首页 理论教育 外教情缘:北京外国语大学留学史书


时间:2023-09-27 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:1988 年生,漫画家、国际日本文化研究中心共同研究员,北京外国语大学日语学院原外籍教师。此后三年,在北外日语学院教授日式漫画创作方式,并以此作为日语与日本文化论教学中的一环。因为有北外日语系的同学们,我才收获了身为教师的宝贵经历。记者,秘鲁官方日报《秘鲁人报》评论版主编,北京外国语大学西班牙语葡萄牙语学院原外籍教师。


1988 年生,漫画家、国际日本文化研究中心共同研究员,北京外国语大学日语学院原外籍教师(2015—2018 年)。他曾任神户艺术工科大学漫画表现学科实习助教,并在漫画家大塚英志主办的《世界漫画塾》系列讲座中担任助理讲师。2015 年被聘为北京外国语大学日语学院专家。此后三年,在北外日语学院教授日式漫画创作方式,并以此作为日语与日本文化论教学中的一环。主要作品有《FACELESS- フェイスレス -》(FACELESS)、《鉄扇公主》(《铁扇公主》)等。








▲ 浅野老师给北外学生做漫画讲座








そんな思い出深く、素敵な人が集まる場所である、北京外国語大学が 80 周年ということ、本当におめでとうございます。多くの素敵な先生方々と素敵な学生たちが集まる場所として、これからも発展していくことを願っております。


记者,秘鲁官方日报《秘鲁人报》评论版主编,北京外国语大学西班牙语葡萄牙语学院原外籍教师(2018—2019 年)。


When I think of Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU), only beautiful memories come to my mind of the beautiful experience I had at the best language university in China. Without a doubt, I lived unforgettable days by sharing moments with students interested in learning Spanish, but above all, by becoming an apprentice of Chinese culture.

My first encounter with BFSU was in 2017, when as a Latin American journalist I attended Chinese language classes and interesting talks about the government system. I was fascinated by Chinese history and also very impressed to observe on-campus students concentrating on practicing languages so diverse and different from Mandarin. They were making great efforts to learn such complex languages as Arabic, as well as my native language Spanish. To accomplish this, they needed the best teachers available.

▲ 2017 年“中国—拉丁美洲和加勒比新闻交流中心”项目

I had 15 years of experience as a writing teacher in Peru, my native country,and I felt that I could contribute a lot as a Spanish teacher at BFSU. I was very happy to have been accepted into the Faculty of Hispanic and Portuguese Studies with a position teaching second-, third- and fourth-year students. I was determined to impart my knowledge of the Spanish language to them.

I came to BFSU in March 2018 and my great life experience began.Although jetlag and the fatigue of flying 24 hours between Latin America and Asia affected me, the day a after I arrived I was on time for my first class at 8 in the morning.

The students in my classes were charming, very curious, intelligent and with a very high level of Spanish, which surprised me a lot. That forced me to improve my classes so that they receive new topics to discuss, talk and interact in class. I was even more happy when I saw that the students showed a willingness to learn.

That was just the beginning. Unlike many foreign professors who lived in the west campus, I was assigned to the east campus, near the library, the central pond surrounded by flowers, the central student dining room, the classrooms where they taught Mandarin classes, and from the famous wall with the word “library” in various languages, the most emblematic place in BFSU, where people take pictures next to its beautiful structure.

The closeness of my room to daily student life was very rewarding.Almost daily I met students who wanted to interview me for their university assignments, or wanted to practice their English or Spanish with me, but they also approached me to find out where I came from, why I decided to work at BFSU, what my country knew about China, among many more questions. It was the best way to make friends, especially in the dining room, because I decided to go to the student dining room, where they were more relaxed to talk.

▲ 北外图书馆

▲ 胡里奥与北外 2014 级西班牙语专业部分同学合照

The days began to advance and I felt more and more at home. I began to get to know every corner of the campus, its beautiful gardens where it was a pleasure to sit and read, the narrow streets between student pavilions, and that beautiful pond that in the summer was an inescapable meeting place for young Chinese and foreigners. It was a pleasure to go out to class every morning and find near the door of the building where I lived a beautiful tree, whose colors changed with each season of the year, and for me, the most beautiful moment was autumn, when its leaves turned bright and almost red.

▲ 北外秋色

But life at BFSU wasn’t just about class work. The university has an interesting and varied cultural offer that I tried to make the most of. On many occasions I went to information fairs and foreign food festivals,where I always met new people. I understood that BFSU was a modern Babel, where many people of different languages met, but unlike the mythical biblical tower, here the understanding was great despite the marked cultural differences.

The activities that I enjoyed the most were the dubbing, singing and story contests.On those occasions, I acted as a judge and checked the effort of each member of the participating groups, and when I was not part of the jury, I advised them to carry out a more efficient work that would allow them to obtain first place in the competition and feel satisfaction because of the work done.

▲ 胡里奥指导的北外 2015 级学生王云芃获得“西班牙语之星”全国演讲大赛第一名

One of my proudest moments was when I helped the student Wáng Yúnpéng (王云芃) to participate in the 2018 national competition speaking (“西班牙语之星”全国演讲大赛), where the best Spanish students from all over the country participated and our student from BFSU won first place. What pride and joy for everyone! That contest proved once again why our university is considered the best in China for language teaching.

Another good experience was my work at the Beijing Foreign Studies University Affiliated High School (北京外国语大学附属中学), where I shared good times with the students of the first year of junior high school (初一) ,who were very diligent children because in their young age they already knew three languages: Mandarin, English and Spanish. It was a challenge for me to find a suitable method for them to learn the Spanish language, but the results were positive because at the end of the course, their writing and speaking skills improved significantly.

That is how I discovered something important: the students who enter BFSU are the most qualified in the entire country, and their selection is extremely strict in the Gāokǎo (高考). In fact, students have a very strong basis in Spanish because they have been studying that language since high school. For this reason, the level they reach is quite high and their job options are growing a lot abroad.

▲ 胡里奥与北外附属中学初一学生一起徜徉于西班牙语世界

▲ 2019 年,西班牙语葡萄牙语学院本硕毕业生合照

I discovered the true prestige of BFSU with several students that I forged a beautiful friendship, with whom I maintain contact until today through WeChat. BFSU students are well known by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to the point that around 400 ambassadors and more than 2,000 advisers graduated from this university and that is why BFSU is known as the “cradle of diplomats” and is praised for offering the widest range of language studies in China. The university consistently ranks among the top 100 international universities for Linguistics, as ranked by the QS World University Rankings by Subjects.

Knowing these characteristics, I was very proud to have been a professor at BFSU. But I have more satisfaction to know that one of my former students is already an official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, another is preparing as a diplomat, and some have already got important jobs in countries such as the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Venezuela, Panama, Argentina, Ecuador and also in Peru, my country, where there are two former students of my class, with whom I talk very often. BFSU thus becomes a bridge of friendship between China and Latin America.

Along with being proud to have been a part of BFSU, I am happy to have learned so much about Chinese youth. It is the most rewarding experience I have ever had in my life. I hope to return soon to share with them, and thus contribute to their professional training.Thank you BFSU for this life learning that I achieved.

汉迪自 2015 年起于北京外国语大学亚洲学院担任印尼语专业讲师,同时为全校开设爪哇语三外选修课程。作为印度尼西亚加查马达大学语言学硕士,汉迪熟练掌握印尼语、爪哇语、英语和汉语。研究专长为语言学、印度尼西亚语言文学、爪哇语言文学、印尼历史文化等。出版专著《印度尼西亚语教程》,参与北京外国语大学“中国—印度尼西亚人文交流研究中心”国别区域研究专项。







2015 年,我第一次走进这所大学。我在北京外国语大学教书。人们说这里是“外交官的摇篮”。我的朋友,想来你对北京并不陌生。但在此之前,我确实对北京知之甚少。我只知道北京有宏伟的长城和庄严的紫禁城。

▲ 汉迪与 2017 级印尼语本科生(摄于 2019 年)















2021 年 4 月于北京

葛潘·纳卜芭副教授于 1992 年第一次来到北京外国语大学,之后分别于 1999 年、2004 年和 2005 年,三次来到北外短期任教,并自 2005 年开始扎根中国,在北外担任泰语专家至今已经十余年。作为一个著作等身、年过七旬的老人,她本应在到达退休年纪后功成身退,但是对教育事业的热爱、对学生的负责让她始终离不开这个她奋斗了一生的岗位

葛潘生于 1945 年,于泰国朱拉隆功大学获得了文学学士学位和教育学士学位。2015 年 10 月,清迈皇家大学向葛潘颁发了泰国语言文学专业名誉博士学位,以表彰她在教育事业上的无私奉献和在学术生涯中的辉煌成就。2005 年 6 月,葛潘获得北京外国语大学优秀外国专家奖,同年 9 月获得中国政府友谊奖。2014 年 4 月 27 日,她获国家外国专家局“我最喜爱的外教”称号,并于 2013 年、2014 年分别受到温家宝总理李克强总理的接见。2016 年,葛潘入选北京市外国专家局“融智北京”高端外国专家。2017 年5 月,她在“枫叶杯·我与外教”全国大赛中当选“外教中国”年度人物。

译者:刘思雨 元元

29 年前,1992 年 3 月 1 日,我来到北京外国语大学教授泰语。当时我是北京外国语大学与泰国清迈师范大学(现为清迈皇家大学)间的第二位交换教师。两校签订的校际学术交流协议后来也得到了两国教育部的承认和高度认可。

▲ 葛潘与北外泰语专业学生参加宋干节活动


春秋代序几十载,两校砥砺奋进创辉煌。泰国曼谷王朝九世王普密蓬陛下为清迈师范大学亲赐校名——清迈皇家大学。与此同时,北外也开拓进取硕果累累。犹记得初到北外时,北外只开设了 32 个语种,规划将增设至 40 个。而时至今日,北外开设语种数量已超过 100 个,不愧为中国最顶尖的外国语院校。

数十年间,北外校园也日新月异,除旧布新。各部各院齐头并进,携手前行。位于西校区的旧行政楼和宿舍楼被拆除,宏伟的综合教学楼拔地而起。东校区自筹备 2008 年北京奥林匹克运动会时,便配备了现代化的体育馆,行政楼、教学楼和现代化的宿舍也如雨后春笋般建成,尤其是几年前建成的北外图书馆,各语种的“图书馆”字样镶满墙体,无论是各方学子还是前来参观的游客都流连忘返,纷纷合影留念。

北外学生居住在校园中,他们的宿舍也翻修一新。与我初到北外之时相比,如今的宿舍楼功能齐全,设施先进。西校区的教职工公寓也在十余年前改造为 18 层楼高的精美建筑,其余建筑也都经过翻修改造,焕然一新。昔日沧桑与如今的北外气象,可谓天壤之别。学生宿舍内配备单人书桌,学习环境良好。学生也免受往日在图书馆挑灯夜读之苦。万象万物,与日俱新,每分每秒,建设不息。甚至北外学子开玩笑称,北京外国语大学的简称(BFSU)大概指的是北京永建大学(Beijing Forever Structuring University)吧。虽然是玩笑之言,但也可见北外奋斗不息,砥砺前行的足迹


八十年春华秋实,万象更新,即使与中外高校同台竞技,北外也依旧风姿卓然,不遑多让。我相信在未来北外也会初心不改,风采依旧。与北外风采一同延续下去的,还有薪火相传的北外人。因为北外是一所语言类院校,人才济济,不论是管理层的干部、教授、讲师、后勤工作人员抑或是学生们,都深谙语言学习的体系与原则。北外的语言学习与社会文化紧密相连,这让北外人总能够很轻松、很自然地与对象国、对象国的人民建立友谊。在我的印象中,自 29 年前我到北外教书以来,直到如今疫情肆虐的时代,北外人一直很友善。当然,这是以中泰文化为代表的东方文化的共同点。随着时代的变迁,北外也有所变化,但北外人那友善、可贵的品质仍能延续、传承至今,深深吸引着每一个熟知、憧憬北外的人,牵动着我与其他外教的心,也让我们能够在北外快乐舒适地生活。因此,我一直坚守教学岗位,尽全力传道授业解惑,为了我的学生们能够全面发展,为了让他们能够透彻地理解我所教授的泰语知识。我相信其他老师也同我一样,在自己的岗位上践行着自己的教学使命。




我第一次去北外是 2018 年 3 月,当时我为檀国大学人文韩国事业团寻找国外的开展知识权力和迁移的相关研究的学者。经过一番联络,我了解到北外历史学院也开展相关研究。为了能够达成学术合作,我与历史学院院长李雪涛教授约定见面,就彼此的研究和今后可能开展的学术交流和合作进行面对面的交流。

事实上,我 2002 年至 2010 年在北京师范大学攻读博士学位,对北京很熟悉,也听闻北外是中国最好的外语专业人才培养的大学,是全世界优秀外语人才聚集的大学,但真正访问北外还是头一次。初到北外,使我印象深刻的是校园很美,精致的造景点缀在校园各处,行走其间,总会遇到惊喜。路上,迎面走来的三五成群、肤色各异的学生们,脸上洋溢着青春和真挚,让校园显得生动、充满活力。原本与李教授约定的是进行一个多小时的交流,见面后我们边喝茶边聊学术研究、聊教育,很是投机。李教授对学术的热情和温暖的人性,让我有一种老友重逢的感觉,不知不觉聊了很长时间。从李教授那里我得知,北外作为一所综合大学,除了拥有高水平的外语专业以外,在多个学科领域都取得了优秀的成绩。北外历史学院的研究方向不仅有我正在从事的,还有一些我很感兴趣的领域,很荣幸我们达成了今后学术交流和合作的计划。

2019 年 6 月,我应历史学院邀请去北外进行主题为“全球史与中国2019”讲座,演讲题目是“东亚地区汉字、词汇同异性对照比较研究的价值”。这次,我对北外有了更多的了解。旁听讲座的北外的学生们认真、真挚的神情和积极的提问让我感动。我们都知道,外语是与外界交流的最基础的工具。我认为比这个工具更重要的是学习外语的目的,就是通过外语走向世界,通过与世界各地人们的交流,实现梦想。北外的学生们让我感受到了他们为实现梦想正在努力。青年时期不是被动接受知识,而是要培养自我主导下的学习和能力。这种态度是在自己生活的经验中形成的。我见过的北外的学生们就是这种善于学习、有梦想的年轻人。这些虽然有他们自己努力的因素,但我确信北外勤学的校风也对他们产生了很大的影响。



Where to begin, where to end? Beijing, my second home? BFSU—my campus? China at all? Japan? Indonesia? My childhood? One thing is certain:my story with the BFSU, my story with China, is a long story, a story that has influenced my life profoundly, that continues to influence my life and that—hopefully—will continue to influence my life for a long time to come.

So let’s start at the beginning. As a little boy—and that was more than 65 years ago—I read a lot, at least looked at the pictures, among them travel literature and among them again probably—I can’t remember exactly—also works by Ernst Haeckel about “Insulinde” (Latin: insula and india) for today’s Indonesia—which in turn is Greek (indus and nesos). I was taken with the pictures of exotic places, especially the volcanoes.That’s where I wanted to go.And I wanted to go not only to Southeast Asia, but also to East Asia in general:to Japan and, of course, to China. These childhood dreams have all come true.I visited the home country of Java more often with a friend who had been a student and family friend for many years up to date. We also explored Sumatra and Bali on our travels—and I hiked around the crater rim of volcanoes. When I was director of the Institute for the History of Medicine at Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf in the 1990s, young scientists from Japan showed up at the institute to study with us—some of them are now famous professors in Tokyo. This gave us the opportunity to establish close contacts with Japan:Tokyo, Kyoto or Kamakura were the destinations. It was helpful that Düsseldorf is home to one of the large Japanese communities in Europe.

Only China seemed out of reach.It should be said that I follow the old Chinese wisdom not to travel around the world as a tourist, but that I prefer to go where I know local people who can show me their country from their own experience. And this opportunity arose when the news came in 2004 that the People’s Republic of China wanted to set up Confucius Institutes analogous to the German Goethe Institutes.Düsseldorf already had a large community of Chinese citizens at that time.After all, Düsseldorf and North Rhine-Westphalia were and are the centre of economic activities of Chinese companies in Germany and now even in Europe:Minmetals, ZTE, Huawei, Bank of China and many other (global) companies have their German or even European headquarters in Düsseldorf—there are now over 1,100 Chinese companies in North Rhine-Westphalia.

In 2004, I was rector of the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf. At that time, Werner Stüber, Peter Hachenberg and Li Xuetao approached me and asked whether I was generally interested in the university in Düsseldorf also having a Confucius Institute. I immediately agreed to this plan! In December 2006, the “Confucius Institute at Heinrich Heine University” was founded—jointly supported by the university, the city of Düsseldorf and Hanban. At the time, Werner Stüber was the director of the International Office of the HHUD, Peter Hachenberg had worked as a lecturer at the BFSU for five years and Li Xuetao had just finished his dissertation at the University of Bonn under Wolfgang Kubin. Our extremely friendly and approachable supervisor at the Chinese Embassy in Berlin was Liu Jinghui, later Secretary General of the China Scholarship Council in Beijing.

In 2006, I took over the presidency of the CID’s supporting association.Through this function, I was appointed to the Council of Hanban in 2007,Senior Consultant in 2009 and finally Honorary Member of the Council of the Confucius Institute Headquarters Hanban in 2011. These tasks and honours—of which I am innocent—were the reason why I have been in China at least once a year since 2007, then more and more often. Through the annual congresses organised by Hanban—the most international events I have ever attended—and through the working meetings of the Council organised by the General Secretary of Hanban, Madam Xu Lin, in the summer, I got to know a little bit of China—partly accompanied by my wife: Beijing,Fujian with Mount Wuyi and Xiamen, Sanya and Haikou in Hainan, Guiyang in Guizhou,Changchun and the Changbai Mountain Pool in Sky in Jilin, Qufu, Urumqi and Turpan in Xinjiang, Shanghai, Kunming, many other places and again Beijing I was able to visit and explore.

Our host university in China was and is Beijing Foreign Studies University.We went there every year. And it is not surprising that these constant visits,which were reciprocated almost every year in Germany, resulted in further and closer contacts with BFSU, with its rectors—Hao Ping, Chen Yulu, Han Zhen,Peng Long, Yang Dan—with its party secretaries—Yang Xueyi, Han Zhen and Wang Dinghua—and especially, of course, with the CI Office of BFSU, here with Professor Zhang Xiaohui and Gong Jing, who accompanied us for many years.

Through all these activities with and around the CID, the CI Office of BFSU and Hanban the first scientific contacts with China were established as early as 2008. Our partner was always Professor Li Xuetao, at that time still deputy director of the Institute for Overseas Sinologies at BFSU. This partnership has led to many joint trips to China: to Xi’an, Chengdu, Chengde,Wuhan, Qingdao, Zhengzhou, Wuhu, Yangzhou, Hong Kong and many other places. This shows the extensive exchange and cooperation of BFSU as the most important and prestigious language school in the whole China, and also in the whole world. And it shows the charisma of Li Xuetao, now Director of the Research Institute for Global History and Dean of the School for History at BFSU, who was able to visit his own students or his colleagues on all these trips. So these trips were always connected with many joint projects, many joint lectures and many joint publications.

And Li Xuetao, a pleasant and productive colleague, has since become a friend for life, who has opened up China to me in a way that can never be possible for normal travellers, especially package tourists. This opportunity to get to know both cultural and scientific peculiarities, outstanding scientists and personalities and many people in their normal lives was also given by Wolfgang Kubin, who was a professor at BFSU at the time, and the many BFSU staff members I had the pleasure of meeting. And I like to mention Dr. Cord Eberspächer, Director of the KI in Düsseldorf from 2010 to 2020, a China expert by grace, now professor at Changsha Normal University in Hunan, who opened up many paths to China and Chinese for me. Finally, the connection to the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press of BFSU was also important:there we not only brought out some joint Chinese-German publications, but also got to know many other interested and interesting personalities.

In 2016, I became an Honorary Professor at BFSU. In summer 2019, I became a Foreign Expert under the SAFEA/CAIEP program of P.R. China, and since September 2019, I am a Distinguished Professor for Global History of Science and Medicine at BFSU’s School for History and Institute for Global History respectively.In September 2019, I gave my first official lectures in Beijing. How did this come about?What are we doing there?

What is special, and what is different about East Asia in general and China in particular? Because the little boy’s desires for exotic countries and distant journeys have, of course, long since been turned into intellectual journeys and spiritual adventures. To put it in one sentence:Asia is different, at least different from Europe. And from looking at these“othernesses” of Asia, we Europeans learn to better understand our culture and our history. Of course, this sentence also applies vice versa: the more the Asians, the East Asians, the Chinese learn about themselves, the more they deal with the history and culture of other countries, namely the “West”. If this mutual interest leads to joint work, ultimately to friendship, this can be not only advantageous for both sides, but also of deep knowledge and ultimately of deep friendship.

So what is “othernesses”? People have been thinking about this ever since the West and the East knew about each other. I can only offer my version here,which—I am not a sinologist, know only a little Chinese and know even fewer characters—is of course based on the partly lifelong work of many thought leaders, but also on my own work and discussions, especially with Chinese scholars and students, as well as on many everyday experiences. As soon as we go back to the origins of thought in Europe and East Asia, we encounter a completely different approach to the world—a result of a course with master’s and doctoral students at BFSU. The Pre-Socratics—those European philosophers who taught before Socrates and Plato—already had a world view in which a recognisable world is separated from the recognising subject: it is a matter of finding the ultimate from which all things can be explained. The early East Asian sources—the I-Ching and the Tao Te Ching—offer a dynamic view of the world in which things and beings are constantly formed anew in the constant confrontation of various active forces: there is no need for a permanently valid world outside the world—the constant is changing.

From these first thoughts follow completely different views of the world, which lead to completely different views of human beings. In China,these different views of human beings—individual vs. community—lead to a life in community. In Europe, the combination of Greek philosophy and Judeo-Christian religion gives rise to a completely different society and culture centred on the individual. Of course, geographical and biological conditions and historically long-term developments play a role and are the subject of historiography. China was a model in the time of the European Enlightenment—a giant empire with a history going back to prehistoric times managed without a state religion, without one sole God: only the idea of community, lived in fixed rites, held this empire together—despite all natural catastrophes and despite all historical confusion : Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz admired this. In Europe, the scientific revolution of the early modern era—(a) through the atomistic-mechanistic view of nature, (b) through mathematisation and (c) through the production of facts through experimentation—ultimately went back to the earliest thoughts of European philosophy—to Democritus and Heraclitus. Europe created scientific-technological modernity and spread it throughout the world via colonialism and imperialism. From a European perspective, China was suddenly considered obsolete—a historical old man, as Hegel and others diagnosed. This only changed at the end of the 20th and in the early 21th century. Today, China is a great power of the future—many people in the West have still not understood this without asking to accept it.

But this short history of East and West is, of course, reduced to the highest level of abstraction. What is going on behind it in the individual periods and episodes of a history that—as we know from modern archaeological and molecular biological research—can be traced back to prehistoric times? This is where the historiographical research begins, which has been carried out worldwide by many, mostly world-famous scholars—Richard Wilhelm or Joseph Needham may be mentioned as representatives of the older generation.From the generation of living giants, I would like to mention once again Wolfgang Kubin and Li Xuetao, with whom I made many journeys in China,with whom I had many conversations and with whom I was allowed to empty many glasses of baijiu in Beijing and elsewhere.

In this large, indeed overwhelming cosmos of scholarship, we try in our cooperation with Düsseldorf and BFSU to shed special light on one or the other topic in our projects, workshops, lectures and teaching events and perhaps even contribute one or the other piece of the mosaic to the overall picture.

For example, in March 2011, the International Symposium “Medicine as a Medium of Multiple Modernities—Transactions and Contingencies between China, Germany and Japan in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries” was held at the Leopoldina Study Centre of the German National Academy of Sciences.The authoritative scholar from China—both in terms of preparation and lectures and finally the anthology—was Li Xuetao.[1]From the perspective of globalisation, the aim of the international workshop was to look back through the focus of medicine in order to grasp and examine processes of modernisation and in this way create background knowledge for current questions of globalisation. In 2013, Li Xuetao presented his research on Matteo Ricci’s world map at the symposium “World Views. From the Globe to Globalisation” of the Leopoldina Study Centre.[2]In 2016, Li Xuetao spoke at the Leopoldina’s annual conference “Sciences in Intercultural Dialogue” on the question “Do modern sciences allow for cultural particularities”.[3]In 2017, I had the privilege of giving the keynote speech on “Eurasian Transfer of Knowledge vs. Eurasian Interchange of Knowledge” at the annual congress of the “Society for Cultural Interaction in East Asia” in Beijing.[4] 

These four events, these four publications may be mentioned only as outstanding examples of the close cooperation with the Institute for Global History and the School for History of BFSU. The general theme of the cooperation is: “Eurasian Interchange of Knowledge” (欧亚知识交流). In turn,the central basic assumption is: there has been a lively exchange of knowledge between East Asia and Europe since the early days of human history. In this loose research network between European and Asian scholars, we therefore do not speak of Portugal, England or Germany on the one hand and China, Japan or South Korea on the other, but of “Eurasia”. The topic of “Knowledge Exchange in Eurasia” or “Eurasian Interchange of Knowledge” is being dealt with intensively worldwide. In this project network, the questions are: when did knowledge spread in Eurasia, partly implicitly, partly explicitly planned,and in what ways? What were the intended and unintended consequences of this exchange of knowledge? The basic assumption is that although there has always been an exchange of knowledge since prehistoric times, the identity of the different cultures has nevertheless been preserved and is immediately recognisable to this day. This observation is particularly important under the aspect of globalisation: to what extent does the global exchange of knowledge,techniques, skills, products and services affect local, regional and national cultures? Behind this lies the expectation and also the task of preserving the “othernesses” of the various cultures even in a global world and using them in the sense of a mutually fruitful cultural diversity.

This diversity of topics and methods is reflected in the lectures and courses that I have been able to give or conduct at BFSU so far. Historical theory and historiographical methods such as Fernand Braudel, the beginnings of knowledge in East and West, medicine in East and West, the Silk Road by land,the Silk Road by sea, Axial Age and China, history of and history in I-Ching and, of course, since 2020, plague, pestilence and corona are just some of the topics. The book Plague and Corona has meanwhile been translated into Chinese and will be published in China in 2021.[5]Future events will focus on the theme “Global plagues as global history”. This will focus on how societies respond differently to a biological challenge such as the “new emerging diseases”, including SARS and Covid-19. China has set an example to the world: no other country of its size and population has a better record in the fight against COVID-19. What are the reasons for this? What are the historical, and what are the cultural backgrounds?

“My” BFSU: Officially and formally, I would like to thank the leaders of Hanban, especially former Secretary General Madam Xu Lin, who opened many paths for me to China. My thanks also go to the staff of the Confucius Institute Office of BFSU. Special thanks go to the rectors and party secretaries of BFSU, whom I had the privilege of getting to know from 2007 to the present.Our talks were always characterised by mutual understanding and the idea of advancing the exchange of knowledge and culture between Germany and China for mutual benefit. I hope and wish that this close cooperation will continue for many years to come.

But my scientific, my official “story” with BFSU would be nothing without my personal “story” with BFSU, with Beijing, with China. For me, everyday life on the BFSU campus—despite all the work—is pure relaxation: life in a scientific paradise, as it were. Early morning sports on the sports fields on the East Campus, morning researching and teaching at the Institute on the West Campus, lunch in BFSU restaurant or in the small restaurants around the campus, afternoons researching and teaching, lectures again and again,dinners with colleagues who are friends, some from all over the world, also with students, and late in the evening still talking with the closer colleagues of the Institute, interrupted by trips to China or to neighbouring countries—to South Korea or Japan, for example. That is a researcher’s life as I have always imagined and longed for.

And all this would be nothing without the friendly, sometimes even amicable colleagues at the School of History, first and foremost my friend Li Xuetao and his colleagues, at BFSU and also at the other, mostly world famous universities nearby. I am deeply indebted to all of them, especially to Li Xuetao.

And so Beijing, the campus of BFSU has indeed become my second home.It was only in 2020 that I was unable to come to China for the rst time in years. In 2011, Cord Eberspächer and I flew to Beijing especially to take part in the BFSU’s 70th anniversary. I hope all the more that I will also be able to attend the BFSU’s 80th anniversary in 2021 in person.

哈萨克斯坦阿利-法拉比国立大学哈萨克语系主任,副教授。2016 年 9 月至 2018年 7 月任北京外国语大学俄语学院哈萨克语外聘教师。

译者:刘佳彤 刘卓 张淼煜 张韵迪


前路漫漫,但我们民族也有“道路虽远,行则必至”这样一句箴言。为使道路通向我们想去的地方,必须将其规划好。就像我们的一句俗语:“如果要长途跋涉,首先要挑选同行的伙伴。”因此,哈萨克斯坦的“光明之路”计划和中国的“一带一路”倡议在 21 世纪将古老丝绸商路重新连接起来。两国的友好关系正印证了一句哈萨克谚语:“独行途中结识了志同道合的人,难道不是一件幸事吗?”这反映了人们寻找同路者的希望。

当今世界面临着与日俱增的威胁,哈萨克斯坦和中国的合作以及两国人民的友谊为世界树立了榜样,有助于人们防范日益增加的威胁,使丝绸之路经济带沿线 40 多亿人口免遭经济、政治、精神和人道主义危机的影响。“人多力量大”,让我们同我们的伙伴们一道,共同发展,维护区域稳定。

新时代下共同应对当前世界面临的威胁,保护民族、国家和个人的利益至关重要。在哈萨克斯坦“光明之路”计划和中国“一带一路”倡议的框架下,2016 年 4 月,我第一次来到中国。在哈萨克斯坦驻华大使馆的提议下,“哈萨克斯坦中心”在北京外国语大学成立。而哈萨克斯坦阿利-法拉比国立大学肩负了配合中心工作以及开展哈萨克语教学的任务。为此,当时双方的校长——哈萨克斯坦阿利-法拉比国立大学的穆坦诺夫先生与北京外国语大学的彭龙先生签署了双边合作协议。之后,哈萨克语便成为了北京外国语大学开设的第 73 门外语。

2015 年 12 月,在哈萨克斯坦共和国时任第一副总理萨金塔耶夫的见证下,北京外国语大学正式成立了“哈萨克斯坦中心”。该中心的成立具有重要的历史意义,反映了哈萨克语作为哈萨克斯坦官方语言地位的提升。

▲ 卡拉巴耶娃·坎莎伊姆与北外学生参加哈萨克斯坦使馆开放日活动



时光荏苒,岁月如梭。几年的时间很快就过去了。2020 年,首届“哈萨克语语言文学”专业的 10 名中国学生已从北京外国语大学毕业,一些学生参加了工作,还有一些学生继续深造。但是,我们之间的联系并没有中断,而是通过电子邮件进行交流问候。


2020 年 9 月,谢维宁和张韵迪(首届哈萨克语专业毕业生)参加了庆祝哈萨克伟大诗人阿拜 175 周年诞辰的“阿拜诗朗诵”线上纪念活动,我在活动上做了演讲,我的学生们朗诵了阿拜作品的节选。

▲ 卡拉巴耶娃·坎莎伊姆与北外学生课堂合影

前不久,我收到了张韵迪的来信。她高兴地告诉我,她参加了阿利-法拉比国立大学为庆祝哈萨克斯坦共和国独立 30 周年举办的外国留学生哈萨克语奥林匹克竞赛,并通过了第一轮测试,正在准备第二轮比赛。张韵迪在此前就积极参加“哈萨克斯坦中心”举行的各种文化活动,在大学生学术会议上用哈萨克语做报告,获得了实践经验。她和其他 9 位中国学生于 2018—2019 学年在阿利-法拉比国立大学交换学习,他们都是有能力、谦虚、勤奋、自信的年轻人。

就这样,在一起工作学习的 3 年中,我们彼此理解、彼此信任。尽管有年龄上的差异,但我们成了很好的朋友。他们还与哈萨克斯坦青年一起参加了各种活动。


为庆祝哈萨克斯坦共和国首任总统日,“哈萨克斯坦中心”分别于2016 年和 2017 年举办了“中心开放日”和“纳扎尔巴耶夫小型成就展”活动。2016 年在哈萨克斯坦独立 25 周年纪念日到来之际,北京外国语大学俄语学院和“哈萨克斯坦中心”共同举办名为“大地儿女”文艺联欢会。

2017 年我带领学生们参加了哈萨克斯坦驻华大使馆举办的阿拜诗歌朗诵会,同学们声情并茂的朗诵得到了到访嘉宾的一致称赞。

2017 年我们为来自哈萨克斯坦的留学生和中国的哈萨克族青年举办了首届大学生冬不拉音乐节。我们共同迎接了 2017 年和 2018 年的哈萨克斯坦传统节日纳吾热孜节,准备了节日美食“纳吾热孜粥”(由水、大米、小米、盐、肉、面、奶疙瘩七种原料制成的节日美食),向中国学生介绍了民族服装和饰品。

2018 年为纪念哈萨克斯坦著名诗人马赫詹·朱马巴耶夫 125 周年诞辰,中国国际文化交流中心与北京外国语大学“哈萨克斯坦中心”联合举办了学术研讨会。来自哈萨克斯坦驻华大使馆、欧亚大学、中国社会科学院、中国作家协会、中央人民广播电台、中央民族大学、北京外国语大学、北京语言大学等单位的官员、学者,围绕马赫詹·朱马巴耶夫的文学作品鉴赏与艺术特色展开了学术讨论。北京外国语大学的学生分别用汉语和哈萨克语朗诵了诗歌作品。人民网、哈萨克斯坦国家电视台对该活动进行了报道。

在代表哈萨克斯坦在中国担任哈语教师的同时,我还深入了解了中国的文化、历史,参观了中国的科研机构,参加了北京外国语大学和中央民族大学举办的各类文化节和科研活动。这些学习机会使我积累了众多宝贵经验。2017 年 9 月 22 日至 25 日,我应中国国际文化交流中心之邀参加嵩山论坛(河南郑州)。我与时任哈萨克斯坦国立大学校长穆坦努夫院士率领的代表团一起参观了中国国际文化交流中心,同中心顾问及人文社科学者交流,拜会了中心顾问原中央党校副校长李君如先生以及时任中国国际文化交流中心秘书长的丁奎松先生,听取了对中国社会活动家、科学家们的先进事迹。

2017 年 12 月 1 日,我参加了中央民族大学举办的题为“哈语专业实践基地创建问题”的教师研讨会,会上我以《语言旅行——当代语言实践机会》为题发表了演讲。2017 年 12 月 15—16 日,我参加了上海外国语大学俄罗斯东欧中亚学院成立大会暨首届“跨学科视野下的俄罗斯东欧中亚研究”学术研讨会,会上发表了题为《从教授中国学生哈萨克语的经验出发》的报告。

2018 年 3 月 30 日,我参加了北京外国语大学《土耳其语语法》新书发布研讨会。2017 年 1 月 6 日至 2018 年 1 月 3 日,我以研究员的身份参加了俄语学院名为“跨文化交流背景下的社会文化刻板印象”的国际科研项目。




我在北京见到了很多柳树。细枝在微风中摇曳,宛如随风飘扬舞动的丝带。为它们奏乐吧!笛声是那么悠扬动听,独有的音色总是能让我心情愉悦。为什么我们这边的广场上听不到笛声呢?因为在哈萨克斯坦没有人卖中国的笛子。如果我有机会再到北京,我一定会买一支笛子。当我看到有人拉二胡的时候,我立刻就想到了我们的民族乐器“库布兹”(中亚一带的民间弓弦乐器)。我的中国学生告诉我:“二胡”中“胡”的意思是“来自西域”。我隐约感受到这是古代的文化交流在今天留下的痕迹。还有,不管是年轻人还是老人都会踢毽子——我忘记怎么用汉语说“毽子”这个单词了。中国的毽子是用羽毛做成的,在很多商店都可以买到。哈语中有“毽子”这个单词的发音,类似中文中“两个”的发音。这是不是巧合呢?这也让我想到现代哈萨克语中“бәйтерек(大杨树),бәйбіше(大老婆),бәйшешек(雪花莲)”这些单词的前半部分“бәй”和汉语中“白”这个字的发音十分相似。哈语中不常用的单词“шәушиіп (青白葡萄), шәушиген(小的),шәушию”中前部分“шәу”的读音和汉语中的“少”读音相似。



乌兹别克斯坦塔什干国立大学东方学院国际经济关系系国际管理和营销教研室高级教师。2018 年 9 月至 2019 年 7 月任北京外国语大学俄语学院乌兹别克语外聘教师。

In modern conditions, education is one of the important factors in the development of progress, where the exchange of knowledge plays an important role. Cooperation between China and Uzbekistan has a historical basis,and dates back to the distant past, which is a good foundation for further strengthening and development in the field of education.

The location of Uzbekistan on the Great Silk Road determined the possibilities of mutual enrichment of cultures, transfer of knowledge. For example, many historical documents are kept in the repositories of the Beruni Library and the Research Institute of Oriental Studies. In Chinese written sources, the historical cities of Bukhara, Samarkand, Khiva are often mentioned,where a whole galaxy of scientists and thinkers lived and worked, who made an invaluable contribution to the development of world science and literature.Among them are world famous: al-Khwarizmi, Abu Raikhan Beruni, Abu Aliibn Sino, Mirzo Ulugbek and others. Uzbek-Chinese relations are reflected in the Chinese manuscripts of the Ambassador of the Han Empire, scientist and traveler Zhang Qian, which date back to the 2nd century BC...

It is necessary to emphasise the importance of further cooperation in the field of education between our countries, which have a solid foundation of friendly Uzbek-Chinese relations.

Chinese language is taught in 6 universities of Uzbekistan. More than 600 students are studying Chinese as their main language, and electives are organised in many educational centres in the country in order to familiarise themselves with the history, culture and traditions of the Chinese people.

Confucius Institutes function in Tashkent and Samarkand, where over 1.2 thousand Uzbeks study the Chinese language. After graduating from these institutions, graduates have the opportunity to participate in numerous educational grants and programs in China.

The Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies (Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies) is the main university that graduates Sinologists, and in 2015 the Faculty of Chinese Studies was opened, under which the Centre for Simultaneous Translation functions. The faculty has begun training simultaneous interpreters who can participate in international events in Uzbekistan and China.

Developing the historical cultural heritage of the two countries, a striking example of fruitful cooperation is the signed “Agreement on Mutual Activity” between the Uzbek State University of World Languages and the Beijing Foreign Studies University in the field of studying the Uzbek language, developing teaching materials, teaching aids, holding joint conferences, exchanging students and other events.

▲ 教师节卡莫拉与学生合影

Both parties pay a great attention to the implementation of this agreement.As a result, a specialty “Uzbek language and literature” appeared at the Institute of the Russian Language, for this a specific educational program of the Uzbek language was developed in the direction of “Uzbek language as a specialty”, and an optional Uzbek language was introduced for everyone, as a third optional course. At the elective “Uzbek language” for wide study, Chinese students showed a great interest in studying the Uzbek language and literature, as well as the history and culture of Uzbekistan, and the number of interested students grew from semester to semester, which was very pleasing.

The joint work of the two universities was successfully realised in the development and publication of the textbook “Uzbek Language” for self-study with a full course of grammar rules and an audio course. The purpose of writing the textbook was to help Chinese students and everyone who wants to learn the Uzbek language.

One of the fruitful results of the joint activity was the internship of students of the Beijing Foreign Studies University at the Uzbek State University of World Languages, who passed an annual practice and successfully passed the exams in the Uzbek language. During a one-year internship, Chinese students deepened their knowledge of the Uzbek language, attended lectures on Uzbek literature and history, and got acquainted with the ancient culture of Uzbekistan.

All activities carried out between the two universities can be considered as a significant contribution to the further development of the strategic program “One Belt, One Road”, which is based on the historical roots of the development of the Great Silk Road.

Developing cooperation between our countries in the field of education,we hope that the project of the “Uzbek language” course will develop on an ongoing basis, due to the fact that the youth of the two friendly countries show mutual interest in the study of language, literature and culture in general.

The Belt and Road Initiative, being a new model of international cooperation, will develop new opportunities for Uzbek-Chinese relations in the field of education to reach a new level.

We are opening up wide horizons for cooperation in the field of education. This requires active interaction to achieve even greater success for the benefit of our peoples and countries.

2011—2016 年德意志学术交流中心委派外籍教师,在北外德语系任教。鲁韵博士在北外德语学院任教期间,教授本科“德语文学”“文学作品选读分析”“德语会话”课程,并教授研究生的文学研究研讨课,举办“文学与电影”“图像中的艺术史”等讲座课,并带领学生通过参观博物馆展览、参加各种竞赛,在实践中引导学生学习和钻研文学与艺术,深受学生欢迎。学生亲切地称她为“Frau Unfer”(Unfer女士)。她本人也积极参与各种学术活动。


那是 2011 年 9 月 24 日,我很激动。(www.xing528.com)









2011 年 9 月 24 日,我的激动乃情理之中,因为那天下午 5 点钟我将见证一件大事。我被邀请参加北外建校七十周年校庆。典礼在我还不曾涉足的东院举行。我有些慌乱,把几个星期前我飞过万里从柏林至此的事忘了个一干二净。


▲ 与学生讨论后合影

▲ 2013 年 12 月包饺子比赛


时间一分分地过去,我周围的人越来越多。来了1000 多位宾客,有这里的外国专家、教师、学生和北外毕业生。最后我走进被用作典礼礼堂的体育馆大厅。置身于那么多人中,我更感到自己的孤独和迷惘。

▲ 2015 年,鲁韵老师指导的学生获得优秀论文奖








舞台上站着 96 岁高龄的伊莎白·柯鲁克教授。由一个仙子般的女孩贴心地扶着,这位白发苍苍、瘦高个的女士(后来我才发现,她竟然是我邻居)在接受颁奖,以此表彰她长期致力于中外友好和在北外建校与发展中做出的贡献。


我一下觉得对“Universität(德语‘大学’)”一词的领悟更深了些。它在世界各地的叫法几乎一样:Universität, University, Université, Università, Universitad,等等。因为它源自拉丁文,在公元 1100 年左右被选作对当时成立的新式教学体制的指称,即“Universitas magistrorum et scolarium”。这一指称是为表达一个核心理念,即它应当是一种“师生共同体”。





2021 年 9 月 24 日,北外建校八十载。我已回柏林很久,做另外的工作。此时,我离北外虽很远,但心里想着它。

▲ 2011 年,鲁韵老师在北外过的第一个圣诞节,也是第一个没有家人在身边的圣诞节,同学们为鲁韵老师组织了小聚会

▲ 2014 年,与班里同学过圣诞节






陶天华博士为 2005—2010 年德意志学术交流中心委派外教,在北外德语系任教。陶天华博士任教期间,教授基础阶段的语言课,本科三年级的“书面与口头交流(应用文和演讲技巧)”课程,硕士生的研讨课,重点为“德语教学法”,并指导硕士论文,参与构思设计硕士生培养计划中的“德语教学法”专业课程。此外,她还在外语教学与研究出版社积极为对外德语教学的教科书录制配套录音材料。


北京外国语大学今年已经八十岁了——而我参与了这段历史中的五年。2005 年到 2010 年,我以德意志学术交流中心外教的身份加入了北外德语系。



老德语楼建于 20 世纪 50 年代初,保留了那个年代的风格:整体陈设简陋,教室朴素无华,办公区域也有些捉襟见肘。但麻雀虽小五脏俱全,楼里依然配置了各种现代教学技术设备。





我的研究重点是德语教学法,因此当我发现同事们对教学法问题十分感兴趣,且态度颇为开放时,立刻深受鼓舞。我们曾一起尝试新的教学法,开发课件,我甚至和同事们一起编写并出版了一部关于外语教学法的书,并发表了一些课程相关的材料。2007 年,我们还合作制定了硕士阶段重要方向“德语教学法”的培养方案。在培养方案的框架内,学生们撰写了多篇硕士论文。

▲ 2010 年,与同事在运动会上






▲ 2010 年离任前,学期末的告别会后合影



1973—1978 年在柏林自由大学学习日耳曼语言文学和汉学。1980—1985 年及1987—1996 年作为德意志学术交流中心委派外教,在北外德语系任教,教授德国文学与文学史、学术写作、文体学、基础阶段课程,并培训教师,参与编写《新汉德词典》。他参与主持编写的《德语教程》长期作为全国高校德语专业本科基础阶段教材使用,并获得“北京市社会科学优秀成果奖”。2001—2017年,他受德意志学术交流中心委派,作为教授级专家多次往返于中、德之间。作为主编之一,他主持编写《当代大学德语》,并对全国德语教师进行培训。该教材被评为教育部“2011 年普通高等教育精品教材”及北京市“2011 年北京高等教育精品教材”。自 2011 年开始,他参与编写《新世纪汉德大词典》,并对参编者和出版社工作人员进行词汇学方面的培训。聂黎曦为全国高校德语专业的教学和教材编写做出了重要贡献。



我每天早晨上班路的起点是友谊宾馆,当时,所有的外国“专家”都住在那里,终点则是北京外国语学院东院主楼的德语系。北京外国语学院俗称“一外”,因为它是当时北京乃至全中国所有外语院校中的No. 1,以前一直属于外交部,被称为外交官的摇篮,不久前才划归教育部。

▲ 《新汉德词典》编写组部分成员合影

▲ 2011 年,《当代大学德语》获颁教育部“2011 年普通高等教育精品教材”,两名主编在外研社嘉奖会上合影

1980 年 8 月 20 日,我带着德意志学术交流中心(DAAD)的两年工作合同,来到了遥远的、刚刚小心翼翼向外国敞开了国门的、依然还很神秘的中国,开始了我的北外故事。


低矮的居民区、土路、排水明沟、通往苏州街的下坡路早在三年前就被铲平了。四车道的北三环路在这里转了 90 度弯,向南,成为西三环路。路上的汽车越来越多,挤走了骡车。我认为,北外好几百学生每天要在东西院之间的马路上穿行,越来越多的汽车,对他们来说太危险了,应该建一座过街天桥。我的同事说,那太贵了,中国还不富裕。


我不是待了两年,而是五年。词典编完了,我也获得了在柏林攻读博士学位的奖学金。但是,当时的北京,就像地震前发生的波动,预示着这个国家即将开始的现代化。在我的德语文学和文学史课上、在我的文体学系列讲座上,我感受到了这种变化,在街上、在与朋友们的交谈中我也感受到了。我无法想象,世界上还有比这里更令人激动的地方。我认为自己是这一划时代变化的见证人。而且,我的女朋友也于 1982 年作为德意志学术交流中心的教师从柏林来到北京。她的中国故事还没有结束。所以,当中方和德方邀请我参加德语课教材编写工作时,我抓住了这个机会。原计划的两年,变成了 16 年的北外时光。

▲ 1990 年第一次使用《德语教程》,示范课后与部分教师、1990级学生的合影

21 年后

友谊宾馆和北外之间的三环路上,有三座桥:四通桥、向南转弯处的苏州桥和相隔不远的万寿桥。这些不是行人过街天桥——行人过街桥有很多,北外门口有一条地下通道——而是六车道、交叉路口甚至八车道的机动车道,其中 1980 年还在走骡车的路,在四车道的基础上又加了四车道,变成了一道巨大的交通风景。

如果开车驶过万寿桥,还能看到下面的灰色老教学楼和行政楼,还能看到主楼——这是已经从学院变成大学的北外的建筑骄傲,作为古建筑,还会被保留几十年。主楼挡住了东院新的现代化建筑:大礼堂、图书馆、阿拉伯中心、食堂、餐馆、咖啡馆,还有最里面的学生宿舍楼。北外的新骄傲是北外的出版社,全称“外语教学与研究出版社”,简称“外研社”。12层的外研社大楼,像一根红色的手指,耸立在西院的南侧,远远高于三环路上的立交桥。这座融合了德国包豪斯和后现代主义风格的建筑,是明星建筑师崔凯的作品,曾获得 20 世纪 90 年代杰出建筑的称号。

▲ 时代在变化,我们随时代变化Tempora mutantur, nosque mutamur in illis (Caspar Huperinus, 1500—1553)

从 2001 年开始,这里是我的工作中心。1996 年,我决定离开中国,回到了法国南部的一个小村庄,从事文学和新闻写作。但是,我的计划只坚持了不到五年的时间。2001 年,北外刚满 60 岁,我与北外的同事们开始编写一部新教材,并在外研社得到了一间办公室。

我在北外生活的 40 多年间,许多事物都发生了变化,甚至可以说,一切都变了,包括人,包括我自己。有一点是非常确定的,那就是我变老了,现在已经 70 多岁了,而 80 岁的北外却越来越年轻。

北外还在不断更新,越来越恢宏的建筑物出现在校园里,大多采用红砖外表,与 23 年前建成的外研社大楼相呼应,成为现代北外的新面孔。当然,学校的更新、现代化和年轻化不仅体现在外表的、装饰性的变化。我更是经历了整个大学生活、教学和科研的转变。



现在,教材教学法已经成为我的研究领域,其中吸纳了大脑研究的成果,从死记硬背的学习方法,经过模仿式和主动重现式学习,发展成了自主型、自我设计的学习模式。中国的大学教师们也参与了研究,并撰写了大量相关论文,在大学引入了新的课堂教学方法。他们必须这样做,因为学生也变得不一样了,现在的学生习惯了新媒体,要求更高,更独立,更有个性。我们在 1990 年左右编写的教科书,十年之后就过时了,又需要设计新的教科书。

当这套新教材完成后,我开始着手编写新的词典。因为在这纷繁变化的 30 多年,语言当然也发生了改变。我们 1985 年编纂的《新汉德词典》,当时是最现代、最大的中文西文双语词典,然而,人们现在已经无法借助它来翻译大街上的广告语、电视剧中的对白。用户靠它不能应对新的商业和科技世界以及新的政治现实。以前我们编写词典,都是手写在卡片上,只有很少的工具书可供参考,而今天,我们可以借助互联网无穷的资源,在百度、谷歌和维基世界里搜索,用它来滋养我们的词典编纂工作。今天,我们的工作方式更容易了,效率肯定更高,但任务也变得更复杂了,对字典的要求也更高了。


我经常从外研社 9 层的办公室往下看。从三环路往西有一条路,在我的想象中,还能隐约浮现出。40 年前,我常常在夏日午休时,拐进这条曾经狭窄的小路,因为沿着路走不远,就是大片的农田,一直延伸到香山。只有几个农民在干活,偶尔会遇到打麻雀的猎人。常常有钓鱼人坐在南长河边。曾几何时,皇家朝廷利用这条运河,从紫禁城到颐和园,享受夏日凉爽的空气。不过它早已不再通航,变得有些泥泞。青蛙和鱼儿已经征服了它,岸边也是杂草丛生。我喜欢在这里游泳,在初夏和秋天,在北京高远的蓝天下,在灿烂的阳光中。我的一位德国诗人朋友曾写过一首诗,写的就是这北京的天空,那么高,那么清澈。我的女朋友有时星期天会和我一起去,但她不太喜欢游泳。因为她第一次在这里游泳时,就有一只小蝌蚪游进了她嘴里。这对她来说,有点过于“自然”了。




共同的庆祝活动、聚餐、喝酒,不仅让大家的共处变得温馨,而且在 20 世纪 80 年代初,这也具有政治和心理层面的意义。几杯啤酒——当时还是稀缺商品——或者几杯白酒之后,人们可以倾诉心底的话,埋葬过去,共同面向未来。


未来中国发展的速度,比当初想象的快。人们所有的意愿和行动都指向了现代化、开放、进步,也包括个人生活质量的提高,这尤其能在住房改善上体现出来。多年前,校园内的住房面积小,设备差。如果一对夫妻有孩子,祖父母也住在一起,房间里就必须用帘子和衣柜隔开。一个比我大十岁的单身助教,只有一间房,他和半层楼的住户共用一个厨房和厕所。我在友谊宾馆的公寓里住得很舒适,大学每天为此支付 57元的房租,这相当于当时一位大学老师一个月的工资。


我生活得相对富裕让我感到羞耻,因为我并没有比我的中国同事们做得更多,但我的收入是他们的十倍,此外我还有更高的德国工资。物质上的优越——连同第一批外国“专家”当时的其他所有特权——让我感到很别扭。所以,当我从 2001 年开始我的北外故事第二章,外教和中国教师的生活水平趋于一致时,我感到很高兴。


Livet forstås baglæns, men må leves forlæns (Søren Kierkegaard, 1813—1855)

心理上的不敏感和政治上的进步,使我常常忽略贫困和匮乏,把清贫的生活美化成正确的生活。我来自德意志联邦共和国,那是一个物质生活富裕、习惯于浪费的社会,而我作为具有反叛精神的 68 一代,对我的国家持极端批判态度。那里的经济,最终以捞钱、消费、刺激购买、广告和商品的交换价值为目的。当时的中国没有广告,起决定作用的是商品的使用价值。这种看重本质而非现象、注重为社会造福的价值取向,加上对自然资源的谨慎使用以及人们的谦逊态度,给我留下了非常好的印象。

回顾我的北外故事开端,其矛盾点在于,我认为我 40 年前的好印象并没有错,但是,当时我对中国和中国人太缺乏了解。现在,我知道了,追求物质上的安全感和富裕是进步的动力。它不仅使生活更加愉快、更加无忧无虑,还能提供自主生活的自由和时间,可以在文化和学术领域继续深造,可以进行科学和创造性工作。如果忽略了人们的需求,那么,任何怀旧式的回顾都是倒退。

既然生活必须面向未来,那么,在北外 80 周年校庆之际,我们对于所取得的成就进行评判和赞扬,都是次要的。如果前辈们成就斐然,应该对他们表示感谢。但是,更重要的是今天在职的同人们,他们要为未来做出规划。今天的挑战比以往任何时候都大,尤其是对一所外国语大学而言,它的教育使命是在不同文化之间架起语言的桥梁,促进国际理解,在当今环境问题、战争和难民灾难、流行病和民族利己主义对我们的地球构成的新的生存威胁时,促进国际合作。

1980 年,我作为第一批来自西欧国家的外国人之一,通过国家间交流,得以在中国进行教学和科学工作。我在北外受到了真诚的欢迎。41年来,我感受到大家对我这个外国人的理解、与我进行真诚开放的思想交流。我体验到对不同意见的容忍、在共同项目上的平等工作、在所有日常事务中的帮助以及非常多的友善。我希望,也相信,这种精神在未来的几十年里会继续为大学带来成功。

北外不仅带给我许多故事,而且,我人生经历中的一大部分和我职业生涯中最重要的部分,是在北外度过的。我在这里工作的重要性,我的同事们和学生们会做出评判。40 年来,我跟他们共同经历了这些往事和我的人生历史。为此,我对北外和我的同事们表示感谢。


▲ 和北外德语系部分同事合影

塞尔维亚语言文学教师,在北京外国语大学执教十年,曾与中国和塞尔维亚学生一起工作,教授语言、出版著作、从事文章校对和编辑工作,并为北外录制音频资料。她曾主持塞尔维亚语ECL考试。在贝尔格莱德语言学院的教育支持下,她拥有塞尔维亚语言文学教授和教学方法硕士学位。2019 年,娜塔莎获得国际人才研究中心颁发的荣誉证书。

关于任职十年来的北外的变化我不再赘述,北外开设了超过 100 个外国语种的教学等信息及数据在学校官网上都有相关介绍。

▲ 娜塔莎与塞尔维亚语大二学生在逸夫楼教室合影

▲ 娜塔莎的小女儿Evelina, “I love BFSU”


▲ 娜塔莎的小女儿Evelina(8 岁)写给北外的小诗



波兰语外教鲁安杰博士,自 2010 年起在北京从事波兰语教学工作,已培养 4 届波兰语言文学专业学生。2013 年获北京外国语大学“最受欢迎的外教”奖。2014 年12 月 19 日获波兰驻华大使馆“为波中关系发展做出贡献”奖章。2019 年获科技部主办的全国“我最喜爱的外教”十强。他教学经验丰富,教授波兰语精读、翻译等多门课程;工作认真负责,承担大量波兰语言文学教研室的教学工作和教研工作,包括但不限于编写适合中国人的文学教科书,出版教科书Oswoić Tekst(《驯服文本》)和多篇关于中国教学的学术及教学文章;心怀中国,了解中国。


我们还是从头说起吧……2010 年 8 月底,我落地北京(机场)T3 航站楼。记得那天天气很暖和,而我拎着沉重的手提行李,里面装了很多书,来迎接新的挑战。我很期待与当时北外波兰语教研室主任的第一次见面,他会来机场接我。之前,他只见过我的照片,还互发过邮件。但相认没有问题,因为他有一张纸,上面写着我的名字。在最初的愉快经历之后,我便开始了一系列证明中国人民善良、开放,尤其是好客的历程。去往大学校园的路上,我是在问东问西中度过的,惊讶于北京规模和建设的宏大。我们在路上经过的第一个古迹是雍和宫,这个地方我后来曾多次游览。主任带着我参观了校园,带我去吃饭、散步、健身、游泳的地方。被三环路分为西、东两部分的校园,尽管以中国人的标准来看并不是那么宽敞,但在我看来大得像海一样。西校区主要供外国学生和教师居住,东校区则供中国学生居住。我住的楼里汇聚了来自世界各地的语言教师。我立即开始寻找斯拉夫人,有他们的陪伴,我总会感觉很好。于是,我遇到了一个斯洛伐克人、一个捷克人、一个塞尔维亚人、一个克罗地亚人和一个斯洛文尼亚人,后来还有一个保加利亚人,都是女教师。这些女士都已经在中国生活了一年以上,或多或少拥有一些经验。她们非常坦诚地欢迎我进入她们的圈子。小店门口的红椅子,成为我们在和煦阳光下或夜晚的聚会场所。对我来说,这些红椅子从那一刻起就成了多元文化和热烈讨论的象征。大多数情况下,我们每个人都用自己的语言说话,这也证明了多样性中的统一性,我们总是能找到某种相处方式。

▲ 鲁安杰与北外波兰语专业师生合影


转眼已是 2021 年,距离我第一次来北京,开始在北京外国语大学工作已经过去了不少时间。周围的一切都在飞速变化着,校园的面貌已经和当初主任带我参观的时候,和我孩子般地天真询问一切的时候不一样了。从前在春夏之夜,老师们坐在红椅子上,就如何进行文化教学和有效教学交流经验、交换宝贵意见的地方已经不存在了。取而代之的,是东校区宏伟的图书馆。它的建筑让人钦佩和感动,特别是当我看到镂空外墙上用波兰语写着的“图书馆”的时候。这里有新的绿地和花坛,有为纪念中国与欧盟建交而种植的银杏园,有美丽的池塘,还有许多新的设施和教室。但有一件事物一直没有变,我希望永远不会变,那就是波兰语专业的教职员工、全校学生,以及外国教师们共同营造的美好氛围。正是因为有这些兢兢业业的人,八十年来,北京外国语大学才获得了中国最好的语言类大学的称号。如果我们注意到北外的年龄,那么八十年无疑为这所大学增添了厚重感。在欧洲,人们都说葡萄酒最精致的味道是随着年月的增长而酝酿出来的。大学也是如此。虽然寿星可能不喜欢大肆庆祝,但大学,包括老牌的北京外国语大学,自然可以为自己的特殊纪念日而自豪!

▲ 鲁安杰与北外波兰语专业易丽君教授及学生合影

Vivat academia,

vivant professores,

vivat membrum quodlibet,

vivant membra quaelibet,

semper sint in flore!






1987—1990 年及 1997—2001 年德意志学术交流中心委派外教,在北外德语系任教。克鲁姆博士在北外德语系任教期间,为本科生和研究生开设文学课、应用文写作课,举办讲座,辅导本科和硕士论文,并为《德语学习》杂志供稿,还为一本世界文学诗集撰写赏析文章。自 2001 年以来,他作为海德堡大学对外德语系和国际学习中心教师,往返于中德两国之间,在北外与海德堡大学的合作框架下同北外德语学院教师一起组织在北外举行的海德堡大学DSH考试。

1987—1990 年在北外英语二系任外教。邓安琪在任教期间教授英语课和国情课。

Our enduring fascination with China began in August 1987 when we landed in Beijing, Angela from Montreal and Peter from Heidelberg. As a DAAD lecturer, Peter had a contract as a lecturer in the German Department while Angela had signed on to teach for a year at the Second English Department. On the advice of a professor at McGill, Angela had travelled on a one-way ticket to China. “Who knows,” said the professor, “you might want to stay longer!” In total, we stayed for seven years, over two periods, from 1987 to 1990 and from 1997 to 2001.

▲ 20 世纪 80 年代末的学校西院大门

During this time, we had the opportunity to compare two “generations”of students, and were able to observe the different attitudes to life and studying between them. During the first period, the students at the German Department were very enthusiastic about expanding their horizons. Since travel was not as common then as it is now, learning a foreign language was a window to the world, and a chance to glimpse foreign cultures through literature, lectures, and any media available. Some students used the language as a stepping stone into business or graduate degrees abroad. Many students excelled. We were not surprised to see one of Peter’s former students on CCTV news perched between the Chinese premier and the German chancellor, acting as a translator for the visiting government delegation. Today some of his students are ministry officials, diplomats, high-ranking executives, and consultants for both Chinese and international companies. Still other former students are now on staff in the German Department at BFSU. Peter continues to engage in the strong relationship between Heidelberg University and BFSU. Prior to the pandemic and hopefully soon again, he travelled twice a year to Beijing to examine students eager to study in Germany.

▲ 邓安琪与学生合影

▲ 结婚证

▲ 在欧美同学会举办婚礼,接受同事们赠送的结婚贺礼

In the Second English Department, Angela taught middle school teachers who came from five northern provinces. During the second stay, she was employed in the public relations industry at a time when the Chinese economic boom was in full swing.

For us the years at BFSU are closely connected with our personal story.We met on the campus and a curious anecdote illustrates just how close that connection is. One night shortly after we had met, we were having dinner at a restaurant on the campus when a student approached us and asked if he could interview us. He was doing research on “western attitudes towards love and marriage”. His first question was “How long have you been in love?” Peter answered that he needed to talk to the lady before answering the question.Obviously we needed a little push from outside.

▲ 与同事合影

In 1989, we got married in Beijing (Angela wearing red) with two of our BFSU colleagues as witnesses. When we returned in 1997, it was with a five-year-old son, Lukas (Xiao Lu). His little brother, FeiFei, was born at the Beijing Union Medical College in December of that year. By the time we left China to return to live in Germany in 2001, both spoke fluent Chinese,now unfortunately lost, FeiFei with a slight Anhui dialect thanks to his wonderful āyí.

▲ 与学生们合影(约 2000 年)

Of the 80 year history of BFSU, we are proud to have been a part of it for 34 years. Many of our most abiding and fondest friendships were formed during our years at BFSU. We always felt very warmly-welcomed by the staff and students at BFSU. One aspect of our time at BSFU that we both enjoyed was the opportunity to learn about the rich culture of the country. We both felt we could learn as much if not more than we contributed.

▲ 与伊莎白·柯鲁克教授及其家人合影

To the president, staff, and all our friends at BFSU, we extend our warmest wishes and congratulations on the 80th anniversary of its founding!

意大利汉学家,现任北京外国语大学国际中国文化研究院长期外籍专家。麦克雷自 2009 年开始,一直在北外讲授拉丁语和古希腊语。他积极参与中西文化交流方面的科学研究,进行了大量的文献翻译、整理、校对工作,为拉丁语的推广及中西文化交流做出了特殊贡献。麦克雷的主要著作有《拉丁语基础教程》 (Lingua Latinaad Sinenses Discipulos Accomodata)、《汉学中的精神》 (Sinologia Spirituale)、《第一孔子翻译》(Il Primo Confucio Latino)等。

The colleagues. I am so honored to work with such friendly and professional colleagues. We are really a team. In particular, I would like to mention Professor Zhang Xiping. He gave me a wonderful example: the promotion of academic activities is not only teaching in a class or writing articles. It is also international exchanges, conferences, meetings, research of funding, establishing connections with other scholars, inviting experts, sharing research projects, urging students to work hard and better, linking with the government, cooperation with various institutions, and creation of a team spirit.Professor Zhang taught me that for the development of human culture you need to work hard, take risks and dream big.


▲ 2009 年,与汉学中心(现在的国际中国文化研究院)老师及张西平院长在颐和园合影

The students. I met many students in these years. Many are now teachers,some also in BFSU. The passion for languages, the desire for cultural exchanges and the openness to the world without complex and without arrogance are the most beautiful characteristics of BFSU students.


▲ 2010 年 10 月研究生拉丁语课

▲ 2011 年 12 月,学校举办北外外国专家新年盛宴

The other foreign experts. We share the same apartment complex and the same feeling of being considered—as all foreigners in China—both different and interesting. I experienced in BFSU that among academics the national identity is not a source of division or separation but a reciprocal enrichment.


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