首页 理论教育 商务新闻翻译要点及实践例解


时间:2023-06-10 理论教育 版权反馈





The bio-industry,based on the bio-tech,includes bio-medications,bio-agriculture,bioenergy,bio-manufacturing,bio-environment protection and the protection and exploitation of bioresources.It plays an essential role in global economic development.This conference will focus on publicizing related national policies,displaying achievements of the industry and promote enterprises in this line ,introducing major innovation projects and establishing a communication platform.

分析:汉语惯用重复的方式来衔接句子,因此新闻在围绕一个事件进行报道的时候会反复使用某些关键词,如上文的“生物”。在译为英语的时候应当采取适当的方式来避免重复使用一个词,如用类别词来指代。比如本句的英文版本用了it,related,the industry和this line来替代“生物产业”,可避免英文表达重复。


Nanguan District lies in the downtown area of the city.To make better use of the geographical advantage,it will build up eight commercial clusters and the Dongtian Electric Appliances Wholesale Market is one of its major projects./The market is located within the Xintiandi Shopping Mall.../Based on past experience,Nanguan District will expand the Chongqing Road and Damalu Area,two of the city’s most popular business districts.Service will be enhanced in the next 2 to 3 years to facilitate the development of business.



With four years of successful organization behind it,the Expo has realized its goal of building a cooperative and displaying platform for countries in the northeast Asian area.As a result,it has been deemed a fruitful and influential event.



The difficulty and costliness of seeking financing has been a colossal problem for Chinese Medium-sized and Micro enterprises.

分析:汉语商务新闻由于经常出现重复的词语,符合汉语的习惯,能形成重复和排比,加强语气。比如经常出现的“教育要面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来”。一句话里面出现了三个“面向”。汉译英的时候只需要把三个“面向”翻译成be oriented to就可以了。本句“融资”出现了两次,在翻译成英文的时候建议只翻译一次seek financing,避免重复,使译文符合英语习惯。



Last year China sealed a strategy centered on capturing investment,stimulating domestic demand,adjusting the economic structure,and giving a boos in the cement and steel industries.

分析:汉语的隐喻可以不用翻译成英文的隐喻,翻译成简单平实的英文单词即可。本句的“强心针”不用直译为英文的the injection of cardiotonic,因为英文没有这样表达的。直接翻译成boost最恰当。


We need to make a breakthrough in eco-city construction.In the past,we just cared for our own management.Now we should try to establish a cooperative mechanism for the four cities.


The integration of industrialization and information technology has been widely recognized as an efficient approach to precipitate local industrial progress.(www.xing528.com)


This industrial park is a forerunner in the program of accelerating the economic boom in the Changchun Northeast Area.



Changchun’s commercial housing market has regained some vigor since spring,spawning a rise in the sale of residential apartments.




To stimulate the automobile industry,the state government had lowered the purchase tax and fuel tax.Manipulating these preferential policies to their advantage,FAW-Volkswagen secured the first position in China's car sales in January.




Influential and large-scale expositions will be held in our city this year,with the Real Estate Fair to kick off on May 8th,the National Biological Industries Fair on June 17th,and the 6th Changchun Auto Expo and the China-Changchun International Auto Forum both on July 15th.August and September will also witness the commencement of the 5th Folk Art Exhibition and the 7th Agricultural Fair as well we the 8th Agricultural Exhibition,the first national agricultural fair to be held in our city.



China will give Switzerland an investment quota of 50 billion yuan($8.05 billion)under its Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors(QFII)scheme to support the establishment of the Zurich offshore renminbi market,said Premier Li Keqiang during a meeting with Simonetta Sommaruga,president of the Swiss Confederation on Jan 21.



Experts and scholars analyzed how the global financial crisis has influenced China.Meanwhile,they put forward suggestions regarding how to ward off the impact.It has been proposed that specific methods should be formulated based on regional strength so as to achieve a better and faster development.


