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时间:2023-08-08 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:Enlightenment in Longchang&Giving Lectures in Guizhou此心光明THE HEART OF BRIGHTNESS80.正德三年的春天,王阳明到达龙场驿。王阳明身体虽也有不适,但反过来精心照顾他们。这位官员见到王阳明,立即摆出一副盛气凌人的样子,指责先生到了龙场,还不去拜访思州太守。来者蛮横无理,甚至到了大肆谩骂侮辱的程度。苗族群众将那官员痛打了一顿。


Enlightenment in Longchang&Giving Lectures in Guizhou




80.In the spring of the third Ming Zhengde's reign year(1508),Wang Yangming arrived at the Longchang courier station.Local minorities were quite concentrated and they could not speak the Chinese.There were no houses in the courier station,thus the four had to live in a small cave nearby.Wang Yangming studied“Zhouyi”with heart and called the cave“Nest for studying‘Zhouyi’”.


81.There was a cave in the Long Mountain in the northeast of the Longchang courier station.Although the cave was dark and damp,it was free from the worries of wind and rain.They then moved their luggage directly to the cave and renamed the original East Cave as“Yangming Small Cave”.With some joy,he wrote the poem“The East Cave we moved in was changed to Yangming Small Cave”,and it was said in the end of the poem,“The house lived by gentlemen cannot be called bunkhouse.We should not miss our hometown but do what we should do in dilemma.”


82.Due to the environmental inadaptability,all three attendants fell ill.Wang Yangming was also not feeling well,but he had to take good care of them.Not only did he go to chop wood,collect water and boil porridge,but also he fed the sick attendants.In order to make their mood better,Wang Yangming also sang the songs of hometown to them to ease their homesickness.


83.In order to solve the problem of eating,Wang Yangming learnt the original farming method called“Slash-and-Burn Cultivation”from local minority Miao people.He cut grasses with a sickle,and then burnt bushes with fire.After that,he sowed the crop seeds and hewed out a barren land.


84.Wang Yangming taught the local people to make adobe and build houses with wood.It not only improved the living conditions of the local people,but also spread the Han culture.


85.When Wang Yangming got along well with the local minority people,there came an official.The official showed smug look on his face when he saw Wang Yangming,and accused him for not visiting Prefecture of Sizhou.The official was extremely rude,even to the extent of abusive insults.The Miao people beat the official up heavily.


86.After a period of time,another official came to the Longchang courier station.The official met Wang Yangming with great politeness and humility.It turned out that Pacification Superintendency leader An had admired Wang Yangming for a long time,so he sent an official to bring Wang Yangming some daily necessities.Wang Yangming accepted rice,chicken,duck,firewood and other things,but refused to receive gold,silver,horses and other gifts.His actions made this leader An even more respectful.


87.In the autumn of the second year of arriving at the Longchang courier station,another low ranked official came to Guizhou,with his son and a servant.When arriving at Wugong slope,they died successively in the wilderness because of hunger and fatigue.


88.Wang Yangming could not bear to see the corpses in the wilderness.Therefore,with his two young servants,he buried the dead who were far from their hometown.Besides,Wang Yangming even wrote a famous verse“Burial in a Remote Land”for the future generations to mourn them.


89.Wang Yangming faced the threat of death all the time in this barren land.Hence,he began to think seriously about the death.(www.xing528.com)


90.In order to experience the feeling of death,Wang Yangming even made a stone coffin for himself.He lay inside and told others,“Open the coffin after eight hours.If I die,bury me with the stone coffin here which is a treasure place.And erect a stone tablet with'The Grave of Wang Shouren from Yuyao'on it before the tomb”.After that,he closed his eyes to begin his meditation and death experience.All the people present cried and closed the lid of the stone coffin according to his instructions.


91.It was silent and dark inside the coffin,and the oxygen was gradually scarce.It was all empty from the cradle to the grave.If you died today,you got nothing.Is it the beginning of death?Wang Yangming contemplated and felt uncomfortable,and the body began to sink.He lost his consciousness gradually and reached a state of ecstasy.


92.A star glided gently across the distant horizon without any sound.Wang Yangming felt his heart beat suddenly,just like crystal water,pure and clear.He felt that all the trouble and sadness went away,and meanwhile,a new idea which was beyond expression presented in his mind and expanded slowly and clearly.


93.After the appointed eight hours,the attendees removed the heavy lid off the coffin together and felt a warm breath of fresh air.They immediately carried Wang Yangming who looked very pale and weak to the bed.About an hour later,he began to come to life.He said,“I'm back.Am I not dead?”


94.“Tao of sages,only needs to be self-sufficiency.It is wrong to get the moral principle from external things.”“Self-sufficiency”is concisely summarized as“True Principles”by Wang Yangming,which is also the logical starting point of the Theory of Conscience.This enlightenment is the beginning of the imperishable Yangming's thoughts.Descendants call it“Enlightenment in Longchang”.


95.The Miao people were grateful to Wang Yangming,so they lumbered in mountains and built several houses for him.Wang Yangming named these houses“Longgang Academy”and gathered young generations from the Han nationality,the Miao nationality,the Yi nationality etc.to attend.Some architectures like“Binyang Hall”“Helou Pavilion”“Gentlemen's Pavilion”were built near Longgang Academy.


96.In Longgang Academy,Wang Yangming gave lectures on the philosophy of the mind and agriculture.He also made some regulations for students like being determined,studying diligently,correcting mistakes,and kindly criticising.In this way,he turned the remote Guizhou,which was previously a wild land,into a pleasant place for teaching and learning.


97.At that time,Xi Shu,who served as Deputy Superintendent of Education of Guizhou,was responsible for culture and education.He was quite curious about Wang Yangming's lectures in Longgang.Therefore,he disguised as a civilian and sneaked into the academy.After several days'listening,Xi Shu was sincerely convinced by Wang's teaching method which was novel,simple and vivid.


98.As soon as Xi Shu returned to Guiyang,he asked people to repair the Academy of Civilization and invited Wang Yangming to give lectures there.In the name of the Deputy Superintendent of Education of Guizhou,Xi Shu also sent letters to Guizhou's prefectures and counties.He required them to send outstanding children to the Academy of Civilization in Guiyang for lectures,and the tuition would be paid by the government.


99.In the academy in Guiyang,Wang Yangming expounded his theory of“Unity of Knowledge and Practice”for the first time.His lectures were so distinctive that students enjoyed them very much.Sometimes the number of students would be more than several hundreds.There was no spare space to sit in the classroom so that they had to listen in the corridor.


100.Wang Yangming was not satisfied with giving lectures inside the classroom,so he always led his students to climb mountains and selected a distinctive place to give lectures.He used the local beauty to enlighten the students and made the lectures blend with the natural setting thus more interesting.Wang Yangming once wrote a poem,“There is a real pleasure in teaching,and there is no vulgarity in talking and laughing.Our pursuit,like the ancients thousands of years ago,is to study together with students harmoniously.”

