首页 理论教育 2020年第2辑《语言与法律研究》:幽默故事与成人话题


时间:2023-08-02 理论教育 版权反馈




Clinton's team of advisors have offered the following defense…

Clinton never told Lewinsky to lie in deposition!

He told her to lie in this position…

Q:Why can't they prosecute Bill Clinton?

A:Monica swallowed the evidence.

Q:Why is Clinton so interested in events in the Middle East?

A:He thinks the Gaza Strip is a topless bar.

Q:What is Bill's definition of safe sex?

A:When Hillary is out of town.

Q:Why does Hillary want to have sex with Bill every day at 5 am?

A:She wants to make sure that she is the first lady.(www.xing528.com)




A Subcultural Perspective on American Lawyer Industry(Part I)——Subculture Knowledge,Humor and Teaching

LI Kexing

(Zhejiang International Studies University,Hangzhou 310023,China)

Abstract:This article is divided into two parts.Most of the information used comes from various subcultural sites in the United States,especially humorous discourses from unofficial websites.The first part mainly talks about the relationship between subcultural knowledge,humor and classroom teaching.In the long-term teaching practice,the author found that:adding relevant humorous contents to teaching is useful for improving teaching quality,enlivening the classroom atmosphere,increasing students'interest in learning,deepening students'understanding,digestion,memory and application of relevant knowledge,and promote students' mental growth and maturity.The author then elaborated on the principles and technical requirements of humor teaching.

The second part analyzes the American lawyer industry from a subcultural perspective and its relationship with American politics,society and the underworld,explaining the main reasons why the American lawyer industry is miserably mocked.Through the two stories told by the author—the story between the sexual assault and bribery criminal Epstein who was a financier,and the gold medal lawyer-Alan Dershowitz and Judge Salas,and the story of Trump's two personal lawyers—the Cohens,readers can clearly see the corruption of the American lawyer industry and the darkness of American politics.

Keywords:Subculture;Humorous Teaching;Superiority Theory;Relief Theory

[1]The Best Book of Bizarre But True Stories Ever.London:Carlton,1999.ISBN 1-85868-558-3.(p.111).


[3]2019年全球名表排行[EB/OL].硅谷动力,http://www.enet.com.cn/article/2020/0319/A202003 191109997.html,2020-03-19/2020-10-07.

