首页 理论教育 如何避免中式英语?翻译技巧分享


时间:2023-06-06 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:Chinglish 一词是由Chinese与English掐头去尾而成,它指中式英语,即那种畸形的、混合的、既非英语又非汉语的语言文字,虽然形式上是英语,但在用词搭配上又不符合英语习惯用法,也可称之为“具有汉语特色的英语”。例如,将“经济发达国家”译成“the economically developed countries”,“一小撮捣乱分子”译成“a tiny handful of troublemakers”都是我们常见的典型的中式英语。


Chinglish 一词是由Chinese与English掐头去尾而成,它指中式英语,即那种畸形的、混合的、既非英语又非汉语的语言文字,虽然形式上是英语,但在用词搭配上又不符合英语习惯用法,也可称之为“具有汉语特色的英语”。这是中国的英语学习者在学习过程中受到母语的干扰而导致的一种既不符合英语语法、又不符合英语惯用法的语言表达方式,是“死译、硬译、字字对译”的结果,这种受汉语思维影响的“双边英语”往往是中国人看不懂,外国人也不明白。翻译家Peter Newmark指出:“He (one who writes or speaks in a foreign language) will be ‘caught’ out every time, not by grammar, which is probably suspiciously ‘better’ than an educated natives, not by his vocabulary, which may well be wider, but by his unacceptable or improbable collocations.”(讲或写外语的人,很容易被讲本族语的人识别出来,他们不是通过语法,因为其语法可能比一个受过教育的本族语人还要好;也不是通过单词,因为其词汇量可能很大;而是通过他所用的词汇搭配难以或者根本不可能为讲本族语的人所接受这一点而判断出来的)。Newmark这里所说的,也就是汉译英译者最应该努力克服的中式英语。曾在外专局工作多年的美国专家Joan Pinkham曾对中式英语下了一个比较全面的定义:“Chinglish, of course, is that misshapen,hybrid language that is neither English nor Chinese but that might be described as‘English with Chinese characteristics’”。(所谓中式英语就是那种畸形的、混合的、既非英语又非汉语的语言文字,也可称其为“具有汉语特色的英语”。)(Pinkham 2000:1-4)。

例如,将“经济发达国家”译成“the economically developed countries”,“一小撮捣乱分子”译成“a tiny handful of troublemakers”都是我们常见的典型的中式英语。因为“developed countries”,本来就是指“经济发达国家”,而“a handful of”本来就是指“一小撮”,译文中所添加的“economically”“tiny”都是十足的画蛇添足。在英语中,这些“多余的词”显然与其所修饰的成分构成了“语义重复”,而为讲英语的本族人所难以接受。如果说,“语义重复”式的中式英语,一经点破,能够或者容易为译者所识别和接受的话,“语义冲突”式的中式英语,即使教师(尤其是母语为汉语的翻译教师)指出,却难以为汉译英学习者所信服。比如,学生将“学习知识” 译为“study/learn knowledge”,“犯错”译为“commit a mistake”,老师指出这样译不妥,学生对此难以理解和接受。他们会问“为什么可以用“acquire knowledge”而不可以用“study/learn knowledge”?为什么可以用“commit a crime”而不可以用“commit a mistake”呢?对于以上问题,只用在英语中习惯上如此这样的解释是没有什么说服力的。最重要的是,如果在以后的翻译中碰到类似的问题,我们怎样才能判断这样的译法是不妥的?怎样译才是自然、地道的英语呢?语言的学习是终生的。我们不能因学习者的语义能力不是短时间内就能够获得而感到汉译英教学意义不大。事实上,随着语料库语言学的发展,尤其是借助于英语语料库对搭配的研究,可以有效地帮助学生克服不妥当的语义组合,加快语言习得的内化过程,避免中式英语,译出自然、地道的英语表达方式。



译一:China’s contribution to global growth exceeded 30 percent.

译二:China contributed more than 30 percent of global growth.

译三:China contributed more than 30 percent to global growth.



译一:Guests are requested to show their own valid papers to prove their identities and to tell the reason for lodging when they check in at the hotel.


译二:Please help us to speed up your check-in by presenting your ID.



We must stick to the principle of attending to both spiritual and material civilizations and keeping a firm grip on both.


An Indonesian airliner crashed into the sea shortly after taking off from Jakarta.All 189 people on board are thought to have died in what is the worst commercial airline disaster so far this year.(主动语态变为被动语态)



Situated on the Huangpu River and at the point of Lujiazui in Pudong, the Oriental Pearl Radio and Television Tower is surrounded by waters on three sides and faces a row of buildings of variegated international architectural styles in the Bund across the river.This 468-meter-tall tower ranks first in Asia and third in the world in height.


Home mortgages were devastated by towering interest rates and risky “creative financing”.

(7)最近刚上市的中国电动汽车制造商蔚来(Nio)的股价飙升了五分之一,因为有消息称,特斯拉最大的外部投资者、基金经理贝利·吉福德(Baillie Gifford)持有这家总部位于上海的公司11.4%的股份。

The share price of Nio, a Chinese electric-carmaker which recently listed on the stockmarket, soared by a fifth upon the news that Tesla’s biggest outside investor, Baillie Gifford, a fund manager, has amassed an 11.4% stake in the Shanghai-based company.(改变逻辑关系)


The World Trade Organization, whose predecessor was the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, was established on January 1, 1995.

(9)中国汽车需求放缓,捷豹路虎(Jaguar Land Rover)计划关闭其位于英国的主要装配厂,为期两周。

A brake in demand for cars in China caused Jaguar Land Rover to plan a two-week closure of its main assembly plant in Britain.(改变主语)


It is generally agreed among experts that the proactive fiscal policy has considerably contributed to the rapid economic growth in recent years.


A good deed is no longer good if it is done for show;

An evil deed is all the worse if it is covered up.(裘克安译)



Volkswagen said its sales in China had dropped by 10% in September, adding to poor sales in Europe, where many of its vehicles do not meet tougher emissions standards.(改变逻辑关系)


American employers added 134,000 workers to the payroll in September, the smallest increase in a year with its unemployment rate falling to 3.7%, the lowest since 1969.(改变逻辑关系)


The long hot summer injected a bit of heat into the British economy with its GDP growing at a robust rate of 0.7% for the three months to August, 2018, the same as the three months to July, which was the fastest pace since early 2017.(改变逻辑关系)



译文:The Haikou Power Station Project invested by the Hong Kong-Macao International Investment Co., Ltd.was highly appraised for its construction speed and quality.


译文:Shanghai SFECO Group has 5 share-holding companies.


译文:China Minsheng Banking Corporation, Ltd.


译文:After the bid is awarded, we shall immediately start our advance-phase preparation.


译文:Welcome you to visit our fair!


译文:Our company exports industrial products, chemicals, medicines and etc..


译文:We hereby entrust your company to be our business agent in Mauritius.


译文:Any of the two parties can not divulge the contents of the contract to a third party after the conclusion of the contract.


译文:After this agreement is signed by the two parties, all parties shall strictly abide by it.





“________”is a new kind of regulating agent for plant growth invented by Engineer________.Among the domestic leaf-spraying agents, “________”is the one with the most prize rewards, the highest prize, the widest application and best output increasing result.

________Factory set up by________was listed in the Senate’s 1991 Torch Program.“________”is a symbol of high-tech and large-scale production.

2.“________” 口服液是国内首创的新一代保健佳品,经________省药物研究所药理试验,并通过省级鉴定。含有丰富的蛋白质氨基酸维生素及微量元素,具有调节机体功能,促进消化吸收机能增强体质,提高心脑工作效率和记忆力,消除疲劳。适于健康人和病后体虚,小儿厌食,老人体弱,尿频,中年用脑过度,失眠。(www.xing528.com)



“________” oral liquid is the new generation of the best health protection product invented first in China.It has been experimented by________, and has passed the provincial assessment.It contains rich protein, amino acid, vitamin, as well as trace elements.It has abilities to regulate the function of the human body, promote the physical quality, raise the heart and brain’s efficiency and the remembrance, and get rid of tiredness.It has the evident effect for those including the normal people, the weak patients who have just recovered from disease, and the children who are tired of foods, the weak old people, the patients who have a frequent micturition, the middle-age people who overwork their brain, and the patients who have insomnia.

“________” is suitable for the patients to take with empty stomach, two times each day, one ampoule each time, the dosage for the patients to take it first should be double.If the weak or sick people take the excess, it will have better effect.“________” has no poisonous side effect when you take it frequently, and does not contain any hormone or antiseptic.

蒂森克虏伯电梯集团年销售额约53亿欧元,公司拥有43 000名员工,分布在全球800多个办公场所,使用着20多种语言。在摩天大厦、住宅楼、办公楼、星级酒店、机场和购物中心,无论您是在水平或垂直空间内移动,蒂森克虏伯电梯都将快速、安全及舒适地把您带到目的地。蒂森克虏伯电梯由六大业务单元组成,其中四个业务单元主要集中于地区性的电梯业务,包括:中/东/北欧、南欧/非洲/中东、美洲以及亚洲/太平洋。其他两个则是全球性运作的产业业务单元,包括:扶梯/登机桥以及无障碍设施(无障碍升降机、平台升降机以及家用别墅梯)。

With annual sales of €5.3 billion, ThyssenKrupp Elevator has almost 43,000 employees at more than 800 locations speaking more than 20 languages.In skyscrapers, residential buildings, office buildings, luxurious hotels, airports and shopping malls: whether you need to move upward or forward, ThyssenKrupp Elevator takes you there quickly, safely and comfortably.ThyssenKrupp Elevator is organized into six business units, four of which concentrate on the regional elevator business (Central/Eastern/Northern Europe, Southern Europe/Africa/Middle East, Americas and Asia/Pacific).The other two, which operate globally, are: Escalators/Passenger Boarding Bridges and Accessibility (stair and platform lifts,as well as smaller elevators for private homes).


1.line(s) (轮船、航空、航运等)公司

Atlantic Container Line 大西洋集装箱海运公司

Hawaiian Air Lines 夏威夷航空公司

2.agency 公司,代理行

The Austin Advertising Agency 奥斯汀广告公司

China Ocean Shipping Agency 中国外轮代理公司

3.store(s) 百货公司

Great Universal Store 大世界百货公司(英)

Tesco Stores (Holdings) 乐购百货(控股〕

4.associates (联合)公司

British Nuclear Associates 英国核子联合公司

Subsea Equipment Associates Ltd.海底设备联合有限公司(英、法、美合办)

5.system (广播、航空等)公司

Mutual Broadcasting System 相互广播公司

Malaysian Airline Svqtpm Rhd.马来西亚航空公司

6.office 公司,多与head,home branch等同连用

3M China Limited Guangzhou Branch Office


China Books Import and Export Corporation (Head Office)


7.service(s) (服务)公司

Africa-New Zealand Service


Tropic Air Services



American Manufacturers Foreign Credit Insurance Exchange


Binks (Shanghai) engineering Exhibition Center, Ltd.



Consolidated coal Company 联合煤炭公司(美)

United Aircraft Corporation 联合飞机公司(美)

Allied Food Industry Co.联合食品工业公司(新加坡

Integrated oil Company 联合石油公司

Federated Department Stores 联合百货公司

Union Carbide Coronation 联合碳比合物公司(美)

Associated British Plectra Corporation 英国联合影业公司

China Agricultural Machinery Import and Export Joint Company



Export Credit Insl1rance Corporation出口信贷保险公司

Export Payments Insurance Corpora出口支讨保险公司(澳)

Federal Savings and Loan insurance Corporation联郭储蓄贷款保险公司(美)

Development underwriting Ltd.开发保险公司

AIA 美国友邦保险公司

AIG 美国国际公司


太平洋实业公司 Pacific Industries

华广轻工实业公司 Hua Guang Light industrial Corporation

广联实业有限公司 The Guanglian industrial Commerce Corporation

珠海特区发展实业公司 Zhuhai SEZ Developing Enterprises corporation

广东省外贸实业公司 Guangdong Foreign Trade industry Enterprise Corporation

11.general 既是“总”,又是“通用

General American Transportation Corp.美国运输总公司

Central OII Company 石油总公司(美)

General Motor 通用汽车

General Electric 通用电器

