首页 理论教育 中国武术英语教程:武术文化介绍及其在中华民族文化中的象征意义


时间:2023-11-21 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:1.当前,武术的概念界定为:“武术是以技击动作为主要内容,以套路、格斗和功法练习为活动形式,注重内外兼修的中国传统体育项目。”Chinese Wushu embodies the practitioners'essence,breath and spirit,with unique spirit and cultural deposits.8.中国武术已经成为中华民族文化的象征,尤其是它的包容性更增添了其神秘感。Wushu is a cultural phenomenon.It evolves alongside the developement of material and spiritual civilizations and mirrors social concepts and beliefs as they are gradually formed in people's work and military life.11.作为一个整体意义上的文化形态,中国武术根植于中国传统文化之中。



Nowadays,Wushu is generally defined as“a tradition Chinese sport focusing on the cultivation of physical health and spiritual power,and with combative movements as the main contents,and with taolu(routine),gedou(fighting)and gongfa(training skills)as the form of practice”.


Chinese Wushu takes kicking,punching,throwing,controlling,hitting,thrusting and other combative movements as its basic elements to strengthen the physique,cultivate the will,and train gedou skills.


Chinese Wushu can be functionally divided into combative Wushu,artistic expression Wushu and fitness and health-keeping Wushu.Sports forms include routine,combating,skill,fitness building and so on.


Routine is in the form of Chinese boxing,weapon,sparring,group drilling and so on.


Wushu routine,as one of the unique forms of Chinese Wushu,bears the following three features:nationality,attacking and artistry.


Chinese Wushu has a long history.Originally as an individual combative skill,it was developed by Chinese ancestors in their struggle against natural and social environments to survive.


Chinese Wushu embodies the practitioners'essence,breath and spirit,with unique spirit and cultural deposits.


Chinese Wushu has become a token of Chinese culture,and especially its inclusiveness helps add a sense of mystery to it.


Up to now,Chinese Wushu has established a system of its own.It is very popular not only as an exercise for body fitness,but also for its function of self-defense and its distinctive aesthetic value.


Wushu is a cultural phenomenon.It evolves alongside the developement of material and spiritual civilizations and mirrors social concepts and beliefs as they are gradually formed in people's work and military life.


As a cultural form in a whole sense,Chinese Wushu is rooted in the traditional Chinese culture.


Today Chinese Wushu has become a bridge of friendship linking China and the world and a bond of transferring friendship,and has served as a window through which the world can gain better understanding of China.


Especially in the last three decades,significant progress has been made to transform Chinese Wushu into competitive sports and to popularize it on an international level.


During different historical periods,people had different needs and perceptions of Wushu.


Due to the constant change of content,form and value function of Wushu and the existence of factors like different social environments and people's cognitive levels,people have different expressions for the concept of Wushu.


Chinese Wushu has put great emphasis on the promotion of etiquette and morality.


As a Wushu proverb goes,“Learn morality before Wushu is ever learned,and acquire virtues before Wushu is ever acquired.”It shows that it is inherent in Wushu that Wushu ethics is placed at a central position in Wushu training.


Wushu ethics is the precondition to regulate practitioners'behavior.


It is obvious that Wushu ethics is common faith and spiritual value orientation shared by Chinese Wushu practitioners from generation to generation.


In the long history of precipitation and inheritance,Wushu ethics has fused with people's lifestyle,mode of thinking,code of conduct,moral sentiment,aesthetic taste,attitude towards life,custom and habit.It has become an important integral part of Chinese ethics.


Wushu movements are characterized by attacking and defending.The skills come from its real combating.


Characteristics and essential attributes of Wushu distinguish it from other sports.


Combative characteristics of Wushu enable it to form a complete skill system of its own.


Routine,as a special form of Chinese Wushu,includes different sorts and styles,but all the sorts are in common in terms of combative movements for attacking and defending,such as kicking,punching,throwing,controlling,hitting,thrusting and so on.


The core of routine skills is to demonstrate the inner meaning and spirit of attacking and defending.


With the development of Wushu skills,the essential characteristic of Wushu(attacking)has been weakened,but it will still exist in the long run as the fundamental feature of Wushu skills.


The highest value principle of Chinese traditional culture lies in harmony and unity.Chinese Wushu emphasizes both standardized movements and the unity of body and spirit,which is one of the characteristics of Chinese Wushu.


The harmony of body and mind is a common requirement of various sorts of Chinese Wushu.The theories of Three Internal Harmonies and Three External Harmonies have been mentioned in different sorts of Quan.


The“internal”refers to the circulation of spirit,consciousness and breath;the“external”means movements of hands,eyes,body,skills,steps.


Regardless of any sort of Quan,routine technically requires a close combination of the inner spirit and the external body movements.


It fully reflects the fact that Wushu,as a cultural form,has been affected by ancient Chinese philosophy,medicine,aesthetics,etc.during its longterm development.


The unity of body and spirit is not only an issue of skills,but also epitomizes Chinese traditional culture in the form of Wushu.


Wushu is rich in content and it has many forms.It is suitable for people of different ages,genders,professions and health conditions respectively,and it is optional according to individual conditions and interests.


Wushu is not restricted by time,season and facilities,which creates a favourable condition for people to practise Wushu.


These Wushu movements are beneficial to reaction velocity,strength,agility and endurance of human body.


Different people can choose certain routine or Wushu styles according to their individual different requirements so as to play the role of Wushu fitness and achieve the purpose of strengthening the physique.


Self-defence is Wushu's fundamental purpose since it came into being.


Even though Wushu's combative value has become less prominent in modern society,it can not be ignored since it is still possible that our personal safety and that of the others may be endangered in our daily life.


The current fighting is classified as physical exercise,but the technical skills are quite close to practical combat and most technical actions can be directly applied in real fight.


Through routine movement exercise,people may have command of knowledge and methods of self-defense and meanwhile may strengthen necessary physical quality and the ability to cope with unexpected incidents.


“Acquire virtues before Wushu is ever acquired”indicates that Wushu ethnics education has always been emphasized during Wushu exercise.


Wushu ethnics can be understood as the virtue that Wushu practitioners are required to have.It refers to the spiritual system of self-control and selfdiscipline established by Wushu practitioners for the purpose of grasping society and realizing social value.


It is obvious that Wushu plays an important role in entertaining body and soul,strengthening communication and exchanging Chinese traditional culture.


Meanwhile,the exercise process of Wushu requires the spirit of endurance of hard work and perseverance.


Chinese government has been sending Wushu teams to other countries constantly to actively carry out international exchange and promotion activities of Wushu.


Since the establishment of the People's Republic of China,Wushu has been playing a more and more important role in school education and has made a great contribution to developing campus physical activities,enriching campus culture and enhancing students'physique.


Wushu has high ornamental value.


All kinds of Wushu activities including various performances,competitions and trainings serve the society in the form of spiritual products.


Through the common interest of Wushu practice,especially the Reform and Opening-up Policy of our country,the contact between countries becomes more and more frequent.


It is not only beneficial to the cultivation of indomitableness and unremitting will,but also is an important way of morality cultivation.Wushu contributes to people's overall development.


More and more overseas students come to China to learn Wushu.


Wushu helps young people cultivate the noble moral sentiment of respecting teachers and their teaching,being broad-minded towards others,and being strict with oneself.


The content and form of Wushu have changed a lot during its process of development.


Gongfa focuses on single-movement practice to achieve physical fitness or strengthen certain function of the body.


Different sorts of Quan not only have different Quanshu routines,but also have different weapon routines.


Quanshu refers to bare-handed routine movement.


Quanshu includes many types of exercises,such as Changquan,Nanquan,Taichiquan,Xingyiquan,Baguazhang,Fanziquan,Bajiquan,Shaolinquan,Xiangxingquan,etc.


Paired exercise refers to the forms of taolu in which two or more people exercise hypothetic attacking and defending under the prearranged conditions.


Fighting refers to practical attack and defense technique between two people under certain conditions.Fighting includes:sanda(free bare-handed fight),tuishou(push hands)and duanbing(short weapons).


There are diverse sorts of Quan with various schools.


National Wushu materials collected and arranged in 1979 showed that there were a total of 129 sorts of Quan throughout China and later were 131 sorts.


Routine can be divided into single person exercise,paired exercise,and group performance.


Paired exercise includes bare-handed fighting,weapon fighting and barehanded and weapon duel.


Since the establishment of the People's Republic of China,in accordance with common characteristics,the State Sports Committee synthetically collated and created Changquan from sorts of Quan which are widespread among masses,such as Chaquan,Huaquan,Paoquan,Hongquan,Huaquan,Tantuiquan,Shaolinquan,etc.


Changquan has been developed in recent decades which is a new sort of Quan with routine as the main form.


Characteristics of Changquan are:expansive and decent movements,speediness and power,obvious rhythm,as well as being rich in rising and turning.


Contents of Changquan include basic skills,single-person routine and paired routine,etc.


Movements of Changquan are expanded and stretched with a wide range of joint activities,which requires high flexibility of muscles and elasticity of ligaments.


Hand techniques of Changquan shall be rapid,prompt and powerful.The fist shoots like the falling star.


Eye techniques of Changquan require bright and sharp eyes.The eyes stare out like electricity.


Eye techniques are not individually acted in Changquan.Eyes shall follow hands.


In Changquan,the body movement techniques include:nei,zhuan,zhan,suo,zhe,wan,fu,yang and so on.


Other than dropping breath,Changquan's ways for breathing also include raising,holding,collecting and dropping.


Three Internal Harmonies refers to the harmony of heart and mind,mind and qi,qi and force;Three External Harmonies refers to the harmony of hand and foot,elbow and knee,shoulder and hip.


The technique here refers to various skills in physical fitness(such as strength,speed,endurance,agility)and exercise.


Changquan has very strict requirements for the methods of such four combative skills:kicking,punching,throwing,and controlling.(www.xing528.com)


Traditional 12 postures of Changquan exercise:moving like waves,being still like a mountain,rising like a monkey,falling like a magpie,erecting like a rooster,standing like a pine,turning like a wheel,bending like a bow,being light like a leaf,being heavy like iron,being slow like an eagle,and being quick like wind.


The spirit of Changquan exercise needs to be energetic and full.


The relaxed body and quiet heart is one of the movement characteristics of Taichi.


The relaxed body means that the body muscles are in a relaxing state during practice and the body is naturally stretched.


The quiet heart means that you should get rid of all distractions and focus your attention.


The premise of softness is to relax.On this basis,the posture of two arms and moving lines shall be maintained in a curve.


The breath of the beginners shall be natural.After some practice,the coordination of breath and mind is required.


Taoism is one of old philosophies of China represented by the yin and yang theory which expresses the continuous flow of qi.


Knife known as the leader of weapons,is one of the earliest and most commonly used weapons in China which evolved from the ancient weapons.


Spear is evolved from the ancient lance.There have been various sorts since the Song Dynasty.


The main movement characteristics of spear are force through spear tip,upside and down easily,flexible,fast-paced,unpredictable.


The spear's structural feature determines its own law of motion.


The notion of“supreme ultimate”is often associated with the Chinese concepts of yin and yang.


The swordsmanship has a sort of elegance and it is also known as the God of weapons.


The central idea of Taichi is that we let qi flow throughout the whole body.


Derived from Wushu,Taichi is composed of slow and gentle movements,mediation of breathing to strengthen people's physique.


Taichi probably developed in China in the 19th century.It is derived from Wushu,or a practice for self-defense,usually without weapons.


Taichi is an important part of Chinese martial arts and is called philosophy boxing.


There are different sayings about the origin of Taichi.


Taichi instructors often recommend that people not practise Taichi right after their dinner,or when they are very tired,or when they have an active mind.


Taichi,based on the philosophical ideas,advocates a balance of the body,mind and spirit.


It takes a long time to perform the right posture of Taichi,and improve flexibility and agility,so don't get discouraged.


In the United States,for the health purpose,Taichi has already been a method of adjuvant therapy.


Taichi is a kind of lower-load,moderate exercise that improves physical quality,relaxes the body and exercises the mind.


Some Taichi movements are named for animals,such as White Crane Spread Its Wings.


In addition to movement,two other important elements of Taichi are breath and mediation.


Practitioners believe that there are many benefits in Taichi breath and mediation,such as massaging the internal organs and the exchange of gas in the lungs.


Another concept of Taichi is that the forces of yin and yang should be balanced.


In Chinese philosophy,yin and yang are two aspects that make up the universe and are of the unity of opposites in anything.


Yin is believed to have the qualities of water,such as coolness,darkness,and inward and downward directions,and to be in feminine.


Yang is believed to have the qualities of fire,such as heat,light,and upward and outward movements,and to be in masculine.


According to this idea,people's yin and yang need to be in balance in order to be healthy,and Taichi is a practice that maintains this balance.


Many people practise Taichi for the health purpose.Taichi is widely practised in China and in many other countries.


If you don't position your body properly while practising Taichi or if you overdo practice,you may get sore muscles or sprains.


Yin and yang are opposite and interrelated in the universe like darkness and light.


Taichi,as a method of adjuvant therapy,can not be used to replace conventional medical care or to delay medical care.


The body movement techniques of Changquan should be pliable,flexible and smooth.The waist shall move like a snake.


Many people have found that the slow and gentle movement of Taichi is an effective therapy for a wide range of health problems including headache,high blood pressure,arthritis,back pain,carpal tunnel syndrome,digestive and nervous disorders.


Those who practise Taichi are rewarded with improved balance and flexibility,superior breathing,stronger circulatory and lymphatic systems,and meanwhile Taichi exercise can reduce blood tension,relieve pain,and improve living quality.


The breathing ability promoted by the slow and gentle practice of routine causes the diaphragm to expand outwards and downwards and contract inwards and upwards.


Exhaling stale air from the lungs while inhaling a plentitude of fresh air increases lung capacity,stretches the muscles,and releases tension.At the same time,the entire body is supplied with fresh oxygen and nutrients.


The practice of Taichi is beneficial to people's health and it is also a subtle,sophisticated and scientific method of self-defense.


Taichi is suitable for people of all ages to practise and doesn't have a high requirement for field or equipment.It has a widespread reception in the world.


A set of simplified Taichi has 24 movements,which shall be finished between 5 and 6 minutes according to the normal speed.The movements should be slow but continuous.


Taichi can be practised in a relatively small area either indoors or outdoors.When performed in a slow and relaxed manner,Taichi offers a balanced drill for the body's muscles and joints through deep and regulated breath and the contraction and expansion of the diaphragm.


This gentle movement of the diaphragm massages the liver and intestines.Deep breathing also promotes a greater intake of air into the lungs than usual.


The performance of the hand creates a tranquil state of mind through concentration on the movements.


The exercise of stomach muscles will stimulate digestion,improve appetite and prevent constipation.


The graceful movements of Taichi can change our inappropriate gestures,making us more even-tempered and not easy to get angry.


The term Taichi refers to the ancient Chinese cosmological concept of the interplay between two opposite yet interacted forces(yin and yang)as being the foundation of creation.


Taichi as martial arts,is based on the principle of softness overcoming hardness.


Accomplishing a great task with little effort by clever maneuvers doesn't depend on brute strength,as a man in his eighties who is able to defend himself against multiple attackers doesn't rely upon his speed.


Taichi techniques include basic exercise,stance keeping exercise,repetitive single movement exercise,linked form exercise,power exercise,weapon exercise,technique exercise and various kinds of two-person exercise.


Training exercises can be divided into two broad categories:solo exercise and exercise which requires a partner.


A beginner usually begins with the basic exercises,including proper structural alignment and correct methods of moving the body,shifting the weight,stepping position,etc.


Students will learn different stance postures which is more beneficial to the relaxation and adjustment of the basic movements as well as a kind of mind relaxation while standing in deep thought.


The entire body is held in a state of dynamic relaxation which allows the strength of the whole body to flow into the opponent without obstruction through the hand.


Opposing the opponent using brute strength or direct strength is strictly prohibited.


One must cultivate the ability to stick to the opponent,smother his strength and destroy his balance.


The technique(sticking,adhering,continuing and following)is quite vital to the application of Taichi combat.


The modern routine of Taichi is becoming more and more popular worldwide in recent years because people have found it to be very conductive to calming the mind,relaxing the body,relieving stress,and improving one's health in general.


The Yang style Taichi is characterized by soft,smooth and flowing movements.


The Wu style Taichi features higher stances and compact,circular movements.


The addition of Xingyiquan and Baguazhang gives the Sun style Taichi a different flavor.


The training of Taichi is mainly to relax and stretch the body.


When you fight with your enemies,if you can reach first by striking after an opponent has struck,you will win.


“Falling into emptiness”is analogous to the principle of never using force against force.


Sticking and adhering refers to connecting with the opponent in a soft and non-confrontational manner and maintaining this connection as you both move.


Following refers to“giving up oneself and following the others”by continuously following the opponent's movement and changes in order to maintain your connection.


Most often,Taichi advanced fighters will control the opponent through contact with his arms and upper torso.


Requirements of the breathing method of Taichi:be empty on the top of the head and qi sinks to dantian.


It is appropriate to breath naturally instead of holding deep breath at the beginning of learning Taichi.


Taichi has its philosophical root in Taoism and is considered as one kind of inner-school boxing.


Being slow and gentle are also the characteristics of Taichi.


Taichi utilizes the internal qi,and follows the principle:softness can overcome strength.

