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时间:2023-05-23 理论教育 版权反馈









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汉语属于语义型语言英语属于形态性语言,所以二者存在不同的语序(词序和句序)。语序反映了一个民族语言使用者的逻辑思维模式、心理结构模式和言语表达习惯。语序是指词在短语或句子线性排列和组合的次序,包括词序和句序。词序,顾名思义,指的是两个或两个以上的单词的排列顺序,这样的单词多是词组,但也有自由组合的情况,在简单的词序上,中英文是可以逐词对应的,比如:本息(principal and interest)、留存收益(retained revenue)、经贸关系(economic and trade relations)、出口产品(export products)等等。但若词义丰富或层次较多,对应的英文是需要调整词序的,例如,中国主要的出口产品(major Chinese export products/major export products from China)、人均可支配收入(disposable income per capita)。

语序是表达句意和句法关系的重要手段,有时语序的不同还会体现出迥异的修辞效果和语体效果。比如有一则英文广告:“Like son,like father; like daughter,like mother.”,它采用仿拟的修辞手法,颠倒顺序,实现了广告应用的引人注意的目的。虽然总体而言,汉英两种语言的正常语序在很多方面是吻合的,但也有很多不同之处,本章着重探讨汉英在词语和语序两个方面的差异。


1.在VN 式(V-动词,N-名词)及其变形结构的名词短语中,汉语短语的两个组成部分共同表示一个概念,而英语则把动词转化为动名词(或名词),因而短语中心也在后半部分。例如:

洗钱money laundering 捐款money donation

防潮damp proof 握手handshake

凑份子money collection 证明文件documentary proof



译文:The office on the fortieth floor of a skyscraper in the center of New York City is the world he works in.

例2:欧盟家电能耗等级分为A 到G 的7 个等级,其中最高级的A 级家电比普通产品节能45%以上。

译文:Energy consumption in home appliances in the EU countries is labeled by seven classes from A to G,among which the top class A indicates that energy consumption is 45 percent lower than unlabeled electric products.

2.在NN 式(N-名词)并列短语及其变形短语中,汉语常把核心词放在首位,而英语则把核心词放在后面。

合同草案a draft contract 董事长先生Mr.President

咨询专家an expert consultant 电工学徒an apprentice electrician

得失loss and gain 敌我(矛盾)contradictions between ourselves and enemies


译文:The new draft contract prevents private petroleum companies from using the option of international arbitration at the World Bank's International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes.


细分市场market segment 离婚判决书decree nisi

结平账户account balanced 法人团体body corporal

应付账款accounts payable 应收账款accounts receivable (due)

确凿证据proof positive 选料考究choice materials

香味浓郁aromatic / fragrant (in) flavor 兼并提案proposed merger

性能可靠dependable performance 做工精细fine workmanship

衣食住行food,clothing,shelter and transportation


退休年龄age at retirement

重要事宜matters of importance

“走出去”战略the strategy of “going out”

西部大开发战略national strategy of developing the Western region

海内外新老朋友the old and new friends both at home and abroad



左顾右盼look right and left 转战南北fight north and south

东南西北north and south,east and west 中国的西北部the north-west of China



中小学primary and middle school

中长期计划Long-and Medium-term plans

中小企业Small-and Medium-sized Enterprises

内外external and internal

贫富the rich and the poor

新郎新娘the bride and the groom

社会主义的现代化强国a modern powerful socialist country



译文1:Part of the cargo on the ship was damaged in a fire.

译文2:Partial loss was incurred to the goods on board of the ship because of a fire.

译文3:Because of a fire,some cargoes on the ship were damaged.



译文:The proportion of the primary products in the exports of XX province is still too big,which follows a great deal of resource waste.



译文:By the seventh century of the Tang Dynasty,tea-drinking had become very popular in China.

解析:英语时间的排列也是从小单位到大单位,“唐朝”历经21 帝,延续了289年(公元618~907)。因此,不说the Tang Dynasty in the seventh century。



例7:他亲眼目睹了 ①美国 ②战后 ③第六次 ④后果严重的 ⑤波及各个领域的经济危机。

译文:He witnessed ③the sixth ②post-war economic crisis ④of serious consequence ⑤that prevailed in various fields ①in the USA.

例8:我公司 ①为此 ②于去年 ③二月 ④郑重地 ⑤多次 ⑥向贵公司解释……

译文:①For this reason,our company explained ④solemnly ⑥to your company ⑤many times ③in February ②last year ...

例9:我们 ①为顾全大局 ②于同年 ③秋末 ④在第三方的调停下 ⑤开诚布公地 ⑥多次 ⑦强烈要求贵方赔偿我们的一切损失。

译文:④With the third party acting as an intermediary,①to take the interest of the whole into account,we ⑦strongly demand ⑤with frankness and sincerity ⑥many times ③at the end of the autumn ②of the same year that you should compensate all our losses.





译文:I felt ashamed of failing to achieve the goal of my department.


译文:Companies with a big staff find themselves squeezed between high operating costs and shrinking business.

例12:我们要求将数量增加至5 万吨,如果贵方能认真考虑我方要求,不胜感激。

译文:We would appreciate it very much if you could give serious thoughts to our request for increasing the quantity up to 50,000 tons.


译文:It was a keen disappointment when I had to postpone the visit which I had intended to pay to China in May.I was delighted when,as a result of the effort of your company,it proved possible to reinstate the visit so quickly.



译文:Our company plans to hold the first China International Auto Parts Expo at China International Exhibition Center in Beijing from November 29 to December 1,which aims at strengthening and boosting exchange and cooperation with the international auto industry.

解析:汉语陈述常把目的放在前面,尤为常见的便是“为了(推进、进一步加强,等等)……”,上例的开头(“为了促进”)本可译为For providing opportunities to ...。但究竟置于开头还是结尾,则往往要考虑语义重心上下文衔接、文体风格等因素。汉译英时可以适当调换顺序。


译文:Insufficient demands from European and American markets have indeed made a notable impact on the foreign business at the moment.This was a consensus among Ningbo exhibitors at the fair in Guangzhou.




译文:The establishment of the Quality Control Department has ensured the sharp improvement of the quality of the company's products.


译文:The National Museum and the Botanical Gardens at Bogor completed our visit.



译文:He had flown yesterday from Beijing where he spent his vocation immediately after finishing the meeting involving him in Tianjin.


译文:If Guangzhou is like a city of jadeite in the daytime,it becomes a luminous pearl,with a sea of lights twinkling in the streets after the sun set in the west.



译文:Most granaries are not willing to buy new grain,as it contains a higher percentage of water,and drying and storing can incur extra costs.

解析:翻译时,应该先译结果部分(一般粮库不愿意收购),然后再译原因(含水量比较高,不适宜烘干储存),并用as、for、because 来引导原因状语从句。译文中出现的can incur extra costs 属于合理的推测,算是有所变通,还可以表述为will take extra trouble。


译文:Domestic investors in resources-based businesses are making a killing as a result of the overall rise in the prices of mineral resources in international markets.


译文:Hong Kong stock market opened sharply higher,prompted by the latest reduction in the prime rate.


译文1:There may still be hidden safety risks and dangers in the factory resulting from the recent locations.

译文2:Some hidden safety risks and dangers resulting from the recent relocations may still be found in the factory.


例24:根据世界知识产权组织(WIPO)发布的数据,2011年和2012年,中兴通讯国际专利PCT 申请量分别是2 826 件、3 906 件,连续两年居全球之首。

译文:Statistics released by the WIPO show that ZTE ranked first in PCT application with 2,826 and 3,096 patents in 2011 and 2012,respectively.



译文:It justifies the time and energy to repay our parents who have done so much for us.


译文:It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of wife.



译文:Formerly a worker himself,he is now an engineer.(同位语换序)


译文:From the moment they set foot on the territory of their motherland,they were warmly received by their compatriots.(定语从句提前)


译文:Send us a message in case you have any difficulty.(状语从句后置)


译文:We will have to book our tickets in advance,I'm afraid.(同位语前置)


译文:Nothing was gained by all these efforts.(倒装部分后置)


译文:No victory should be lightly/hastily announced until there is a complete win.(状语从句换序)













11.汉传媒(See Corporation Limited)主要从事娱乐及媒体业务,包括电影电视节目、音乐制作,以及艺人模特儿管理,并持有无铫网络电视5%权益,另外还涉足证券投资,停牌前市值为5.68 亿港元。













①出口低迷 export slump

②币值不稳 teetering currency rate

③购买力 purchasing power

④政局不定,经济动荡,贸易保护主义升级,外交摩擦抬头 political instability,changing economic circumstances,mounting protectionist barriers or diplomatic rows

⑤外贸体制 foreign trade regime

⑥集团化 conglomeration

⑦以外贸为龙头 with foreign trade as the locomotive/flagship

⑧自营出口 orientation of industry towards the export market

⑨出口商品结构 makeup of export products

⑩靠价格和数量竞争 merchandise geared to price competition on mass market

⑪精加工和深加工 dynamic ETM approach—namely elaborately transformed manufacturing

⑫ 适销对路的名特优新产品 premium and novel products with a ready market

⑬“拳头”产品 “hard-hitting”/“knockout” items/products

⑭市场多元化 market diversification

⑮俗话说:“不能在一棵树上吊死。” In common parlance,it is unwise to “put all our eggs in one basket”.

⑯富有活力、洞察力和应变的企业 a dynamic,insightful and viable company

⑰东方不亮西方亮 to gain on the swings what might be lost on the roundabouts

⑱提高人员的素质 caliber of personnel

⑲优惠政策 preferential policies


Consumers:The Wild,Wild East[1]


A booming middle class is creating the world's most dynamic consumer market


More than five centuries ago Christopher Columbus scrawled in his copy of Marco Polo's “Travels” that the Middle Kingdom would bring mercacciones innumeras (an immeasurable amount of commerce).Columbus never reached that promised land.China has continued to disappoint foreign businessmen ever since,not least because many ordinary Chinese people have been too poor to buy anything.


That is changing as the country's middle class is growing explosively.In 2010 mainstream consumers—those with enough money to buy cars,fridges and phones but not Rolls-Royces—made up less than a tenth of urban households.In a new forecast,McKinsey predicts that by 2020 they will make up well over half.BCG reckons that urban private consumption will rise from $3.2 trillion today to $5.6 trillion in 2020.

随着中国中产阶级的爆发性增长,这种局面正在改变。2010年,主流消费者在城市家庭中不足十分之一,这些消费者能买得起手机、冰箱及汽车——当然不是劳斯莱斯。在新的预测中,麦肯锡认为到2020年,他们将占到一半以上。波士顿咨询(BCG)认为,城市私人消费将从如今的3.2 万亿美元提升到2020年的5.6 万亿美元。

Apple expects China soon to become a bigger market for its products than America.In the quarter ending in June,its sales in greater China were 112% up on the same period a year earlier.Six of its ten busiest stores across the globe are in China.At the height of the recent turmoil in the Chinese stockmarkets,Apple's boss,Tim Cook,reassured investors that “I continue to believe China represents an unprecedented opportunity over the long term.”Apple's shares bounced back.

苹果公司预期中国很快会成为比美国更大的苹果产品消费市场。在截至6月的第二季度,它在大中华区的销售额比去年同期增长了112%。苹果全球最繁忙的十家专卖店有六家在中国。在近期中国股市动荡最剧烈之时,苹果的老板蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)安抚投资者说:“我仍然相信,从长期看,中国有着前所未有的机会。”苹果的股价应声反弹。

Where should intrepid marketers go to capitalise on these riches? The wealthy east coast is now widely believed to be saturated,which suggests that firms should head inland.The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU),a sister firm of this newspaper,recently pinpointed the top emerging cities,based on forecasts for things like long-term growth in population and disposable income.It found that a few inland cities like Chongqing and Chengdu are indeed attractive,but many excellent prospects remain in the east.Obscure but booming cities within reasonable distance of the coast,like Suqian and Xuzhou,are likely to do well,and lucrative niches remain even in well-established magnets such as Beijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou and Shenzhen.


As the middle class expands,so it evolves.Some may grow tired of blingy offerings,but millions of others will try their first Western brand this year.“Every three years a new generation is created here,” explains Charles Hayes of Ideo,a consultancy.Even within cities,consumer groups are highly segmented.Donald Blair of Nike,an American sportswear giant,says his firm maps consumer behaviour here “by shopping district and even by street”,so it can customise offerings and outlets.

随着中产阶级队伍的扩大,它也在进化。一些人可能已开始厌烦浮华的产品,但仍有数以百万计的人会在今年第一次尝鲜西方品牌。“在这里,每三年就会产生新的一代。”咨询公司Ideo 的查尔斯·海耶斯(Charles Hayes)解释说。即使在城市里,消费群体也要高度细分。美国运动服饰巨头耐克的唐纳德·布莱尔(Donald Blair)表示,在中国,该公司“按商业区,甚至按街道”来测定消费者的行为,这样它才能按需定制产品,设立门店。

A big winner has been China's e-commerce,a market that is now larger than America's.Forrester,another consulting firm,expects gross merchandise value in this sector to exceed $1 trillion by 2019.Outside the big cities bricks-and-mortar stores are thinner on the ground,so online shopping is becoming increasingly important.Even where shops are readily accessible,consumers often go “showrooming”,looking at goods in physical outlets but buying them more cheaply online.This is happening the world over,but in China the trend has been accentuated by the ubiquity of smartphones,the reliability of online-payment systems and the spread of same-day delivery services.


How would you like your shirt?


This poses a grave threat to old-fashioned retailers.Li & Fung,a supply-chain firm based in Hong Kong,pioneered global outsourcing two decades ago.It has over 3,000 outlets,a third of them in China.Victor Fung,its honorary chairman,sees the era of mass production giving way to one of mass customisation.Markets are fragmenting and smartphones are empowering consumers to get “directly involved in what they buy,where it is made and how they buy it”.Zhao Xiande of CEIBS in Shanghai points to Red Collar,a firm that used simply to make and export garments.Now it lets customers the world over design their own shirts online and makes them to order.Another outfit,Home Koo,offers custom-built furniture online.

这让传统零售商面临重大威胁。香港供应链公司利丰(Li & Fung)20年前就开始率先探索全球外包。它拥有3 000 多家门店,其中三分之一在中国。其荣誉主席冯国经认为大批量生产的时代正让位于大规模定制的时代。市场日渐分化,而智能手机让消费者能够“直接参与到自己买什么、在哪里制造,以及如何购买当中去”。上海中欧国际工商学院的赵先德以红领服饰为例,这家公司过去只是制造和出口成衣。现在,它让世界各地的消费者在线设计自己的衬衫并下单定制。另一家公司尚品宅配则提供在线家具定制。

All this e-commerce is producing some remarkable business-model innovations.Thanks to the convergence of mobile commerce and social media,observes Miles Young,chairman of Ogilvy & Mather,an advertising firm,China is the world's epicentre of “social commerce”.Studies by BCG show that Chinese consumers are much more likely than American or European ones to interact with brands through social media.

所有这类电子商务正在孕育出非凡的商业模式创新。得益于移动电子商务和社交媒体的交汇,中国已是世界“社交电子商务”这场强震的震中,广告公司奥美的董事长杨名皓(Miles Young)表示。波士顿咨询的研究显示,相比欧美消费者,中国消费者通过社交媒体与品牌互动的可能性大得多。

To try to keep up with all these changes,Mr Fung has kitted out a shopping mall in Shanghai with technologies from IBM that allow detailed tracking of shoppers on site and online.Known as the “Explorium”,it allows retailers to experiment with various multi-channel business models and promotions.Digital disruption challenges retailers everywhere,he says,but in his view China is the most promising place to look for answers.

为了迎头赶上所有这些变化,冯国经在上海的购物中心采用了IBM 的技术,可以在现场和网上详细跟踪购物者。这就是利程坊,在这里零售商可以试验各种多渠道商业模式和促销。冯国经说,各地零售商都面临数字化颠覆的挑战,但他认为,要寻找答案,中国是最合适的地方。

Chinese consumers are fast becoming the world's most discriminating and knowledgeable.They are also quite brand licentious.The choice of top global brands there is much wider than in America,Europe or Japan.This has resulted in fierce competition,pushing firms to come up with ever more inventive offerings.Audi developed longer saloon cars to cater to wealthy Chinese with chauffeurs,which are now sold globally.Chinese consumers prefer pulpy juices,so Coca-Cola modified its juice formulations; Minute Maid Pulpy is now a billion-dollar global brand.Even Apple's Mr.Cook says his company takes Chinese tastes into account when it designs new products for the world.


Mr Young believes that China is leading the world in bringing together the “internet of things” (which connects machines to each other) with the internet used by people.Firms such as Suning,an electronics retailer,Haier and Xiaomi are all connecting smart gadgets with consumers through WeChat and other social media.This seems to be happening more quickly in China than in the West.


Are you being served?


Much of this new economy is moving on from supplying goods to providing services.In most rich countries services make up at least three-quarters of GDP,but in China they account for only half.The rising middle class is demanding better services in everything from health care to finance to entertainment.Both foreign and local investors are rushing in to fill the gap.

这一新经济的很大部分正从提供产品转向提供服务。在大多数富裕国家,服务业至少占到GDP 的四分之三,但在中国,这一比例只有一半。崛起的中产阶级在各方面都要求更好的服务,从医疗保健到金融服务,再到休闲娱乐。外国和本土投资者都蜂拥而至,填补空白。

Kai-fu Lee of Innovation Works believes that service startups are capable of creating billion-dollar industries.He points to Helijia,a firm valued at $300m that provides pedicures in people's homes.“They can train workers affordably; Chinese love getting pampered; and our urban density allows this… you can't do this in Kansas.” His firm is funding firms delivering services ranging from haircuts to car maintenance.

创新工场的李开复认为,服务业创业公司能够形成多个数十亿美元的产业。他以河狸家为例,这家提供上门美甲服务的公司估值为3 亿美元。“他们以合理的成本培训工人。中国人乐于享受,中国的城市密度也方便上门服务……你不可能在堪萨斯这样干。”创新工场为从理发到汽车保养的一系列服务型企业提供融资。

Jean Liu,president of Didi Kuaidi,thinks the sharing economy will allow scarce resources to be used more efficiently.Her ride-sharing firm counts both Tencent and Alibaba as investors.It offers everything from fancy cars and taxis to shuttle buses and car pools—or even someone on a bicycle to drive you home in your own car.It clocks up 6m rides a day,far outpacing Uber.

滴滴快的的总裁柳青认为共享经济将可以更有效地利用稀缺资源。她的乘车共享公司背后的投资者包括腾讯和阿里巴巴。该公司提供各类服务,从豪华车到出租车,从班车到拼车,甚至可以安排人骑自行车赶来提供代驾。它每日订单达600 万,远超优步。

Neusoft,based in Shenyang,a city in China's gritty industrial north-east,was started in 1991 with just $3,000 by Liu Jiren,an erstwhile academic.It is now one of China's biggest IT-services providers.Having created a computer operating system that quickly got ripped off,his firm nearly went under.That taught him the value of protecting intellectual property.When he was a visiting scholar at an American government laboratory,he noticed that academics worked closely with corporate researchers.That inspired him to invest heavily in R&D.Among many other things,Neusoft makes systems that allow medical records to be viewed on mobiles.It is also developing a shared-services business model for medical equipment that will allow users to pay by transaction.

1991年,从前是大学教授的刘积仁以区区3 000 美元起家,在中国多沙的传统工业区东北的沈阳市创建了东软集团。该公司如今是中国最大的IT 服务供应商之一。东软曾经开发出一套计算机操作系统,很快就被剽窃,公司几乎破产,这让刘积仁知道了保护知识产权的价值。还在美国的一个政府实验室做访问学者时,他就注意到了那里的学者和企业的研发人员密切合作。受此启发,他大量投资于研发。东软开发的很多产品中包括可以在手机上查看病历的系统。另一种医疗设备共享服务的商业模式也在开发之中,它让用户可以按交易付费。

What helped Neusoft take off,says Mr Liu,was that there were no SOEs to block new software firms.“The Chinese state today is technologically sophisticated… but that was not the case at the start of the IT boom,” says Mr Liu.

刘积仁认为,东软能够起飞,是因为当时没有国有企业阻碍新软件公司。刘积仁说:“现在中国政府在技术上很有经验……但在IT 刚刚兴起时不是这样。”



