首页 理论教育 汉丰湖消落带湿地景观设计研究成果


时间:2023-11-27 理论教育 版权反馈




学生:肖凤娟LPD2013M001  导师:颜文涛教授

专业:风景园林硕士     年级:2010级


三峡水库蓄水后,在长江中上游地区形成了我国面积最大的水库消落带,蓄水后岸坡稳定问题和消落带景观环境影响逐步显现。如何对消落带区域进行有效的保护和合理利用,成为国内外备受关注的生态问题。为减缓消落带问题带来的各种不利影响,维护重庆开县在三峡库区腹心之地的生态环境安全,开县在新县城下游乌杨村修建了水位调节坝,使水位消涨幅度降至3 m,形成独具特色的“城市内湖”——汉丰湖,也形成了典型的双重水位变化下的消落带湿地景观。






The Three Gorges Reservoir, ocated in the upper reaches of Yangtse River,becomes the argest water- eve -f uctuating zone of China after impounding.S ope stabi ity prob ems after impoundment and andscape environmenta impact ofwater- eve -f uctuating zone are gradua y emerging.How to effective y protect and reasonab y use the water- eve -f uctuating zone becomes an eco ogica prob em wide y concerned at home and abroad.To mitigate the adverse effects caused by water- eve -f uctuating zone,maintain the eco ogica environment security of Kaixian,Chonqing,which ocated at the hinter and of the Three Gorges Reservoir,Kaixian county constructswater eve reguation dam atWuyang vi age,the downstream area of its new county town,which ows water eve to 3 m,forming a unique“ ake inside the city”—Han Feng Lake,as we as typica water- eve -f uctuating zone wet and andscape of dua water- eve changes.

Domestic and internationa experience shows it is the best choice in terms of economic and socia sustainab e deve opmentof Kaixian County to coordinate the re ationship between urban deve opment,protect Han Feng Lake water- eve -f uctuating zone,access the win-win situation of economic deve opment and eco ogica environment,base on the urban deve opment status and the eco ogica advantages of Han Feng Lakewater- eve -f uctuating zonewet and,deve op its andscape,tourism,and comp ex industria function under the premise of fu y protecting the eco ogica functions of the Han Feng Lakewatereve -f uctuating zone wet and are.Han Feng Lake water- eve -f uctuating zone wet and is very sensitive and important,and it proposes higher requirements for the Han Feng Lake construction and protection.So how to design wet and andscape of Han Feng Lake water- eve -f uctuating zone that use wet and design method,and deve op eco ogy, andscape,socia and cu tura va ues becamemy research topic.

This thesis,through studying andscape design method of Han Feng Lakewater- eve -f uctuating zone wet and,discusses the unique andscape aesthetic va ue of water- eve -f uctuating zone wet and,studies the re ationship between the water- eve -f uctuating zone wet and andscape and eco ogica environment,exp ored some specia requirements of the eco ogica structure to andscape e ements corresponding to the hydro ogica process and bio ogica processes of the water- eve -f uctuating zone wet and by using the resu tof eco ogy and combiningwith the genera princip es of andscape design,to seek a design way that pays equa attention to andscape design and eco ogica harmony.This thesis so ves the prob ems such as the eco ogica environment,wet and andscape shaping and construction of recreation space ofHan Feng Lake water- eve -f uctuating zone wet and by fo owing the process of the andscape design method.Fina y,this thesis summarizes re ated design methods of Han Feng Lake water- eve -f uctuating zone wetand,and proposes specific design princip es in wetandsmicro-topography design,wet and p ant design and wet and recreation space design.It is expected that Han Feng Lake water- eve -f uctuating zone can form a wet and andscape,integrating economy,tourism,eco ogy,cu ture as a who e,and become a p atform for the deve opment of tourism economy of Kaixian County,as we as the city’s key eco ogic and andscape barrier.

Key Words:

Waterevef uctuating zone;Process;Wet and;Landscape design


学生:吴限LPD2013M002  导师:谭文勇副教授

专业:风景园林硕士    年级:2010级










Modern andscape design is sti in its difficu t discip ine exp oring period.Neither imitating the western design theory nor stagnating in Chinese tradition can meet the variety ofmodern andscape design requirements.Narrative andscape,as one of the modern andscape types,designs andscape through story-te ing approach.On the premise of andscape visua image,environmenta and eco ogica greening,it pays more attention to meet peop e’s non-materia eve demands on andscape space,such as cu tura needs,spiritua needs,and increased time e ement to spatia expression design,making peop e communicate and resonate with design works.This thesis studies the narrative strategies of andscape and narrative andscape design methods,combined with its design and app ication in actua cases.

This thesis is divided into three parts.The first two chapters focuse on c arifying and ana yzing background of andscape narrative research,research status of narrative andscape design at home and abroad and the re ated theories of narrative andscape.Through the study of the deve oping process of narrative andscape design,combined with theories of context and p ace spirit,features and significance ofnarrative andscape design was summarized.

Based on narrative,chapter 3 and chapter 4 c arify and sum up narrative strategies of andscape design as fo ows:narrative subjectbui ding strategy,narrative text ayout strategy and rhetorica strategies of narrative andscape.In addition,the part exp ores design method of narrative andscape,proposing three design methods:time organizing narrative designmethod,spatia organization design method and perceptua narrative designmethod.

In the end,through ana yzing the actua case of JinTang prison andscape axis design in Sichuan province,narrative p ot is created in terms of narrative strategy and andscape design is comp eted in combination with narrative andscape designmethod.Conc usions is drawn based on e aborating and exp aining Landscape narrative design method app ied in actua project.

Themajor conc usions of this thesis are isted as fo ows:First, andscape architecture has the narrative characteristic.Second,the andscape narrative characteristic can be expressed through designing strategies and methods.Third,narrative andscape design ismore suitab e for expression the needs of the non-materia aspects such as cu tura needs,spiritua needs.

Key Words:

Landscape architecture design;Narrative;Narrative andscape


学生:白书艺LPD2013M003  导师:朱捷教授

专业:风景园林硕士     年级:2010级













In recent years,peop e pay more and more attention to eco ogy and environment.As waterfront shows huge eco ogica va ue and socia use va ue,the deve opmentand re-deve opmentmovementsofwaterfront has raised a over the wor d,in order to advance the qua ity of iving environment of the city,improve and protect the urban andscape sty e,and meet the need of recreation and eisure.Therefore,many cities put the waterfront as the focus of urban deve opmentand image bui ding.Today the construction of urban waterfront park is in fu swing in China,and the design of andscape space beside water affects the qua ity ofwaterfrontgreen fie ds bui ding.A though space besidewater isan transition area connecting with water in the city,and themostattractive open space of the city,there are many f aws in designs ofmany ake-typeWaterfront Park open for citizens,such as the damage to environment, ack of consideration for protecting context,unreasonab e space shape and size,etc.Therefore,this thesis extracts the“waterfront space”concept from the design of Waterfront Park,puts this particu ar waterfront recreation space as the research object,and makes the specific review and study.

Chapter 1 main y introduces the research background of the proposition,presents the importance of waterfront space design,and brief y summarizes the domestic and internationa research situation.

Chapter 2 is about the basic know edge about waterfront space.The re ated concepts of urban akesty e Waterfront Park and waterfront space are defined,and the scope of waterfront space is c eared,ana yzing the prob ems existed in design ofwaterfront space ofWaterfront Park and providing an entry point for waterfront space design.

Chapter 3 brief y sorts out the re evant theoretica achievements ofwaterfrontspace design ofWaterfront Park,and summarizes the app ication in waterfront space design,providing theoretic reference for next case study.

Chapter 4 is about comprehensive ana ysis of waterfront space systems,focusing on the ana ysis of be t feature and waterfront feature of waterfront space,the re evant e ements,space type and space patterns ofwaterfront space design.This partoffers a basic understanding ofwaterfront space,and ays the foundation for the next study.

Chapter 5 contains the main ana ysis of this thesis,based on a case study of the p anning and design of Han Feng Lakeside Park in Kaixian County,which the author takes part in,ana yzing re evant e ements and design methods of waterfront space design.It distinguishes re evant e ements of waterfront space design as inf uencing factors and space contro e ements.First y,it ana yzes and summarizes the inf uencing factors as the environment cognition of the waterfront space,providing a basis for space design.Second,it ana yzes the specific design of contro e ements of waterfront space from meso eve to micro eve .In themicro eve ,the function of each node is c assified,and different types of waterfront space in different conditions,their p ane and fracture surface design,and size contro are researched.

Chapter 6 is the guidance for the waterfront space design of ake-type Waterfront Park.First y,it proposes princip es and strategies of waterfront space design based on the above ana ysis.Fina y,by graphic design,it summarizes the various form modes of p anes and fracture surfaces in waterfront space and comprehensive app icationmethods.

This thesis discusses the space design e ements,designmethods,space types,space patterns of waterfront space based on the domestic and internationa theories and the case the author takes part in.Combined with abundant design pictures,it gives a summary of waterfront space design in Waterfront Park.It is hoped that the current research can provide practica resu ts for design of waterfront space in green fie d of urban waterfront parks,and provide some practica methods for so ving the various prob ems thatwaterfront space environment design of ake-type Waterfront Park facing current y.

Key Words:

Waterfront space;Lake-type urban waterfront park;Design princip es;Space form mode


学生:罗伟涛LPD2013M004  导师:应文副教授

专业:风景园林硕士     年级:2010级














The most obvious inf uence of urbanization on rura andscape is that it introduces many unprecedented ways of and use under the circumstance of industria economic activity change;Community Supported Agricu ture is an agricu tura operation mode with mutua corporation of urban and rura residents to carry out safety production of hea th food,which wi change the current rura economic activity,affect rura and use,and thus impact on the rura andscape construction.

This thesis is an attempt to introduce the CSA mode to the rura community construction,aiming to have an overa consideration on the residentia requirements of farmers, andscape construction and industry support,and so ve the current prob em of industry support, and use and andscape feature existed in rura construction.By researching the CSA mode and combing the rura andscape evo ution under the perspective of industry,this paper presents the concept of CSA Pastora Community and exp ores the rura community andscape p anning process and re ated strategies based on the CSA mode,taking San ihe Community in Wugang for an examp e to anayze the rura community andscape p anning process based on CSA mode.This study extends the rura andscape p anning and design thinking,which is hoped to promote the rura construction in the context of urban-rura coordinating deve opment,and provide guidance for the same type of rura community construction.

The thesis is divided into the six chapters.Chapter 1 e aborates the research background and significance of the topic,determines the scope of the study,summarizes the thesis research methods and research thinking,and reviews the research of andscape p anning in rura communities at home and abroad.

Chapter 2 describes the re ated concepts and researches on CSA from connotation,denotation,operations,and domestic and internationa deve opments of CSA,constituting the theoretica basis of this thesis.

Chapter 3 ana yzes and summarizes the e ements and structure of the rura andscape and the factors affecting rura andscape pattern on the basis of the second chapter.According to the three stages of agricu tura deve opment,this chapter ana yzes the effect of industria upgrading on rura andscape pattern from the ongitudina historica perspective,as we as the prob ems of rura andscape p anning and construction in the context of urban-rura coordinating deve opment.

The fourth chapter discusses the pastora community p anning process based on the CSA mode.First y,it proposes the concept of CSA pastora communities,e aborated the CSA pastora communities construction process from three aspects:construction conditions,construction goa s and processes.Fina y this chapter conc udes the strategies of CSA pastora community andscape p anning.

In chapter 5,p anning methods are extracted and summarized and app ied to actua case of San ihe Community based on the above strategies.

Chapter 6 inc udes conc usions and prospects.It brief y describes the main achievements and imitations of this thesis,and puts forward the aspects to be improved in future research.

Key Words:

CSAmode;CSA pastora community;Urban-rura coordinating deve opment;Landscape p anning


学生:胡琦琪LPD2013M005  导师:刘骏副教授

专业:风景园林硕士     年级:2010级















With the rise of domestic tourism and peop e’s increasing yearning towards the natura and re axing pastora ife,as a unique type of tourism,rura tourism becomes a new brightspotof tourism industry and deve ops rapid y in the vast rura areas for its wide variety of forms.Rura tourism is of great importance in promoting the adjustment of industria structure of rura area,promoting economic growth,increasing farmers’income,and improving iving standards and the rura andscape.As a resu t,itbecomes one of the advantageous approach and important pattern of new countryside construction,attractingmore andmore attention.

As the premise and basis of new countryside construction,new countryside p anning is ameans to achieve the fo owing goa s:faci itating rura economic deve opment,adjustment of industria structure,reasonab e uti ization of resources,saving and effective y,promotion rura socia and cu tura undertakings.In the construction of new countryside,it p ays the ro e of guidance,coordination and constraint to advance the sustainab e deve opment of the new countryside construction.Because of the vast territory of our country,great differences exist between different rura areas.Differences in natura conditions and economic base ead to the diversity of the new countryside deve opmentmode.For rura areas which have better traffic conditions and resource advantages,deve oping rura tourism is an effective approach and innovativemode for new countryside construction.Taking rura tourism,a specia new countryside constructionmode,as the starting point,this thesis discusses the inf uence of the deve opment of rura tourism on new countryside p anning,summarizes the design methods and the advantages and disadvantages of new countryside p anning by ana yzing the current situation of new countryside p anning under the background of rura tourism in Sichuan province.What’s more,by researching the actua case of the conceptua p anning of new rura comp ex of Guandu vi age, Jin ong Township,Luzhou,this thesis summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of new countryside p anning,and exp ores the method and strategy of new countryside p anning under the background of rura tourism,which has certain significance to other rura areas which have the qua ifications to deve op rura tourism.

Fo owing the ogica deduction process of “questioning-ana yzing-prob em so ving”,this thesis inc udes six chapters as fo ows:introduction,the deve opment of rura tourism and its inf uence on the new countryside p anning,investigation and ana ysis of the new countryside p anning of Sichuan province under the background of rura tourism,practica exp oration of the new countryside p anning and designing in the contextof rura tourism,designing princip es and strategies of new countryside p anning under the background of rura tourism.

The first chapter presents the background,purpose and significance of the research,summarizes the domestic and internationa re evant research and practice,and fina y determines the research scope,method and framework of this thesis.

The second chapter researches the deve oping process and trend of the rura tourism,and discusses the inf uences of deve oping rura tourism on new countryside p anning.

The third chapter ana yses and researches the deve oping status of rura tourism and current situation of new countryside p anning in Sichuan province.Genera ayout,p anning of rura andscape and externa space are ana yzed,and advantages and prob ems of current situation are put forward combined with typica examp es.

The fourth chapter is the practica research part.Based on the practica case of the new rura comp ex p anning of Guandu vi age,Jin ong township of Luzhou,in terms of the prob ems put forward,so ution in practicing eve is exp ored.

The fifth chapter summarizes and puts forward the design princip es and strategies of new countryside p anning under the background of rura tourism from different aspects based on the above theoretica ana ysis and practica exp oration.

The sixth chapter is the conc usion part,summarizing the research achievements and ana yzing the deficiencies of this thesis.

This thesis,based on the current situation of new countryside p anning and combined with the actua practice,puts forward suggestions as fo ows: the new countryside p anning under the background of rura tourism shou d start with the demand of the deve opment of rura tourism;to achieve the positive interaction between rura tourism and new countryside construction,scientific and rationa designing p an shou d bemade in terms of the inf uence of rura tourism’s deve opment on new countryside p anning.

Key Words:

Landscape architecture;Rura tourism;New countryside p anning;Landscape resources;Externa space


学生:杜晋兰LPD2013M006  导师:董世永副教授

专业:风景园林硕士     年级:2010级














Sustainab e residentia area is themain deve opment trend of residentia district construction in the 21st century.It is of great significance in protecting urban eco ogica environment,improving iving environment qua ity,rea izing sustainab e deve opment of urban residentia area.Residentia area andscape p anning and design is an important part of the residentia environment construction.It is the organic integration processof residentia area’s ecosystem,to a arge extent,determining andscape eco ogica effect in residentia area.Therefore,residentia area andscape p anning and design must be accomp ished carefu y to promote urban residentia area construc-tion in the economica ,hea thy,and humanized direction.

China is amountainous country,with two thirds of its and area occupied by mountains.As city expands,mountain residentia area has gradua y become an important part of city residentia area.A-bundant resources ofmountain and,re ative y favorab e mountain c imate and andscape conditions attract peop e to return to nature.However,at the same timemountain and is a region with vu nerab e eco ogica environment and high sensitivity.Thus,this thesis focuses on the protection of the vu nerab e eco ogica environment,introduces concept of symbiosis,discovers and summarizes existing prob ems of residentia area andscape in mountainous region according to the actua project p anning and construction,through on-the-spot investigation of the project,and fie d research of other residentia areas in mountainous region.After that,under the theoretic guidance of symbiosis concept,symbiosis strategy of residentia area andscape p anning in mountainous region is proposed from four aspects:integrated p anning,functiona diversity,cu tura diversity and ecosystem evo ution,and app ied to actua project in Gui’an,Fuzhou.From themacro eve ,through the residentia andscape p anning in mountainous region,a sustainab e residentia environment constructionmethod is sought.Therefore,this thesis be ongs to the engineering practice type.

The thesis inc udes five chapters.Chapter 1 main y introduces the research background,significance,research questions,research content,concepts and frame,etc.

Chapter 2 is the investigation of currentsituation of the project of Gui’an,Fuzhou.After knowing the genera situation of the project,the author interprets and extracts andscape e ements of it,retains va uab e and inf uencing e ements,and summarizes the existing prob ems of residentia area andscape in mountainous region in accordance with the investigation.

Chapter 3 is about theoretic research.Based on the prob ems put forward in the second chapter,this part sums up and takes reference of p anning and design methods by ana yzing outstanding andscape p anning and design cases.In addition,it introduces concept of symbiosis,defines the scope of symbiosis concept and reviews researches at home and abroad.

Chapter 4,strategic research,is the key point of this thesis’theory research.Based on the basic theory research of symbiosis concept in the third chapter,symbiosis strategy of residentia area andscape in mountainous region is proposed combined with residentia area andscape in mountainous region.

Chapter 5,main y about practice,app ies symbiotic concept to Gui’an residentia area andscape p anning and design projects on the basis of above situation investigation and theoretic and strategic research.

Chapter 6 is the conc usion of this thesis,summarizing the proposed innovation points and putting forward prospect for further study ofmountainous region andscape p anning.

Key Words:

Symbiotic concept;Mountainous region;Landscape;P anningmethods


学生:宋传峰LPD2013M007  导师:曾旭东教授

专业:风景园林硕士     年级:2010级








Architecture,Urban P anning,Landscape Architecture have formed a situation of tripartite confrontation.Compared with the mature use of digita techno ogy in Architecture and Urban P anning,deve opment of digita techno ogy in the fie d of andscape architecture has been re ative y s ow.A ong with the impactof digita techno ogy revo ution,mankind has entered the high y deve oped digita information age,and the inf uence of digita techno ogy on the fie d of design is growing.The study of digita techno ogy in the andscape fie d becomes urgent. Digita techno ogy not on y wi great y improve the efficiency of design,but a so wi provide a scientific and rationa too and new method for andscape p anning and design.

This thesis exp ores andscape p anning and design,regarding digita techno ogy as an auxi iary too .Starting with the current socia background,it first y ana yzes the app ication of digita techno ogy at home and abroad in the fie d of andscape p anning,defined the concept ofmodern andscape, andscape p anning and design,and the scope of the study,and discusses trends of andscape p anning and imitations of the tradition design too s andmethods in andscape p anning.Second y,it discusses the ways in which the digita techno ogy integrates with andscape p anning,and the changeswhich digita techno ogy brings to andscape p anning and design,pointing out the app ication direction of digita techno ogy in andscape p anning and design.Besides,it discusses the strategies and methods of digita techno ogy assisted andscape p anning and design from the fo owing five aspects:pre-design environmenta investigation and current situation ana ysis,assisting overa and ayout,transportation system design,green fie d and eco-design and digita expression of andscape e ements.The integration methods of digita techno ogy and these five aspects are carefu y ana yzed on the basis of ots of actua cases and case study of the author,providing guidance to andscape p anning.Simu taneous y,summarization ofmethods is a so an enrichment of basic theories.Fina y,combined with the actua project—Caojie andscape a ong Jia in River,the author specifica y exp ores the usingmethod of digita techno ogy assisted andscape p anning and design.Resu ts show that digita techno ogy p ays an important ro e in the who e process from pre iminary ana ysis to program design.In the process of app ying,se ecting the appropriate digita techno ogy to combine with various e ements and steps of andscape p anning and design thus to integrate them into a comp ete set of strategy and method is the fundamenta goa of andscape p anning and design,and there is sti a ot of research to be done.

With the expansion of the scope of study and discip ine comp exity of andscape p anning and design,the use of digita techno ogy to support andscape p anning and design wi bemore andmore indepth.Scientific and rationa design methods for the modern andscape p anning and design a so wi bring new vita ity.

Key Words:

Digita techno ogy;Landscape;Landscape p anning;Design strategy


学生:李霞LPD2013M008  导师:赵柯副教授

专业:风景园林硕士    年级:2010级














Geomorpho ogy is a stage for ife and the natura e ements such as ight,wind,water,earth,etc.are basic conditions for ife-breeding.Geomorpho ogic andscape is a natura geographica comp ex consisting of surface eco ogica e ements re ating to geomorpho ogy,such as c imate,soi ,vegetation etc.As an o d saying goes,“Differentwater and soi raise different peop e”,different geomorpho ogic andscape can breed different sett ement andscape.Mountain is a topography form.The re ationship between mountain sett ementbui ding activities and geomorphic environment is particu ar y c ose.whether distribution and construction of themountain new rura sett ements in the Earth’s surface is suitab e for the geomorpho ogic andscape environment,is themost direct ymanifest of themountain new rura eco ogica construction.

In 2010,the government of Sichuan province active y promoted the successfu experience of new rura construction in the“5·12”earthquake restoration and reconstruction,decided to take construction of the new vi age and pub ic service as carrier to exp ore the construction of new countryside again, eading by p anning in non-deve oped mountainous areas of Sichuan province.The who e province sets off arge sca e new vi age construction movement under this background.However,in the construction of new countryside,especia y construction in non-deve opedmountainous regions,due to ack of re ative y mature p anning theory and cases for guidance and reference,p anningmethods,design standards,residentia forms of residentia area in cities are app ied mechanica y,therefore many new y bui t vi age andscape are simi ar to residentia area andscape in cities,destroying the simp e and natura geomorphoogic andscape environmentof traditiona rura sett ements inmountainous region, osing its oca characteristics.

In non-deve opedmountainous region of Sichuan province,in the majority of rura areas,the sma -sca e peasanteconomy remains themainmode of production,which is basica y identica with the production mode of traditiona agricu tura society in mountainous area.Site se ection method of the traditiona rura sett ements in mountainous region,to some extent,is suitab e for andscape environment;at the same time,traditiona sett ementway and the sett ement fu ymatch the environmenta capacity,thusnot on y endows the overa pattern of traditiona sett ements in mountainous region with good natura ecoogica environment,but a so to a arge extent bui ds a good socia environment,which is guidance for the new rura construction in non deve oped mountainous region in Sichuan province.However,the traditiona farming dominated industria type cannotmeet the requirements of contemporary new rura deve opment.Contemporary new rura construction can proceed the new rura construction suitab e for geomorpho ogic andscape environment from the fo owing three aspects:drawing essons from geomorpho ogic andscape factors in site se ection of traditiona mountain vi ages,inheriting traditiona sett ement way,which matches environmenta capacity,and transforming the traditiona industry pattern.

To sum up,this thesis takes new rura construction demonstration project in Qu county for an examp e,which is a new rura construction demonstration county ocated in the non-seismic region of east Sichuan.In themacro eve ,from the perspective of suiting for geomorpho ogic andscape environment,genera ayout of new rura construction is carried out from three aspects:site se ection, eading industries,aggregation.Layout p anningmethod of rura sett ement in mountainous region which is suitab e for geomorpho ogic andscape environment is exp ored,to high ight the regiona characteristic of the new rura sett ement construction ofQu county in the context ofmaximizing protection of rura sett ement andscape eco ogica environment in mountainous region.

Logic system of this thesismain y consists of the fo owing four parts.The first part defines the re-search background and re ated research status at home and abroad.By interpreting the current economy and po icy background of new rura construction in mountainous region,basic research direction of this paper is c eared,and then geomorphy, andscape,geomorpho ogic andscape and rura sett ements,etc are defined.Combined with re ated theory and practice research of new rura construction in domestic and foreign countries,this part ref ects on the current status of the new rura construction,and on this basis,the study content of this paper—to constructmountainous new rura sett ement suitab e for geomorpho ogic andscape from three aspects,such as site se ection, eading industries,aggregation,is specified,so as to guide new rura sett ement p anning scientifica y.

The second part researches on suitabi ity of traditiona rura sett ement andscape inmountainous region.Based on ana ysis of the re ationship between site se ection method,way of sett ement,industria pattern of traditiona mountain rura sett ements and geomorpho ogic andscape environment,it sums up eco ogica suitabi ity experience of the overa ayout of the traditiona mountain rura sett ements,and ana yzes exce ent traditiona rura sett ement cases in mountainous region,in order to en ighten contemporary new rura practices.On this basis,idea of construction of contemporary new rura sett ement in mountainous area suitab e for geomorpho ogic andscape is put forward.

The third part is case study of Qu county.Taking Qu county as a typica examp e for new rura construction research in non-deve oped mountainous region,it ana yzes and sums up characteristics and the currentstatusof rura sett ementdistribution inmountainous region of Qu county.Through studying the corre ation of rura sett ement distribution in mountainous topography and the andscape e ements,itput forward specific p anning ideas and methods,makes overa ayout p anning of rura sett ement in mountainous area of Qu county,providing scientific guidance for new rura construction.

The fourth part summarizes the conc usions of this thesis.

Key Words:

Landscape architecture;Geomorphic andscape;New rura sett ements in mountainous ares;Rura sett ements distribution


学生:刘宇LPD2013M009  导师:扈万泰教授

专业:风景园林硕士    年级:2010级











Since the reform and opening up,China has entered a period of rapid economic deve opment.With the rapid expansion of modern cities,the extensive estab ishment of industria zones,the inf ux of agricu tura popu ation to the cities,the continuous increase ofmotor vehic es,urban disease are spreading gradua y.Since the opening of outer-ring highway at the end of 2009,the city of Chongqing has entered “Second Ring Era”to bui d itse f a“One Square Ki ometers,Ten Mi ion Citizen”metropo itan.Chongqing wi expand the city between the innerring and the outer-ring and a ong the outside of the outer-ring,and comprehensive y promote economic deve opment by bui ding arge-sca e residentia district,industria zone and hi-tech zone.

In the process of bui ding the“Second Ring”,the rapid expansion of citieswi give the urban ecoogica environment a great threat,and Chongqing must face this formidab e cha enge.Therefore,in the p anning of new towns in the second ring region,it is necessary to app y eco ogica princip es and methods to ana yze a variety of eco ogica re ationships between rura and urban spaces,and the various eco ogica prob ems occur in a ocation,tomaintain the city’s natura eco ogica features,thereby reducing the devastating effects of human activities on the eco ogica environment,achieving the goa ofman and nature coexisting in harmony.

This thesis is divided into three parts.The first part(inc uding Chapters 1 and 2)main y e aborates the research background,scope,status,theoretica study abroad re ated practices,research content,researchmethod,framework,and the significance of using the theories of andscape eco ogy theory to do research on residentia district design.This part puts forward the fivemain points ofmacro design,which are based on the princip es of andscape eco ogy,and the theory of andscape eco ogy and urban design.

The second part(inc uding Chapters 3 and 4) ana yses and systemizes the urban design conditions of the Longxing residentia district.Itana yses qua itative y and quantitative y the current andscape eco ogy conditions:the eco ogica patches,corridors,andscape eco ogy patterns in accordance with the andscape eco ogy princip es.It ta ks about the prob ems that may affect the andscape eco ogy in the construction of the residentia district,and the so ution to those prob emswith appropriate urban design.

The third part(inc uding Chapters 5 and 6)combines space design and andscape eco ogy princip es,tries to optimize the use of urban residentia space and so ve the eco ogica prob em in residentia district in terms of five aspects: and use p anning,roads and traffic design,green space system and opening space design,and human activities space design.And Chongqing Longxing residentia district,for examp e,is designed in thisway.After the eva uation of its eco ogica patches,corridors,pattern effectiveness,it is confirmed that,under the guidance of the princip es of andscape eco ogy,the residentia district’s andscape design has a re ative y higher eco ogica benefits.

Key Words:

Chongqing;Large-sca e neighborhoods;Landscape eco ogy;Urban design;Urban green space system


学生:丁舒欣LPD2013M010  导师:黄瓴副教授

专业:风景园林硕士     年级:2010级













Since the 20th century begins,science,techno ogy and productivity are deve oping continuous y.Industria ization and urbanization have brought prosperity and progress to human being.However,they a so cause a serious cha enge to human beings.So,prob ems of iving environment have emerged.With the acce eration of the urbanization,the rapid deve -opmentof economy and society,China’s cities are facing profound historic change,inc uding economic transformation and deve opment,and cu tura inheritance and renewa .More and more cities,towns and vi ages decisionmakers are aware of the critica ro e of cu ture in urban deve opment,and va uing more and more cu tura expression in the p anning and construction,which show a strong cu tura orientation.

Yuzhong peninsu a,one of the representative o d downtowns in Chongqing,has entered a new era,the“stock deve opment”(promoting the deve opment of optima adjustment function of bui t-up areas through urban renewa and othermeans).Now it is difficu t to continue to take simp e and rough measures to simp y tore down the o d shabby community with rich cu tura heritage.To understand the historica and cu tura va ue of the o d community,and to respect for the oca residents’dai y ife have become the common view to achieve sustainab e deve opment.As an important part of the cu tura andscape of the city,the space cu tura andscape of o d community shou d be re-recognized and paid attention to.Many historica sites in the o d community of Chongqing Yuzhong district have not gained effective protection and uti ization.Historica and cu tura at mosphere a so fai to be demonstrated;Lacking ofhumanistic pub ic space in the community resu ts in the inconvenience of communication and disconnection of community cu ture and emotion in the neighborhood.Street space andscape in the community has the characteristics of the mountain city and accumu ates thememory of the oca residents’ ife,because of its di apidated,it needs to be integrated and repaired.Therefore,updating the andscape of the o d community is not on y to improve the physica environment of the community,but a so to improve qua ity of the residents’ ife and enhance the cohesion and inherent vita ity of the human spirit in the community.

This thesis ana yzes the theories of city space cu tura andscape,deduces the concept of community space cu tura andscape,emphasizes the important content of oca ife and urges peop e to understand the new space cu tura andscape of community.At the same time,understanding and ana yzing the space cu tura andscape of o d community in the city from the e ements of cu tura andscape,the units of cu tura andscape and the structure of cu tura andscape.The thesis uses the case study to answer the two questions:What do we need to do and how to protect and renew space cu tura andscape of community,and estab ishes the core,objectives,princip es and methods of protection and renewa .Fina y,according to the research of the renewa projects in the community of the Jia ingqiao West Vi age and Dajingxiang community in Chongqing’s Yuzhong District,the thesis attempts to put the course of protection and renewa of o d community space andscape into a broader background,understand the structure of community space cu ture andscape from different aspects,fu y recognize and dig out the community’s cu tura andscape resources.Then the idea is integrated into the city’s overa structure of space cu -tura andscape as a node of the entire network of urban space cu tura andscape in hope to create a rea characteristic and high-qua ity community space for urban residents.

The thesis is divided into six chapters(four parts).The first part(Chapter 1):Introduction.The key prob em of the protection and renewa of o d community space cu tura andscape is the neg ect and ack of practice.This thesis puts forward the research’s purpose,meaning,methods and framework.

The second part(Chapters 2 and 3)ana yzes the re evant concepts,defines the research objectand content,summarizes the re ated protection and renewa theory at home and abroad,gives an examp e of the structure of space cu tura andscape of o d urban community.The two prob ems“what dowe need to renew”and“how shou d we renew”are answered by doing the diachronic comparison and synchronic ana ysis of domestic and foreign cases.The ideas,objectives,princip es and methods of protection and renewa of space cu tura andscape in o d urban community are summarized,and the method of understanding the community space cu tura andscape’s structure is again emphasized.

The third part(chapters 4 and 5)is an empirica study.The thesis ana yzes and summarizes the prob ems in the fie d investigation and the ta ks with the oca residents of the two typica o d communities in Yuzhong District,the Jia ingqiaoWest Vi age and Dajingxiang community,so as to grasp the trend and process,a so the experience of protection and renewa of space cu tura andscape in the o d community.

The fourth part(Chapter 6)is the conc usion.This part summarizes the innovations and imitations of this thesis,and prospect the protection and renewa of the space cu tura andscape in o d community in the future.

Key Words:

Od residentia community;Space cu tura andscape;Protection and renewa


学生:黄侨LPD2013M011  导师:曾卫教授

专业:风景园林硕士    年级:2010级















After entering the 21st century,China’s socia economy and urbanization are deve oping rapid y.The science of human sett ement suggested by Mr.Wu Liangyong arises peop e’smore attention to the construction of habitab e environment in cities and towns.As city’s“heart and ung”,city parks,wood ands and other andscaping p ay a very important ro e in improving the qua ity of urban eco-environment and in adjusting the city’s eco ogica ba -ance.

Due to the specia andform and eco ogica environment,mountain towns and p ain towns possess comp ete y different characteristics in spatia structure of green space system.Based on the revision of the overa p anning in Kaixian county,this thesis inves-tigates and researches the current constitution of urban and rura greenbe t,meanwhi e,using the andscape and urban green space system p anning theory to ana yze the andscape’s spatia pattern,then points out the existing prob ems scientifica y,and fina y puts forward some suggestions to better the city’s p anning and construction.

This thesis inc udes six chapters.The first chapter is an introduction,which states the background,the purpose,the significance,themethods,the techno ogy roadmap,the contentof the research and some re ated concepts.

The second chapter is an overview of currenturban green space system and andscape eco ogy research at home and abroad.It systematica y summarizes the history ofurban green space system p anning and its deve opment trend,and se ects two representative cases of p anning of space system to ana yze and research so as to offer some references to the green space system p anning in Kaixian.

Chapter 3 is the comprehensive ana ysis on the cities and the green space system of Kaixian county.It introduces the overa situation of the natura and human resources,and ana yzes the city construction on the view of the city’s and for construction and the comprehensive ana ysis on the green space system of

Key Words:

Green space system;Landscape eco ogy;P anning Kaixian county.

The fourth chapter ana yses Kaixian county’s current green system,which is based on the eva uation of the current andscape eco ogy,and app ying the eva uation index as themain ana ytic method.It ana yzes and eva uates the Kaixian county’s green p aque,the corridor and its composition pattern index,then indicates the prob ems and their main cause of the green system andscape eco ogy.

Chapter 5 is about the genera andscape ecoogica p an of Kaixian county’s green system,anayzes and eva uates the green system of Kaixian county,points out its deve opment potentia and existing prob ems,makes the overa p an for the green system by sticking to the princip es of andscape eco ogy and themode theory of“Patch-Corridor-Matrix”.

The sixth chapter is about the strategy of deve -opment and the andscape eco ogica p anning of the green system of Kaixian county.It gives some andscape eco ogica advice on the se ection of trees,the protection of o d and va uab e woods,and the biodiversity.

The ast chapter conc udes the discussion of this thesis theoretica y and practica y.It points out imitations of this study.


学生:周智慧LPD2013M012  导师:杨柳教授

专业:风景园林硕士     年级:2010级










As the urbanization and urban deve opment acce erate,the urban and rura andscape have changed dramatica y,and the eco ogica environment has been serious y damaged due to peop e’sweak eco ogy and andscape awareness.Peop e have begun to rea ize that the andscape is not on y the p ace’s exterior image,but a so the concerns of the stabi ity of ecosystem and the inheritance of cu ture in urban and rura area as such a ot prob ems occur.This thesis takes urban and rura integration as an entry point,makes study on how to protect and uti ize the andscape resources in urban and peri-urban rura area,how to dig out the eco ogica and economic va ue of the andscape,how to improve and restore the urban and rura eco ogy environment,and how tomake the city’s andscape deve op in a hea thy and good way.(www.xing528.com)

This thesis inc udes 3 parts(5 chapters).The first part is the fundamenta research of this thesis,inc uding the significance,the purpose,and the content of this thesis by ana yzing the background.Then it systematizes and summarizes the andscape theories and the current experimenta status at home and abroad,points out the features and shortcomings of the research.Then it comes up with the main method and framework of this paper.

The second chapter is the essentia part of this thesis.First y,itdefines the conceptsof the p anning of city scenery,introduces the features of urban andscape under the view of urban and rura integration,and describes the extension of research scope,the integration of the urban andscape e ements,and the estab ishmentof urban andscape.Furthermore,it uses visua ana ysis,combining the scope of the unitof geomorpho ogy to set the research scope of urban andscape.Moreover,it app ies three different approaches to se ect the corresponding andscape e ements.After confirming the categories of urban andscape,it ana yses and eva uates the key factors of andscape app ying the c assic ana yzing thoughts and methods.Additiona y,it proposes the feasib e strategies ofmapping out urban andscape in the process of urban and rura integration.Second y,it takes Kaijiang county as a specific examp e,summarizes the main prob ems of its urban andscape and conducts deep ana ysis after confirming the key factors of the urban andscape of Kaijiang county.In addition,the thesis proposes that the county shou d reserve its cu ture,and construct urban andscape incorporating the nature and ecosystem.Consequent y,it raises specific b ue prints for different designing strategies in order to estab ish a new Kaijiang county with pastora features,and it introduces greenway p anning concepts to so ve the prob em of iso ation of urban andscape and integrate the fragmented andscape resources between urban and rura area.Fina y,the paper gives corresponding advices on urban andscape p anning.

The ast part makes a conc usion.It Brief y summarizes the urban andscape p anning of Kaijiang county according to the experts’review and the practices.It sums up both the experience and shortcomings to inspire the design ofurban andscape p anning in the future.

Key Words:

Urban-rura integration;Urban andscape sty e;Kaijiang county;Landscape p anning


学生:钟植一LPD2013M013  导师:应文副教授

专业:风景园林硕士     年级:2010级














Leisure agricu ture parks appear with the deve -opment of the socia economy.It is a comprehensive system,which promotes the eco-agricu ture,ecoeconomy,eco-tourism,eco-consumption and the integration of urban and rura area.In the recent years, eisure agricu ture parks become popu ar among urban citizenswith their natura space,eco ogica agricu ture and various activities.They boost the eisure agricu ture,the rura economy,and increase the peasants’income.However, eisure agricu ture parks’rapid deve opment a so causes eco ogica damages and oss of pastora cu ture,deviates the peop e from the city ife.A of thathinders the eisure agricu ture parks’future deve opment,and et their comprehensive function decrease.

Most of the theoretica researches of eisure agricu ture park are based on some sing e discip ines:tourism,economy,agricu ture,etc.So they are acking of a we -organized systematization.After doing research on the pre iminary p anning,design,management of the eisure agricu ture park in Europe,USA,Japan and Taiwan,this thesis,combined with the situation at home and abroad,proposes the p anning method of eisure agricu ture park from a comprehensive perspective,which is to do research and systematize in three key systems: andscape,industry,re axation,in order to boost the eco ogica economy and socia ,and to bui d a fine environment for the deve opment of eco ogica tourism,for the transformation from traditiona agricu ture to eco ogica agricu ture,for the eco ogica education,and for safe and good food.With the resu t of fie d research and co ected information,this thesis summarizes the pervasive prob ems in the eisure agricu ture parks at home,and proposes three key strategies:the andscape,the industry,and the re axation.On the basis of overa ana ysis,with their appropriate space structure,high-effective and using methods and eco ogica transport system,it app ies those strategies to the Shaodu ho iday resort in Da i,and tests its theoretic feasibi ity in order to find a way to acquire the best comprehensive benefit in eisure agricu ture park.

This thesis inc udes six chapters.

Chapter 1 is the introduction of research background,research object,research purpose,research significance,and the framework.

Chapter 2 inc udes the conc usion of the theoretica research,an overview of the eisure agricu ture park,the definition of re ated concepts and the exposition of the theory,the deve opmentof domestic and internationa eisure agricu ture park experience,the theoretica foundation of this research.

Chapter 3 is the research and ana ysis of the domestic eisure agricu ture parks,construction,natura resources,eco ogica protection,industria resources,industria ayout,activities of exited projects,in order to find out the obstac es of its deve opment and feasib e strategies andmethods towork that out.

Chapter 4 is the study of the p anning strategy and methods of eisure agricu ture parks,inc uding the characteristics,p anning princip es,in the aspect of andscape,industry,and re axation.Each strategy is e aborated in detai according to the corresponding princip es.

Chapter 5 is the project practice,which is the app ication of the theories in the case study of Haishao ho iday resort in Da i.

Chapter 6 conc udes themajor resu ts of this research,sums up its creativity and shortcomings,and gives some thoughts for the future research.

Key Words:

Leisure agricu ture park;Comprehensive perspective;P anning strategy;P anningmethod


学生:廖睿LPD2013M014  导师:毛华松副教授

专业:风景园林硕士    年级:2010级














Many traditiona Chinesemountain and river cities have a mountain- ake-city morpho ogica structure,such as Shaoxing,Hangzhou,Changshu,Jinan,Nanjing,Fuzhou,Huizhou,Chaozhou,etc.These cities noton y have exce ent scenery,buta so retain a high aesthetic va ue,and have a profound cu tura heritage and historica va ue.Starting from the study on the Chinese traditiona urban andscape construction,the author exp ores and considers the p anning and design methods of urbanized andscape park.In this process,the author gets support and he p from ancient books and historica information ike oca history chronic es,historica records,ancient poetry,ancient maps,and adopts the fie d researchmapping and othermethods.These are a so the integratedmethods ofurban scenery construction,which are genera ized by the thoughtsand summarization that the author got in Shuanggui ake park urban design practice.

This thesis puts forward the basic ideas and methods of the city park p anning and design which is based on the summarization of the deve opment of ake and mountain andscape park and ake and mountain-paradigm,and discusses the cu tura significance of ake and mountain-paradigm.In the Shuanggui ake practice,theories are app ied to test the scientific feasibi ity.

The thesis is divided into five parts.The first part is an introduction.The thesis summarizes the manifestations of the city’s character crisis and anayzes the history and rea istic significances of ake andmountain andscape parks.It focuseson the definition and concept of ake and mountain-paradigm,and sets the keynote of this paper.

The second part focuses on the deve opment of ake and mountain andscape parks and ake and mountain-paradigm,and a so takes three typica traditiona ake and mountain andscape parks as examp es.It a so summarizes the deve opmentof ake and mountain-paradigm and its aesthetic characteristics.

The third part,on the basisof the previous ana -ysis,e aborates the characters of ake and mountainparadigm by p acing extra emphasis on typica type of space,the aesthetic characteristics and the gardening practices.

The first three parts in this thesis focuson ana ysis and e aboration.In the next two chapters,it anayzes and e aborates the actua case of Shuanggui ake design practice.

The fourth part ana yzes the basic situation of Shuanggui ake in three aspects: andscape features,urban characteristics and natura conditions.According to the basic situation,it puts forward the re evant design princip es and design strategies as an inspection of the things that have been discussed ear ier.

The fifth part focuses on the andscape design strategy based on ake and mountain-paradigm.The e aboration is done from four aspects:urban form,cu ture,urban eco ogica structure,and city ife.

Key Words:

Landscape;Lake and mountain-paradigm;Landscape park


学生:周润LPD2013M015  导师:杜春兰教授

专业:风景园林硕士    年级:2010级








A square is made up of bottoms, atera s and partia top sides.For the bottom side,pave is an importantpart,which bares themain activity function of the square.Whether the pave design is successfu or not is crucia to the square design.Usua y,peop e fee and get to know the qua ity and function of square by accessing the outside image.As the core part of square design,pave inf uences the overa effect direct y.A so,whether it is coordinatewith the atera side and the nearby bui ding sty e is the key to success of the square.In research,there are many characteristic designs according to the different characters.More attention is paid to the diversity of consumers in it.It is found thatmany pave designs are simi ar.This thesis ana yzes the behavior and activity of the square users and the pave design shou d satisfy different peop e according to the circumstances,and does researches on the pave designswithmountainous features.

Besides,the study emphasizes on the artistic qua ity of paves,we shou d excavate the artistic qua -ity asmuch as possib e as ong as keep the functions to achieve the goa of use,appreciation and entertainment.Then there’s eco ogica study on natura environment,dimension,and materia s.It discusses the sustainab e deve opmentof pave design.With research and ana ysis on some cases,the study conc udes four characters of pave design:functiona ,artistic,human centered,and natura ,and proposes the prob ems and their so utions and the suitab e de-sign of square pave in Chongqing.

Finay,the study tests and verifies the pave designs of the Chongqing phoenix square,in order to

Key Words:

Mountain Chongqing;City square;Pave design make city square pave design have a better effect.Furthermore,we can gain more considerations and improvements.


学生:张立APD2013M016  导师:刘骏副教授

专业:风景园林硕士    年级:2010级














The botanica garden,which is derived from human being’s exp oitation of p ant species and appreciation of their beauties,has been thriving a ongwith the deve opment of socia economy and the urban afforestation.As a specia kind of c assification of the who e botanica garden fami y,the co ege botanica garden isa re ative yweak part.Usua y,this kind of botanica garden is arranged in one centra ized p ace with a sma area,with a few p ant species and a re -ative y fixed group of tourists.A ongwith the diversification of education mode aswe as the construction of the campus in recent years,the construction of co ege botanica garden has a so been carried forward with the orientation changing from sing e function to diversified functions.This has raised new ideas on the construction of co ege botanica garden and further exp oration on its p anning and design.The construction of“garden within garden”and“union of two gardens”just adapts to the deve opment trend of the current co ege botanica garden.This thesis anayses the types and characteristics of co ege botanica garden,proposes the difficu ties of co ege botanica garden construction in our country based on the current situation and characteristics at home and abroad aswe as aiming at the constructionmethod of“garden within garden”and“union of two gardens”,and probes into the causes of some of the prob ems and puts forward themain points and ideas of co ege botanica garden construction p anning and design in combination with case studies both at home and abroad.In the end of the thesis,the author comes up with the countermeasures of this p anning based on the co ege botanica garden p anning practice of Chongqing University Huxi Campus to va idate the previous p anning ideas.

This thesis is bui tup by the ogica deduction of “argument—ana ysis—exp oration—practice-meditation”.It inc udes the introduction,the five chapters of themain body and the conc usion.

Chapter 1 is the introduction,name y the argument,which introduces the research background,presents the scope of the research,e ucidates the research purpose and significance,summarizes the research review on co ege botanica garden p anning at home and abroad,and i ustrates the research strategy,and ays out the research framework.

Chapter 2 is a fundamenta summary of“ana ysis”,and the prob em proposing part.It sums up the main characteristics and types of co ege botanica garden according to the re evant theoretica works,and ana yzes the main difficu ties and advantages of co ege botanica garden construction based on the construction situation and deve opment trend at home and abroad.

Chapter 3 is the so ution of prob ems,which ana yzes the causes of the prob ems on the difficu ties of co ege botanica garden construction,further improves the ana ysis of the study with theories,aswe as provides basis for the fo owing“exp oration”and “practice”parts.

Chapter 4 is the“exp oration”part,which summarizes the main points of co ege botanica garden p anning and design combining the understanding of co ege botanica garden and re ated cases at home and abroad.

Chapter 5 is the practice part of the project.On the basis of the exp oration of the co ege botanica garden of Chongqing University HuxiCampus,this part integrates the theory and the pros and cons of the current situation of the project on the one hand and ref ects the practice resu ts to the cognition and theory to provide examp es for the“exp oration”parton the other.

Chapter 6 is the“thinking”part,in which the author discusses severa points on co ege botanica garden p anning combining the previous study and practice.

The conc usion part proposes the creative points and the further deve opment of co ege botanica garden based on a summary of themain body.

Key Words:

Landscape architecture;University botanica garden;Landscape p anning


学生:黄鹏LPD2013M017  导师:杜春兰教授

专业:风景园林硕士    年级:2010级












The urban waterfront is the crad e of urban civiization,an important pub ic resource for urban deve opment.As a specia area of pub ic open space in the city,it has an innate attraction for the pub ic.The urban waterfront has a great inf uence on the urban andscape,urban economy,urban eco ogy,and qua ity of pub ic ife.From the ear y 20th century,some foreign countries began the construction of urban waterfront.Aftermore than a century’s deve opment,awea th of practica experience and theoretica resu ts are accumu ated.The deve opment and uti ization of the urban waterfront in China started from the 1980s.Waterfront’smain function has changed gradua y from transport,industry,municipa faci ities and residence,to eisure,view,green space,and fitness.The ones ocated in vita urban areas have an important economic and socia va ue,and showing a varied and gracefu andscape sty e.

Mountain city’swaterfronthas uniquewaterfront andscape features because of its specia geographica andscape and historica and cu tura history.There are many successfu waterfront andscape cases.However,due to the rapid deve opment of urbanization,peop e are acking of a correct and proper guide ine,even when the construction is going on.As a resu t,coast ines and the area a ong the river are difficu t tomeet the demand ofeco ogy,function,aesthetics,etc.It is not hydrophi ic p asticizer water,which is nota nearwater phenomenon.This thesis ana yzes the successfu theories at home and abroad,summarizes their practica experiences combined with the specia needsand genera charactersof the riverside andscape ofmountain city,focuses on the ana ysis of constituent e ements, andscape features,construction constraints and the prob ems,tries to bring up basic princip es and design strategies for the integrated design of riverside andscape of mountain city,and rethinks and summarizes the project“The andscape design of the test area at the north riverside in Chongqing”.

This thesis inc udes five chapters.Chapter 1 is the introduction.It introduces the background and significance of this study,the object and the scope of study,the domestic and foreign research review,the researchmethodo ogy and its framework.

Chapter 2 is a comprehensive ana ysis on the riverside andscape ofmountain city.It ana yzes the e ements of the riverside,the andscape features,the andscape construction constraints,and the probems.

Chapter 3 is about the integrated designmethods of the riverside area in mountain city.Based on the ana ysis of the theories at home and abroad and the experience of the successfu urban water front case,combined with the second chapter,it brings up the integrated basic design princip es and design strategies for the riverside andscape in mountain city.

Chapter 4 are practice case studies—The andscape design of the test area at the north riverside in Chongqing.It uses this practice case to verify the practica ity and feasibi ity of the theory presented earier.

Chapter 5 is conc usion and ref ection.It summarizes themajor resu ts of the study,rethinks from a practica view back to the theoretica view,the theoretica gaps,and the questions to be answered in the future.

Key Words:

Mountain city;Riverside andscape;Integrated design


学生:吴迪LPD2013M018  导师:杜春兰教授

专业:风景园林硕士    年级:2010级














The entrance road to a city p ays an extreme y important ro e in urban system.It has a very important function in the city’s operation.It is thewindow and the door of the city,which shows the cu ture,economy and po itics of the city.It is the key to the exchange ofmateria s,energy and information,and it is a so a centra part of city andscape that expresses the cu ture and aesthetics of the city.The entrance road to a city is a ways iso ated from themainstream of urban construction.It had been neg ected due to the geographica and economic constrains for a ong time.As a resu t,its design ags behind re ative y,its construction is acking of an overa p anning,and its standard of andscape isnotso good.The entrance road to a city is very important to the city’s deve opment.The disorder of entrance road to a city brings a huge prob em to the currentmacro-po icies of energetica y deve op the sma cities.This thesis begins with the comprehensive p anning of the andscape of entrance road to a city according to the overa situation.By studying the theories and practices at home and abroad,it brings up the princip es and strategies and comprehensive design of the road that enters the city that suit China’s sma cities.Then the thesis takes the renovation of the West Road of Zhuhai in Dazhou,Sichuan province and Shi ing Road in Xuanhan for examp e,testifies the feasibi ity of the princip es and strategiesmentioned before.

This thesis iswritten in the“Query—Ana ysis—So ution”mode,inc uding six chapters as the fo ows.Chapter 1 introduces study background,study object,study purpose and significance.By conc uding the advanced theories of the comprehensive andscape p anning athome and abroad,itbrings up the experiences as a reference for the andscape renovation of the road that enters the city in sma cities.Then it proposes the framework andmethod of the research.

Chapter 2 is the part of conceptua understanding.According to the basic conception of categories of roads,the factors of road andscape and the requirements of andscape of entrance road to a city in sma cities,it summarizes the main features of entrance road to a city in sma cities theoretica y.

Chapter 3 brings up the prob ems of the road andscape’s p anning factors according to the ana ysis of the current andscape of entrance road to a city as a practica base for the ater princip es and strategies for renovation.

Chapter 4 puts forward the princip es and the mode ing strategies of renovation based on a the theoretica summarization and situationa ana ysis on andscape of entrance road to a city in sma cities.

Chapter 5 takes theWest Road of Zhuhai in Dazhou,Sichuan province and Shi ing Road in Xuanhan as examp es,using the princip es and strategies to testify the feasibi ity of the renovation.

Chapter 6 is the conc usion,the out ook of the andscape renovation in the future,and some ref ection on current study.

Key Words:

Sma city;Road andscape;The road that enters the city;Comprehensive renovation


学生:周宏伟LPD2013M019  导师:曾旭东教授

专业:风景园林硕士     年级:2010级










The city waterfront is the district that inf uences both by the nature and peop e.It has witnessed the deve opment of the city and has given a specia impression to the others during the procedure of themutua inf uence between the natura process and the peop e behavior.Compared with the other city districts,the city waterfront district has eco ogica and visua advantages.Itp ays a significant ro e thatenriches the city andscape,improves the city environ-ment qua ity,and maintains the steady eco ogica system.

With the deve opment of the computer techno ogy,the digita techno ogy and the digita ana ysis techno ogy has been app ied to architecture,taking p ace of t-square and set square,gradua y app ied to the andscape p an design.Thanks to thewide use of virtua techno ogy,digita techno ogy can be app ied wide y and the diverse design products imitate the rea ity simu taneous y and convenient y,providing a communication p atform for the designer and the pubic.The other app ied area is the digita ana ysis techno ogy.The digita ana ysis techno ogy cou d be ab e to imitate and ana yze the designs current condition and the resu t,eva uate andmake a feedback for the,so as to optimize the design program.This designmechanism changes the design idea and the design process a ot.The digita techno ogy not on y p ays the ro e of drawing too ,but a so is adopted in the andscape design.The who e design process has entered the rationa and ogica phase from the intuition and experience one.The thesis studies for ecoogica waterfront andscape design using this specific design idea and design process.

The thesis studies the app ication of eco ogica waterfront andscape with the he p of digita ana ysis techno ogy based on the theory of eco ogica andscape.Concerning with the construction and topography and themicroc imate features,this thesis discusses the suitab e,scientific and reasonab e design strategy with the app ication of digita ana ysis techno ogy.First y,the thesis ana yzes the features and content of the waterfront andscape eco ogica p an with the consideration of the construction and topography and themicroc imate features,and summarizes the app ication of digita ana ysis techno ogy on the prophase of the waterfront andscape eco ogica p an and design,inc uding the ana ysis for the topography features and andscape pattern.

After that,based on the digita research and ana ysis of the currentwaterfront andscape construction and,the thesis does the research of the waterfront andscape eco ogica p an and design from the macro- eve ,mid- eve and micro- eve .Themacroeve means the research of the eco ogica sensitivity zone with the beginning of the and suitabi ity eva uation based on the terrain factors.The mid- eve presents the optimized strategy for the current andscape pattern with the aid of the digita ana ysis,and the micro- eve does the research of the waterfront space eco ogica design from the perspective ofmicroc imate,such as heat and wind.In a word,the aim of the digita ana ysis at this phase is not simp y to verify the design program,but to make the contrast between the optimized program and the o d one,so as to propose the waterfront andscape ecoogica p an and design with the aid of digita ana ysis.

Last y,the thesis takes the Caojie waterfront area andscape design on Jia ing river as an examp e to prove the feasibi ity of the app ication of digita ana ysis techno ogy in eco ogica waterfront andscape p an design.The research on the digita ana ysis techno ogy app ying to the eco ogica waterfront andscape p an design is made to widen the digita techno ogy app ying way and the waterfront andscape p an design strategy underwith the he p of the digita ana ysis techno ogy.

Key Words:

Digita ana ysis techno ogy;Waterfront andscape;Eco ogica andscape;Caojie waterfront area andscape on Jia ing river


学生:洪永流LPD2013M020  导师:杨柳副教授

专业:风景园林硕士     年级:2010级











In the new round of urbanization,due to the homogeneity brought by the g oba integration,a arge numbers ofmodern architectures cou d not ref ect the oca cu ture features,and the cu tura features of the architecture in sma and medium-sized cities are fading away.Nowadays every city is trying its best to shape the city sty e by transforming the historic bui dings into a who e new b ock.A though most of the transformation projects are carefu y designed,very few can eave us deep impressions and p easures.In such situation,this thesis studies the re evant theories and the deve opmentof the architecture sty es,space and andscape-perception both home and abroad,hoping to format the streets,characteristic district and the city as a who e and bring peop e integrated experiences.

This thesis associates the cognition experience of space and human,ana yses the intuitive fee ings through fie d research,summarize the prob ems,then app ies the re evant space design theories to specific optima design,hoping to bring peop e rich experiences.

(1)The optimization of andscapes based on imaginary cognition.Based on the five cognitive e ements in Urban Cognition by Kevin Lynch and the e -ements of ocation,cu ture and spirit in Presence,Space and Architecture and the Spirit of P acestoward Architecture by Schu tz Norberg,this thesis brings up the imagery cognition e ements:the five materia e ements+ spiritua space and cu tura vein.It exp ores the construction of the open e ements that based on the oca characteristics.It a so brings up that the imaginary cognition is to rebui d a psycho ogy space.On this eve ,the optimization shou d focus on the overa impression,characteristics, ocation and particu ar area,which is themacro and meso eve that need a cognitive processing,and in particu ar,the sty e,history,scene and cu ture imagery.

(2)The optimization of andscape based on visua perception.Based on the simp ification aw,the contrast aw,themovement aw,the aw of the co or of ight,the re ation of figure ground of visua perception theory,and the on-site experience,this thesis brings up that the strength of visua perception is depend on the difference between the specia zone and the background.The optimization shou d focus on the parts that are direct y perceived,such as the a ey,nodes,signs,open spaces,and high points,and on the different requirements of rhythms,fabrics,co ours,contours and façade detai s in ife scenarios of different speed.

(3)The re ation between imagery cognition and visua perception cognition and its supp ement.A -though imagery cognition is based on memory and the other one is based on the site,the psycho ogica process of cognition re ates them.The visua perception uses imaginary pictures to enhance the cognition and form a fami iar and strange sense,and to further deve op into ike and dis ike.The imagery is formed by simp ifying the imaginary cognition,so the optimization of the two cognitions shou d be interre ated and mutua y reinforces,and they can’t be separated.

This thesis bui ds up a mu ti- eve optimization system of architectura andscape inmacro,meso and micro sca e.It takes the architectura andscape p anning of Kaijiang county in Dazhou,Sichuan as examp es,investigates in the fie d with the theoretica guidance.By drawing the intentiona pictures of the who e city,it gets the oca residents’eva uation of the urban architectures.It ana yses and summarizes the perceptua prob ems in the urban andscape by contrasting the intention of urban design and the intention of the residents,and then brings up the optimization strategy of urban architectura andscape that based on cognitive experience.

Key Words:

Cognitive experiences;Architectura sty e;City image;Kaijiang county


学生:李贺LPD2013M021  导师:刘骏副教授

专业:风景园林硕士    年级:2010级














The acce eration of urbanization has brought a series of urban prob ems,for examp e,the environmenta deterioration.Thus the enthusiasm for exp oring a more ivab e city ife keeps growing.So the greenway is designed and bui t tomeet peop e’s desire to improve urban environment,and to estab ish humanized city eco ogy network.

This thesis ana yzes the theories of the greenway at home and abroad,its case studies and empirica exp ore.Combined with the actua situation in Chongqing,it exp ores a set of p an for the construction of the greenway in Chongqing city as a reference.

This thesis has a ogica order:prob em finding—the ana ysis of the prob em—prob em so ving.This ogica deductive process framework is divided into six parts:introduction,basis of cognitive of greenway,the ana ysis of the greenway in Chongqing city,the urban greenway features of Chongqing city,the extraction of greenway p anning and design of Chongqing city,and conc usion.

The chapter 1 introduces the study of the origin of greenway,the purpose and significance of the study,the theoretica research at home and abroad,the scope,methodo ogy,and framework of the thesis.

Chapter 2 is iterature review on greenway and review on re evant researches,providing a theoretica basis for the current study.

Chapter 3 describes the andscape sty e of Chongqing city,its comp ex topography:mountains,water,and forest,ana yzes the existing greenway,summarizes the prob ems in the future construction,provides a background basis for the characteristic extraction and p anning strategies be ow.

Chapter 4,considering the spatia characteristics of Chongqing city,does the Green Road grading and c assification,ana yzes the c assic domestic and foreign examp es,brings up the p anning method and construction experience,as a reference foundation for the design be ow.

Chapter 5 brings up the p an of greenway from three eve s:city,group and residence,then the overa greenway p anning and design for the city,and fina y puts forward a different p an and important points for different types of greenways.

The sixth chapter conc udes the research resu t and ana yzes its imitations.

Key Words:

Landscape architecture;Greenway;Chongqing city;P anning and design strategies


学生:张乐天LPD2013M022  导师:刘骏副教授

专业:风景园林硕士     年级:2010级














Commercia ization of residentia districts is a necessary condition tomeet the demands of different consumer groups.It is a so the essentia process of rapid urbanization.However,under the drive of commodity,many exotic-sty e architecturesare deve -oped into sty e tags,and are bui t in our country here and there.There is nothing wrong with the exotic architectura ornaments that appear in the city,but when its arge-sca e emergence affects the city’s cu -tura orientation,wemust do some critica introspection.

The pursuit of exotic sett ements affects both the environment and socia cu ture in varying degrees.Due to different geographica c imate and customs,the abso ute copy of sett ementswi ead to the deterioration of environment and energy consumption.Meanwhi e,it a so eads to the rise of exocentric emotions,and ignorance of the protection of oca cu -ture and research.The ack of oca characteristics eads to the disappearance of the persona ity and the charm of a city.

In the different period of the 20th century,the ideo ogica trend has been focused on the regiona characteristics in our country.Due to the imitation of time and few focuses on the sett ements of oca characteristics,it eaves us rare y systemic theory work.This thesis uses a residentia project of historica area as the practice and the research object,the exterior space as a starting point,researches the sett ements’exterior space designs thatbased on oca characteristics in the view of the natura environment,regiona cu ture and regiona materia s.

This thesis is divided into three parts(six chapters).The first part inc udes chapter 1 and 2,focusing on ana yzing the oca characteristics.The chapter 1 serves as a preface to the research.It ta ks about the research significance and research status at home and abroad.The in-depth ana ysis in this artic e gives a basic framework and research methods of this paper.Chapter 2 is proposed to summarize probems of the oca characteristics of mountain sett ements exterior space in order to make the research more c ear.This chapter ta ks about the definition and ana yzes the re ated concepts.

Chapter 3,as the second part,focuses on how to find oca characteristics,taking Chongqing as an examp e ana yzed Chongqingmountain area geographica featureswhich inc ude the natura andscape features and historica cu ture characteristics of thousands years,and ana yze the best residentia house of Chongqing extreme y oca characteristics and other re ated project so as to summaries the success and fai ure they have.

The third part inc udes chapter 4 and chapter 5,which ismain y based on the ana ysis of the front ana ysis in order to research how to imp ement the oca characteristics in the sett ements exterior space.Chapter 4 proposes the three design strategies of regiona features.They are“the combination of performance and the regiona natura features”,“the strategy to demonstrate the regiona cu ture”and“the use of regiona materia s and techno ogy”.The fifth chapter tries to show the process of how to p an and design through the expression of the three strategies “combining with nature”,“regiona cu ture”,“use oca materia s”to construct the residentia exterior space with regiona features thatbased on a design of sett ement in Chongqing.

The ast chapter is the conc usion.It gives an out ook for future research.

This thesis argues that the basic condition of regiona features is to adjust themeasures to oca conditions.Region characteristics are based on the carefu ana ysis of nature condition and cu ture condition of the city and the site.

Key Words:

Landscape architecture;Mountain city;Residentia district;Regiona characteristic;Exterior space


学生:周岸LPD2013M023  导师:魏宏杨教授

专业:风景园林硕士    年级:2010级













Our country ismountainouswith a arge popu ation.With the acce erating process of urbanization,more and more peop e have chosen themountain cities as their own sett ements,which has brought a huge impact on the iving environment of themountain cities.But at the same time,peop e’s growing iving standard,cu tura eve and eco ogica aware-nessmake the warm and comfortab e indoor space aone can not be ab e to meet the peop e’s requirements of the overa qua ity of the iving environment.They aremore and more eager to get c ose to the nature,come to the exterior space,which is c ose to their residence to rest,do sport,and experience the regiona cu ture.For this reason,the residentia exterior space environment,which is comp ying with the s ope environment and more comfortab e and reasonab e,has now become peop e’s best choice.This situation makes this thesis set Chongqing’s hi side residence as the exterior space environmentas the research object.It puts forward some targeted strategies, ooking forward to provide some va uab e references for the deve opment of human sett ements in themountain cities.

The current theoretica researches on residentia environment construction in mountains sti need to be improved.This thesis sets the science of human environment,the adaptive design concept,eco ogy,and the environment as the theoretica basis and the support of the proposed design strategies.The author thinks that the design study of the exterior space environment of residence shou d noton y study its re ationship with the s ope environment,but a so be specific with the residents’ iving behavior and psycho ogy,the urban andscape,the cu tura and sustainab e deve opment.A of that shou d be taken into account.

Themain content of this thesis has severa aspects as fo ows.

(1)The introduction:this part describes the background of the thesis.First of a ,the impact of urbanization to human sett ements in our country is ana yzed.Then taking the mountain city Chongqing as an examp e,puts forward the sustainab e deve opment requirements in urbanization.After that,based on the ana ysis before,the breakthrough point about this research is found out.There are some further ana yses on the purpose and significance of the research.The key concepts re ated to this thesis are a -so defined.Fina y,the content,category,research status,research methods and framework are a got we i ustrated.

(2)Ana yses about the current situation and prob ems:this part first y exp ains the evo ution of the hi side residentia exterior space environment in Chongqing,systematizes the deve opment of the design object.By doing the actua investigation,itnai s down the currentstate of the research object.What’s more,this part induces the prob ems ofexterior space environment of the hi side residentia in Chongqing,putting forward the targeted design strategies for the next step.

(3)The hi side and exterior space environment of the residence in Chongqing:To support the fo owing discussions,in this part,the thesis’s theoretica basis is discussed first y.Then,the constitute of residentia exterior environment,the functiona features are ana yzed in detai .It sums up the main factors that inf uence the design of externa space environment of the hi side residence in Chongqing.Fina y,based on the ana yses,the genera design princip es are put forward.

(4)Putting forward the design strategies:the definition of the morpho ogy, andscape design,the organization of peop e and vehic es traffic is the three aspects of the exterior environmentof the hi side residence design in Chongqing.This partof the thesis is supported by the re evant theories,and according to above-mentioned three aspects,puts forward the targeted design strategies,and bui ds up the pre iminary theoretica guidance for the design of exterior environment of hi side residence in Chongqing.Fina y,combiningwith one actua design case,this part i -ustrates how to app y the proposed strategies into practice with the certain degree of innovation.

(5)Conc usion:The thesis is reviewed in this part and the tota research focuses are a so summed up.At ast,the thesis’s shortcomings and future research direction are prospected.

Key Words:

Chongqing;Hi side;Exterior environment of residence

