首页 理论教育 主流能源政策模式:《能源法精要》第2版


时间:2023-07-28 理论教育 版权反馈










[2]Annual Energy Review 2009(August 2010).

[3]Amory Lovins,Soft Energy Path:Toward a Durable Peace(1977).


[5]详见约瑟夫·P.托梅因(Joseph P.Tomain)的《美国能源政策的主流模式》(The Dominant Model of United States Energy Policy,61 U.Col.L.Rev.355)(1990);能源法律社(Energy Law Group)的《面向21世纪的能源法和政策》(Energy Law and Policy for the 21st Century,Ch.6.)(2000)。这两个文献中均有大量参考文献

[6]Munn v.Illlinois(S.Ct.1876).

[7]译者注:联邦动力委员会英文名称是Federal Power Commission,即FPC。国内许多翻译将之译为“联邦电力监管委员会”或“联邦电力署”,但译者认为如此翻译不妥,因为FPC同样也负责天然气领域的监管(就是一个机构的名字,Power在英文中常指电力,如Power Market即电力市场)。

[8]Federal Power Comm’n v.Hope Natural Gas Co.(S.Ct.1944).

[9]John G.Clark,Energy and the Federal Government:Fossil Fuel Policies,1900-1946(1987).

[10]Stardard Oil Co.of N.J.v.United States(S.Ct.1911).

[11]Natural Gas Act.


[13]Hepburn Act,34 Stat.584(1906).

[14]Norman Nordhauser,Origins of Federal oil regulation in the 1920’s,47 BUSINESS HISTOR REVIEW 53(1974).

[15]1920 Mineral Lands Leasing Act,30 U.S.C.A§§49,50,351.

[16]Part II,Federal Power Act 16 U.S.C.A§§824a-825r.

[17]Natural Gas Act 15 U.S.C.A§§717 etc.

[18]Interstate Natural Gas Co.v.FPC(S.Ct.1947).

[19]Philips Petroleum Co.v.Wisconsin(S.Ct.1954).


[21]Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978(NGPA)15 U.S.C.A.§3301 etc.

[22]Atomic Energy Act,42 U.S.C.A.§2011.(www.xing528.com)

[23]Price Anderson Act,42 U.S.C.A.§2210.

[24]National Energy Act.

[25]National Energy Conservation Policy Act,Pub.L.No.95-619;92 Stat.3206,codified as amended in scattered Titles of 12,15,25,31 and U.S.C.A.42.

[26]Powerplant and Industrial Fuel Use Act of 1978,Pub.L.No.95-620;92 Stat.3289,codified as amended in scattered Titles of 15 and U.S.C.A.42.

[27]Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978,Pub.L.No.95-621 92 Stat.3250,codified as amended in scattered Titles of 15 U.S.C.A.§§33013432 and 42 U.S.C.A.§§7255.

[28]Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act of 1978,Pub.L.No.9517,92 Stat.3117,codified as amended in scattered Titles 15 U.S.C.A.15,16,26,42 and 43.

[29]Energy Tax Act of 1978,Pub.L.No.95-618;92 Stat.3174,codified as amended in scattered Titles U.S.C.A.26 and 42.

[30]Crude Oil Windfall Profit Tax Act of 1980,Pub.L.No.96-233;94 Stat.229,codified as amended in scattered section of Titles 26 and 42 U.S.C.A.

[31]Energy Security Act of 1980,Pub.L.No.96-294;94 Stat.611,codified as amended in scattered section of Titles of 7,10,12,15,16,30 and U.S.C.A.42.

[32]Defense Production Action Amendments of 1980,Pub.L.No.96-294;94 Stat.617,codified in U.S.C.A.50§§2061-2066.

[33]The United States Synthetic Fuel Corporation Act of 1980,Pub.L.No.96-294;94 Stat.633,codified as amended in scattered section of Titles of U.S.C.A.42.

[34]The Biomasses Energy and Alcohol Fuels Act of 1980,Pub.L.No.96-294;94 Stat.683,codified as amended in scattered section of Titles of 7,15,16 and 42 U.S.C.A.

[35]The Renewable Energy Resources Act of 1980,Pub.L.No.96-294;94 Stat.715,codified as amended in scattered section of Titles of 16 and 42U.S.C.A.

[36]The Solar Energy and Energy Conservation Act of 1980,Pub.L.No.96-294;94 Stat.719,codified as amended in scattered section of Titles of 12 and 42U.S.C.A.

[37]The Geothermal Energy Act of 1980,Pub.L.No.96-294;94 Stat.763,codified in scattered section of Titles of U.S.C.A.16.

[38]The 1992 Energy Policy Act,Pub.L.No.102-486;100 Stat.2776(1992).


[40]National Energy Policy Plan(July 1995).

[41]Strategic Plan(1997).

[42]Comprehensive National Energy Strategy(1998).

[43]National Energy Plan(May 2001).

[44]Our Common Future(1987).

[45]Energy Policy Act of 2005,Pub.L.109-158.

[46]译者注:关于“royalty”一词,中国多使用“矿权使用费”“特许使用费”等译法,这些用法容易使人产生误解,实际上royalty指的是矿权所有人获得产量或收益的份额,根据美国Barron’s法律词典,该词的定义是“a share of the product or the proceeds therefrom reserved by a owner for permitting another to exploit and use his or her property”。中国国土资源部在推进资源税改革的文件中使用“权益金”一词,译者同意此译法。故译者在本书中将royalty翻译成“权益金“。

[47]The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007(EISA),Pub.L.110-140.

[48]The American Clean and Security Act of 2009(H.R.2454).

[49]American Recovery and Reinvestment Act,Pub.L.111-115.

[50]White House,FACT SHEET:America’s Energy Security(march 30,2011),availableat http://www.whiteouse.gov/the-press-office/2011/03/30/fact-sheet-americas-energy-security.

