workplace sitting breaks questionnaire(SITBRQ):an assessment of concurrent validity and test-retest reliability[J].Bmc Public Health,2014,14(1):1249.
②Lynch B M,Friedenreich C M,Khandwala F,et al.Development and testing of a past year measure of sedentary behavior:the SIT-Q[J].BMC Public Health,2014,14.
③Wijndaele K,De Bourdeaudhuij I,Godino J G,et al.Reliability and validity of a domain-specific last 7- d sedentary time questionnaire[J].Medicine&Science in Sports&Exercise,2014,46(6):1248-1260.
④Chau J Y,Van D P H P,Dunn S,et al.Validity of the occupational sitting and physical activity questionnaire[J].Medicine&Science in Sports&Exercise,2012,44(1):118-125.
⑤Clark B K,Winkler E,Healy G N,et al.Adults'past-day recall of sedentary time[J].Medicine&Science in Sports&Exercise,2013,45(6):1198-1207.
⑥Rosenberg D E,Norman G J,Wagner N,et al.Reliability and validity of the sedentary behavior questionnaire(SBQ)for adults[J].Journal of Physical Activity and Health,2010,7(6):697-705.
⑦Shuval K,Kohl H W,Bernstein I,et al.Sedentary behaviour and physical inactivity assessment in primary care:the rapid assessment disuse index(RADI)study[J].British Journal of Sports Medicine,2014,48(3):250- 255.


①Gardiner P A,Clark B K,Healy G N,et al.Measuring older adults'sedentary time:reliability,validity,and responsiveness[J].Med Sci Sports Exerc,2011,43(11):2127-2133.
②Visser M,Koster A.Development of a questionnaire to assess sedentary time in older persons-a comparative study using accelerometry[J].Bmc Geriatrics,2013,13(1):80.

笔者在2018年年底赴剑桥大学参加了ISPAH(International Society of Physical Activity and Health,ISPAH)组织的“久坐行为影响机制”学术研讨会,WHO(Fiona Bull)、加拿大(Mark S Tremblay、Ian Janssen),澳大利亚(Stuart Biddle、Neville Owen)……国际组织和国家身体活动与久坐行为指南的研制者和负责人共同探讨了针对不同特征人群,建立从幼儿到成人乃至特殊人群全覆盖的久坐行为建议标准。随着知识体系的不断完善和健康危害的逐渐明确,久坐行为流行病学也继身体活动流行病学[34]之后渐渐成为新的研究热点。我国儿童青少年久坐时间低于2小时/天的比例仅为11.8%[35],且“中国特色”式的家庭作业静坐时间是最为突出的久坐类型,远大于休闲娱乐的屏幕时间[36]。基于本土实际的久坐行为研究,我国广大学者们仍是任重道远。




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